I don't mind paying a recalibrated VAT according to my country... with two obvious condition:
they remove US market VAT share of the price first THEN inject regional one instead
they dont give bullshit such as 1$ = 1€ as many stores and firms use to do to europeans (last time I checked currency converter and financial news, the change rate wasn't 1 for 1)
so if i pay "starting price in $" - US VAT + My region VAT = raw unconverted $ price, i'll be fine with it
oh, and btw about AAA games not coming drm free, think about witcher 2 at it's release (on pc not consoles), think obviously witcher 3.... they are not aaa game then ? ok fine
then watch the past history of few recent years and look the raw copy sales in number of a game released DRM less among a sea of DRMised sharks (first occurence i recall is around 2005-2006 with sin of solar empire)
steam would be ok except for three major issues:
many solo non multiplayer games cannot run in offline mode
the steam client is really not compliant with developper guidelines of user account/system security layers for the Windows platform
intrusive and forced communautaristic behavior
i'm an old dirty cunt, i like to be able to enjoy many great games that are part of my gamer legacy without having to get back from the attic and old machine because they wont run on my current computer, nor without having pain in my arse about CD's, CD checks, CD copy protection junk that usuaally shoot down a decent system (i dropped playing neverwinter nights 2 only 2 weeks after release and playing it because of the mess it did to my freshly installed comp... only started back playing it at gog release)
I dont care about most AAA games because:
many are dull and an insult to my gamer experience and old age
most of those i could like are also available on console (though new wave of game system are pain in the ass)
by the time i got time to play them, they will be platinum/budget reedited and after buying them discount, it will be easy to force them drm free in a way or the other
Many good games (indies and nearly AAA or big ones) are released nowadays drm free
so i don care if you dont see the revolution out there, cause i do
gog started it, the rest is left to us
as long as i refuse/restrict access to my game shelve and computer to drm shit, i'm the only captain on my ship and no one will decide what i should play and how
Sslaxx: "Core values"? They are a business, and a business has no values, core or not. Just selling points.
jamyskis: That's not strictly true. Every company attaches a certain financial value to reputation, and part of building a positive reputation is establishing values. Stuff like this is even quantified in iFRS financial reporting, classified under "goodwill".
yeah, as EA got labelled worst company two years in a row, soon a third one :)