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Everyone here seems very negative about the game. I shall not let your villainy dampen my Skyrimboner!
StingingVelvet: What does Rage have to do with anything?
reaver894: lots of hype, pile of shite

I like to think of it as the Oblivion effect
I call it the Homefront effect or the Battlefield 3 effect ( its still a good game).
Roman5: So apparently the game was leaked for 360 (as usual) 2 weeks early and a lot of people are already playing

After watching some footage Online...all I can say looks very poor

Also: I gotta love the hypocrisy here:

-consoles getting games 2 weeks early as usual
-no major gaming site says anything
-PC game leaks early
Never mind! Miss understood as someone posting vids currently
Post edited November 02, 2011 by Arianus
reaver894: lots of hype, pile of shite

I like to think of it as the Oblivion effect
StingingVelvet: Hyped games that end up average or even bad have been happening since gaming began, I don't know why Rage has any special effect on Skyrim in that regard.
I think it's becasue some people see 'Bethesda' on the box/cover art and automatically relate the two games.
Smannesman: I would've liked to buy the CE, but I'm not buying a game for the price of three regular games just to get a statue.
That's understandable and sounds reasonable. I am thinking about picking this one up just because I don't think I'll pick up any more games until D3. And honestly I just like the dragon.
Gibush: Everyone here seems very negative about the game. I shall not let your villainy dampen my Skyrimboner!


To be honest, I played the hell out of Oblivion before I realized that it was pretty hollow, so even if the game is not what I expect it will still give me several 10's of hours of enjoyment, and this time I went with the PC version so I have no doubt mods will come to the rescue anyway.

In either case, I know that being a Bethesda release I can count on it being relatively bug free on day 1. (Pause for laughter) Anyone? Anyone? nope...
shadesofdeath320: To be honest, I played the hell out of Oblivion before I realized that it was pretty hollow, so even if the game is not what I expect it will still give me several 10's of hours of enjoyment, and this time I went with the PC version so I have no doubt mods will come to the rescue anyway.

In either case, I know that being a Bethesda release I can count on it being relatively bug free on day 1. (Pause for laughter) Anyone? Anyone? nope...
Was Oblivion really buggy on day one? I know Morrowind and Daggerfall were, but didn't hear much about Oblivion. I played it on an Xbox with no access to updates, too. Don't know if that counts.
shadesofdeath320: To be honest, I played the hell out of Oblivion before I realized that it was pretty hollow, so even if the game is not what I expect it will still give me several 10's of hours of enjoyment, and this time I went with the PC version so I have no doubt mods will come to the rescue anyway.
That's how I look at it. Despite the dumbed down mechanics, terrible writing and terrible quest design Oblivion STILL stole 100+ hours of my life after launch. The exploration and world design is just too good, and Skyrim is looking like it improved on those qualities even more. I have no qualms about paying $60 to get the game on release day even if it is Oblivion 2.
While I understand Bethsda's position and why they're doing it, I think they are showing some lack of long term thinking in how they're handling this leak issue specifically towards streams of people playing the game.

Yes, it's illegal. But it's also a form of free advertising. With a game like Skyrim, with supposedly hundreds of hours of material, it's impossible to spoil everything. So by watching an "illegal" stream, you really are just getting a taste of what the game is like. And for 90% of the people looking for those streams, it will just enhance the anticipation and possibly sell extra copies of the game for those on the fence.

In the end, it's only a scant percentage of the gaming population capable of playing the leaked copies. You might as well turn the negative into a positive by allowing people to get further intrigued or hyped by the illegal streams.
shadesofdeath320: To be honest, I played the hell out of Oblivion before I realized that it was pretty hollow, so even if the game is not what I expect it will still give me several 10's of hours of enjoyment, and this time I went with the PC version so I have no doubt mods will come to the rescue anyway.
I too spend lots of hours on Oblivion... but that was before realizing how terribly bored I was and that I was enduring the game for hours and hours only because I liked Morrowind and that I expected that if I was persevering for long enough I would manage to find a good game hidden somewhere. I am not going to make the same mistake for Skyrim.
Gibush: Was Oblivion really buggy on day one? I know Morrowind and Daggerfall were, but didn't hear much about Oblivion.
Oblivion launched in an OK state but Fallout 3 and New Vegas didn't. Skyrim could go either way but I wouldn't be surprised if it needs a patch or two to be considered properly playable.
Gibush: Was Oblivion really buggy on day one? I know Morrowind and Daggerfall were, but didn't hear much about Oblivion.
Arkose: Oblivion launched in an OK state but Fallout 3 and New Vegas didn't.
Gamebryo alone constitutes as a bug. I had a horrible stuttering problem, which wasn't caused by low FPS, but a desync between the graphic card, the game engine and the monitor. Game ran the graphic card with 64Hz, while the monitor could do only 60Hz, therefore every 60 frames 4 were skipped. I had to do some magic tricks with the .ini to at least limit this to a different, but barely noticeable problem (if the game want under 60 FPS, slowdowns occur).

I have the same issue with all the other Gamebryo games that means both new Fallouts.

Other than that, the game had a nice nest of game braking, quest destroying, audio missing, world disfiguring, crash inducing, items missing, effects corrupting, balance disrupting and other minor nuisance game bugs. I think the last Unofficial (read: better) patch made somewhere around 2500 fixes as a whole.

I'm getting the CE (sort of as a I love PC Games and always will,) tribute to the many many thousands dollars spent on my gaming adication over a 30 + year binge.

Do I love the Price NO but I do know that will not be the dumbest purchase I ever made and honestly guys I can't remember the last time I really felt ripped off by a game.

Sure I have felt the pangs of regret on a few ( now that I look back very few were actually bad in a burn in hell never buy another product sort of way).

Will I ever pay what I'm shelling out for this CE again?

That kind of depends on what I think of this purchase. But, I do know one thing this one game will not change my gaming habits much... Well maybe it will but only in a good way I'm sure. I know what I'm buying I know what value I put on this purchase so how can there be regrets??

Post edited November 03, 2011 by Beakie
It just bothers me that all you get is a dragon figure. What about Oblivion? An in-game coin and a Pocket Guide to the Empire. That's awesome. This feels rushed, like they didn't prepare anything.
Post edited November 03, 2011 by Gibush