robb5: Shane one question: You buyed the keys today? Because I readed that (I am not 100% sure) the keys bought from december to february get the first DLC for free.
Yes, I bought the keys today. I've also read that you get the Initiate Pack for free but am unable to check. Maybe someone else here, or yourself, can check if they've registered?
Kunovski: I will! :o) thanks again!!!
My pleasure :)
mystral: So, I haven't played a MMO in a year, so it might be time to pick up a new one, and TSW seems potentially the most interesting one.
So, I have a few questions:
I've heard a lot about puzzles, is it really heavy on those? While I don't mind them in small doses, I really hate illogical puzzles where you need to try everything until something works (like Monkey Island).
Do you need to grind at some point in the game?
How soloable is it? I prefer grouping, but often I can't anybody nice to group with, and I dislike having to wait for a group before being able to do things.
The puzzles (Investigative missions) assume you have a brain and they've freaking awesome. Such a lovely change from being hand help. Some will require you to use the built-in browser to research or even access specially made web-pages for the game. The game is not heavy on the puzzles (all missions in the game are a choice)
All games have a grind aspect to them but I feel this one doesn't have the tired feel like most grindy games. In regards to missions, you can't re-do them straight away as they have a time limit. This makes you check out other places and missions so when you choose to repeat a mission, it's not bad and the ones you want. I've never found it a chore
I hate forced grouping in games and LOVE to solo and have solo'd everything so far (72 hours worth). The only help you'll need is for the dungeons (one per area IIRC) and even those are a choice. Later on, when your skill level and equipment is of a higher QL (Quality Level) you can solo the dungeons from what I've read. It'll be a challenge and a half, but people have done it
Finding a group, if you need it, isn't too hard via the chat area (conditional though) Beware that people are looking for specific types (healers, tanks, ranged) so sometimes it's annoying to find a group if you want to be in one