robb5: About the ARG: No I did not completed it. And about the game: a lot of people think that every new MMO will be either a WoW Clone, either a WoW Killer. Some people don't understand that every MMO try to be different and unique. So the result is a bad rep for the game.
shane-o: I didn't find out about the ARG till a while after it started :( It really requires a brain though, which is awesome :D I only really had a look and play with the ARG
I think it got a bad rap cause it's harder than most games and requires a brain. Also, I think there may of been some niggling issues at the start? Not sure though, people are fickle
Ah I see, shame, I completed it and cant wait for the new one, I just wish I could say I did it without a lot of help...I simply dont get why people judge games before trying them, same thing happened to Spec Ops The Line, wonderful game, but people think its yet another generic shooter.