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For a geek, IRL I'm a social butterfly. Student Body Prez in HS. Student government in college. Will probably run for union rep once I get a solid teaching gig.
Read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. You'll thank me for it.
When I was student teaching, the kids actually thanked me profusely for making them read this book. Doesn't happen much.....
For the white collar workplace - try reading The Peter Principle, The Dilbert Principle and Putt's Law. Funny, but 100% true.
Power of Positive Criticism is pretty good, too. I'm something of a perfectionist. Instinctively, I generally want to tell people, "You're incompetent and you committed 17 errors in the following locations. Fix it or I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be coughing up toes." Instead, I've learned some more people-friendly methods of saying these things. It has some nice prompts that I found pretty useful.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by cioran
Aliasalpha: Not even the simple courtesy of saying "Sorry you missed out, good luck next time". Hell I'd have been happy with "Nope, we don't want you, get stuffed".

Seems to depend. Some places will call you back, a lot of them won't; I just wait a week or so and then needle them to see if the position's still open. To be fair, a lot of places do have a lot of interviewees for their open positions.
Sometimes, though, they just jerk you around, either deliberately or just out of sheer ineptitude or lack of consideration. In fact, they do that a LOT.
Check this out: a while back I applied for some job; I think it was just a shitty position managing a McDonald's, but I needed something and I did have restaurant management experience. They called me in for an interview, so I went down there. The guy doing the hiring talked to me for about five minutes, then he gave me a piece of paper with a web URL on it and told me to go home and take one of those fucking personality tests that I ALWAYS fail, and that they'd call me on Friday or something with the results.
It pissed me off that he dragged me out there just to give me a web site, but I did as he asked. Friday came and went, so I called them up and asked about it. "Uh, I dunno," he said. "You need to call this other guy, he should have your results."
So I called the other guy. "Uh, we don't have the results yet," he said. "I'll call you tomorrow at 2:00."
The next day, 2:00 came and went, so I called the guy up again. "Uh, we don't have the results yet," he said. "I'll definitely call you tomorrow morning."
When he failed to do so, I called him again the following afternoon. "Oh, yeah," he said, "The results came in, but I'm not supposed to share them with you directly. You should call the first guy and ask him."
So I did. "Sorry," he said. "The position has been filled."
Another time, I had an interview for some sort of office job. I think they called me on Tuesday and set up the interview for the coming Thursday. Thursday arrived, and I took a shower, got dressed, and headed out. I pulled into the parking lot about 15 minutes before the interview, got out of the car, and my cell phone rang - it was the lady I had talked to previously. "I'm sorry," she said. "We actually filled that position three weeks ago, but I didn't know."
Post edited August 04, 2009 by Mentalepsy
My Lack of Social agility Tends to Come more from being Indifferent in going to outside venues - I Actually haven't had friends (The Odd Acquaintances Yes) since i left High School. and i have not actually Cared. a Job agency sent me To a Psychologist, in a attempt to ascertain why i having Have not been employed very often - so the psychologist ended telling them i may have a mental Disability because of my disinterest in common pastimes or the fact that i can get Along perfectly fine with Minimal Social Interaction (Which i believe Could be a Plus)
Post edited August 04, 2009 by Master911
Aliasalpha: Not even the simple courtesy of saying "Sorry you missed out, good luck next time". Hell I'd have been happy with "Nope, we don't want you, get stuffed".
Mentalepsy: Seems to depend. Some places will call you back, a lot of them won't; I just wait a week or so and then needle them to see if the position's still open. To be fair, a lot of places do have a lot of interviewees for their open positions.
Sometimes, though, they just deliberately jerk you around. In fact, they do that a LOT.
Check this out: a while back I applied for some job; I think it was just a shitty position managing a McDonald's, but I needed something and I did have restaurant management experience. They called me in for an interview, so I went down there. The guy doing the hiring talked to me for about five minutes, then he gave me a piece of paper with a web URL on it and told me to go home and take one of those fucking personality tests that I ALWAYS fail, and that they'd call me on Friday or something with the results.
It pissed me off that he dragged me out there just to give me a web site, but I did as he asked. Friday came and went, so I called them up and asked about it. "Uh, I dunno," he said. "You need to call this other guy, he should have your results."
So I called the other guy. "Uh, we don't have the results yet," he said. "I'll call you tomorrow at 2:00."
The next day, 2:00 came and went, so I called the guy up again. "Uh, we don't have the results yet," he said. "I'll definitely call you tomorrow morning."
When he failed to do so, I called him again the following afternoon. "Oh, yeah," he said, "The results came in, but I'm not supposed to share them with you directly. You should call the first guy and ask him."
So I did. "Sorry," he said. "The position has been filled."
Another time, I had an interview for some sort of office job. I think they called me on Tuesday and set up the interview for the coming Thursday. Thursday arrived, and I took a shower, got dressed, and headed out. I pulled into the parking lot about 15 minutes before the interview, and my cell phone rang - it was the lady I had talked to previously. "I'm sorry," she said. "We actually filled that position three weeks ago, but I didn't know."

You flunked the personality test. It was probably along the lines of an MBTI. Those are fairly easy to manipulate if you know what you're doing (sales tests screen for aggressiveness and alpha traits, customer service wants beta traits, middle managment skews towards interpersonal skills). Read a book on it. All the chains do this now. I used to administer one for my old company.
With the other one, you probably failed the phone interview. Yes, that was an interview even if they didn't tell you it was.
Basic law of human nature - in general, people like to avoid confrontation even if you don't. A lot. Ever see Fight Club? That's pretty much true. If a girl/job interviewer/etc doesn't call you back after 72 hours, they're generally not interested.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by cioran
cioran: With the other one, you probably failed the phone interview. Yes, that was an interview even if they didn't tell you it was.

