I got it on steam, being an idiot and thinking it would make things easier. Well, it didn't , since I messed up by running the steam integrity checker after an update failed to apply. Had to redownload the entire thing 3 times, with a total of 60 gigs done. Not particularly fun, that. If I had gotten it from amazon, it would've been cheaper AND faste, only missing things like a cosmetic steam hoodie and a steam shirt (and maybe the temple cat familiar), which would have been no big loss.
Then once it was downloaded, I tried it. Holy shit the point and click controls are awkward, and the "actiony" one is not particularly good either. Combat feels assy and the way the character moves is strange.
Immediately after struggling with the tutorial controls, I got into it. And got hooked. It, as a game, is worse than DCUO, but the rest? The rest is top notch. The textures are gorgeous, the concept is very interesting, the writing is very very solid (to be expected from the lead dev of The Longest Journey/Dreamfall), the puzzles are GREAT, and once used to it, the combat is very fun, hell I've already finished two of the starter decks.
Which by the way, is a genius idea, you can build your character however you want, however you please, picking whatever skills you desire, but there are guiding "decks", which once you get them, you even get an outfit. That is an interesting way to deal with levels and classes. There are none.
By the way, polariser sucks compared to enforcer, basically no area of effect shit even if it does have a cage thing. I think I am gonna develop shotguns and elementalism for a while.