Rohan15: What about bug fixes and vanilla hd re-textures?
StingingVelvet: I do use nonofficial patches when needed (Arcanum, Bloodlines) and I do use texture replacers when there is a real need to and they stick close to the original design (Thief 3, Deus Ex).
I don't feel either of those are true yet for Skyrim though. Someday probably.
I don't really get this notion. I do respect the artists' work, they built the whole game. But if there are mods that will make me enjoy the game more, then I will use them on top. And they published the construction set specifically so that fans could create modifications. I haven't played Skyrim, but I could not imagine to play Oblivion or Fallout 3 without the unofficial patches and some gameplay overhaul mods (but I read that Skyrim is somewhat better in that regard).
I can understand when someone says he does not like these modifications - tastes differ, after all -, but I do not understand how installing modifications has anything to do with disrespecting the artists' work.