Maybe. So what? If so, it just makes them all the shittier for calling me ten minutes before they asked me to be sitting in their office.
cioran: With the other one, you probably failed the phone interview. Yes, that was an interview even if they didn't tell you it was.
Mentalepsy: Maybe. So what? If so, it just makes them all the shittier for calling me ten minutes before they asked me to be sitting in their office.

Woah. Ease up there, buddy. I'm just telling you what probably happened, not condoning it. Most people are spineless and many are incompetent. The sooner you accept it and learn to deal with it, the better off you'll be professionally.
Does that suck what happened? Yeah. Of course.
What would I have done differently? I would've dropped in a resume with that person's supervisor regardless of what they said. "Since I'm up the block anyway, I'll drop in a resume in case a postion opened up, so you'd have it in file in case things don't work out with your new hire, since it was such a pleasure chatting with you." I'd probably bring coffee for the secretary, too. They tend to remember that.
Yadda yadda. It's not magical or anything, but if the person they hired instead of you gets canned after a week when they flunk the drug test (oh, it happens), maybe you get the job instead. Or maybe you get a call down the road.
I've given such things lot of thought, and realize that I just don't like idle small talk, which often is the core of general socializing. If I am in a group with people of similar interest areas, I find it a lot easier to talk, because I actually have something to talk with them about, and since in those groups people have other interests outside as well, it allows it to cross over into something I don't have any general interest in. It's kinda hard to explain, but I prefer having a point of execution for conversations.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by sheepdragon
cioran: Woah. Ease up there, buddy. I'm just telling you what probably happened, not condoning it. Most people are spineless and many are incompetent. The sooner you accept it and learn to deal with it, the better off you'll be professionally.

Sorry if that was overly aggressive, I didn't mean to snap at your throat. <3
I'm not too broken up about that job, though. I try to look at all the failed interviews I've been to as just clearing the way for the good job I have now. :p
Post edited August 04, 2009 by Mentalepsy
cioran: Woah. Ease up there, buddy. I'm just telling you what probably happened, not condoning it. Most people are spineless and many are incompetent. The sooner you accept it and learn to deal with it, the better off you'll be professionally.
Mentalepsy: Sorry if that was overly aggressive, I didn't mean to snap at your throat. <3
I'm not too broken up about that job, though. I try to look at all the failed interviews I've been to as just clearing the way for the good job I have now. :p

If you don't mind my asking, what sector? IT?
sheepdragon: I've given such things lot of thought, and realize that I just don't like idle small talk, which often is the core of general socializing. If I am in a group with people of similar interest areas, I find it a lot easier to talk, because I actually have something to talk with them about, and since in those groups people have other interests outside as well, it allows it to cross over into something I don't have any general interest in. It's kinda hard to explain, but I prefer having a point of execution for conversations.

I had that problem for years until I started reading the newspaper every morning. That's my jumping off point. Generally the sports section.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by cioran
Mentalepsy: Sorry if that was overly aggressive, I didn't mean to snap at your throat. <3
I'm not too broken up about that job, though. I try to look at all the failed interviews I've been to as just clearing the way for the good job I have now. :p
cioran: If you don't mind my asking, what sector? IT?

Good guess :p Yes, I work on a data tracking / document creation tool for special education teachers. I'm not a high-ranking programmer, but I enjoy the work, for the most part.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by Mentalepsy
cioran: If you don't mind my asking, what sector? IT?
Mentalepsy: Good guess :p Yes, I work on a web-based data tracking / document creation tool for special education teachers. I'm not a high-ranking programmer, but I enjoy the work, for the most part.

Is it administrative, district-level, or an IEP program? Huh. If it's IEP software, I have you to blame for those ugly forms. LOL.
Post edited August 04, 2009 by cioran
Mentalepsy: Good guess :p Yes, I work on a web-based data tracking / document creation tool for special education teachers. I'm not a high-ranking programmer, but I enjoy the work, for the most part.
cioran: Is it administrative, district-level, or an IEP program? Huh. If it's IEP software, I have you to blame for those ugly forms. LOL.

Ah, so you work with IEPs? Don't blame us, the school districts tell us what they want them to look like :p
cioran: Is it administrative, district-level, or an IEP program? Huh. If it's IEP software, I have you to blame for those ugly forms. LOL.
Mentalepsy: Ah, so you work with IEPs? Don't blame us, the school districts tell us what they want them to look like :p

Oh, don't worry, I blame them too. Constantly. Right now there's a hiring freeze in NYC. *Cioran slaps Department of Education with a mackerel*
NE, Texas, or CA?
Mentalepsy: Ah, so you work with IEPs? Don't blame us, the school districts tell us what they want them to look like :p
cioran: Oh, don't worry, I blame them too. Constantly. Right now there's a hiring freeze in NYC. *Cioran slaps Department of Education with a mackerel*
NE, Texas, or CA?

You mean which states do we cover? My personal projects are NC, SC and GA, actually, though we also have contracts with other states. My office is in NC.
El_Caz: Whaaat? A girl trying to change you for something she likes more? You don't say!
Really, some girls are like that.

Are you insinuating men are incapable or less prone to such behaviour? :P
Aliasalpha: If I had to choose my all time hero, it'd be a fight between her and Optimus Prime

That post made my day. Thanks.
Aliasalpha: Heh maybe in order to prevent a threadjacking I should start a "general bitch session" or "vent your spleen" thread where people can just scream at the universe in general to get it off their chest.

There's one for digital distribution bashing, why not one for life. :)
Post edited August 04, 2009 by chautemoc