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Bewulf: Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia and Memoria are back in the Pot of Gold selection, just got both of them!
They are indeed! I picked up Deponia 3 just now with four list games, and saw Memoria appear in a cart of five pots! Get 'em while they last, folks!

EDIT: And now I just bought a cart with Memoria AND Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs in it! Looks like I have a nice gift code for someone with these games I already own:

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Giana Sisters: Rise of the Owlverlord
Zombie Shooter

I now have the full Pots list. Achievement unlocked: Leprechaun Hunter
Post edited March 17, 2014 by IAmSinistar
Bewulf: Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia and Memoria are back in the Pot of Gold selection, just got both of them!
IAmSinistar: They are indeed! I picked up Deponia 3 just now with four list games, and saw Memoria appear in a cart of five pots! Get 'em while they last, folks!
Ahh that's good for many folks, but.. I already got them, I want Aarklash or Cognition instead! :(
IAmSinistar: They are indeed! I picked up Deponia 3 just now with four list games, and saw Memoria appear in a cart of five pots! Get 'em while they last, folks!
phaolo: Ahh that's good for many folks, but.. I already got them, I want Aarklash or Cognition instead! :(
See my above edit, it looks like they may all be back, since I picked up Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs as well. That's three from the RARE list in about five minutes of shopping.
Bewulf: Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia and Memoria are back in the Pot of Gold selection, just got both of them!
IAmSinistar: They are indeed! I picked up Deponia 3 just now with four list games, and saw Memoria appear in a cart of five pots! Get 'em while they last, folks!

EDIT: And now I just bought a cart with Memoria AND Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs in it! Looks like I have a nice gift code for someone with these games I already own:

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Giana Sisters: Rise of the Owlverlord
Zombie Shooter

I now have the full Pots list. Achievement unlocked: Leprechaun Hunter
I've wanted to try Amnesia A Machine For Pigs but too many people have accused it of being a fancy walking simulator for me to actually pick it up. What do you think since you say you already have it?
phaolo: Ahh that's good for many folks, but.. I already got them, I want Aarklash or Cognition instead! :(
IAmSinistar: See my above edit, it looks like they may all be back, since I picked up Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs as well. That's three from the RARE list in about five minutes of shopping.
I'm puzzled, I'm still getting the same old crap O_o

EDIT: Well, if you can obtain a giftable Aarklash, please trade with me, I have Outlast!
Post edited March 17, 2014 by phaolo
theslitherydeee: I've wanted to try Amnesia A Machine For Pigs but too many people have accused it of being a fancy walking simulator for me to actually pick it up. What do you think since you say you already have it?
Can't render an option of it yet since I've not played it. I was going to try it after I finished the first Amnesia, but found myself getting very frustrated with that. (Being in darkness drives your character insane, yet he must hide in darkness to avoid creatures.) I think I liked the first Penumbra better.
IAmSinistar: See my above edit, it looks like they may all be back, since I picked up Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs as well. That's three from the RARE list in about five minutes of shopping.
phaolo: I'm puzzled, I'm still getting the same old crap O_o
Me too, they might have changed it so that getting rare games is dependent on how many bundles you've bought, since the people who are getting them already seem to have gotten quite a few already.
I just rolled a five-pot with Aarklash Legacy as one of the titles.

EDIT: And now one with Deadly Premonition.
Post edited March 17, 2014 by IAmSinistar
phaolo: I'm puzzled, I'm still getting the same old crap O_o
theslitherydeee: Me too, they might have changed it so that getting rare games is dependent on how many bundles you've bought, since the people who are getting them already seem to have gotten quite a few already.
I only bought 1 single bundle!
I obtained other titles by trading.
IAmSinistar: I just rolled a five-pot with Aarklash Legacy as one of the titles.
Ahhh! what does it have inside? Tradee
Post edited March 17, 2014 by phaolo
phaolo: Ahhh! what does it have inside? Tradee
Aarklash: Legacy
Penumbra Collection
Ittle Dew
Avernum: The Complete Saga

The other one has:

Deadly Premonition
Ittle Dew
System Shock 2
Alien Shooter + Expansions
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded

I can keep rolling if someone has a list of three or four COMMONs they want and one specific RARE, as the RAREs come up for me pretty regularly.
Post edited March 17, 2014 by IAmSinistar
theslitherydeee: I've wanted to try Amnesia A Machine For Pigs but too many people have accused it of being a fancy walking simulator for me to actually pick it up. What do you think since you say you already have it?
IAmSinistar: Can't render an option of it yet since I've not played it. I was going to try it after I finished the first Amnesia, but found myself getting very frustrated with that. (Being in darkness drives your character insane, yet he must hide in darkness to avoid creatures.) I think I liked the first Penumbra better.
That's what I loved about it. Its economics, do you hide in the darkness and go insane or do you make a break for it and try to find shelter in a room light a lantern really quick so that there's light then hide behind some barrels. However if you didn't like that feature you'll be pleased to hear that A Machine for Pigs doesn't, that's one of the reasons people accuse it of being a walking simulator. You have unlimited light and are not afraid of the dark so there is no real urgency in going through areas.
phaolo: I'm puzzled, I'm still getting the same old crap O_o
Same here, and I don't even have to sneak peek, by now I can tell just by looking at the amount of USD the checkout page says that I save.
Got Memoria!!! \o/
theslitherydeee: That's what I loved about it. Its economics, do you hide in the darkness and go insane or do you make a break for it and try to find shelter in a room light a lantern really quick so that there's light then hide behind some barrels. However if you didn't like that feature you'll be pleased to hear that A Machine for Pigs doesn't, that's one of the reasons people accuse it of being a walking simulator. You have unlimited light and are not afraid of the dark so there is no real urgency in going through areas.
I think the dynamic could have worked, but for me it took too much away from the horror, having to constantly weigh the loss of health against the loss of sanity. It turned what should have been paced horror into a relentless run. That's probably why I enjoyed Penumbra more, there were quiet moments to catch your breath before being scared witless by the next encounter. Here I just felt pushed relentlessly forward by a survival curve weighted too much against me.
theslitherydeee: That's what I loved about it. Its economics, do you hide in the darkness and go insane or do you make a break for it and try to find shelter in a room light a lantern really quick so that there's light then hide behind some barrels. However if you didn't like that feature you'll be pleased to hear that A Machine for Pigs doesn't, that's one of the reasons people accuse it of being a walking simulator. You have unlimited light and are not afraid of the dark so there is no real urgency in going through areas.
IAmSinistar: I think the dynamic could have worked, but for me it took too much away from the horror, having to constantly weigh the loss of health against the loss of sanity. It turned what should have been paced horror into a relentless run. That's probably why I enjoyed Penumbra more, there were quiet moments to catch your breath before being scared witless by the next encounter. Here I just felt pushed relentlessly forward by a survival curve weighted too much against me.
I can see your point, I felt that it worked very well with the story since you have the shadow coming after you and time is running out.