StingingVelvet: You just need to go in with the right expectations, honestly. I know Skyrim will be a casual kind of RPG that I will mostly enjoy for combat and exploration. I'm not expecting it to be like Morrowind or Gothic, so I can't be disappointed when it isn't.
If exploration and action are not interesting to you then just skip it.
I'm all up for exploration myself, that is probably what I like most in these kinds of games, just going off in any direction and seeing what is to see...Yet, it's the combat that has me worried, I'm not as young as I used to be, and I haven't used a gamepad in years, and don't plan to any time soon...I wonder if I'm even going to be very capable at this game, or am I going to have to save every few seconds because the combat is so twitch/reflex based I am left in a cold sweat? I know we don't know this till it comes out, but this is what makes me wonder whether I will like it at all or not. I'm not happy that they dumbed down some of the RPG elements, but, I can live with that, I can live with the fact that I won't probably care about this game when the next better-looking open world RPG game comes out...But I can't stand being smacked down by every other monster just because my hands and eyes aren't as quick as they used to be. I know to those younger, this is not a big deal, it may even be fun, but, for those of us who haven't played as much twitch based games since gameboy and nintendo original, it is a little bit bigger deal. Like when I was playing Mount and Blade Fire and Sword Multi, and many were complaining that the combat was slower than Warband, which it was...It was so nice for me, not being in my teens. I was actually towards the top of the leader board most times, because brains were a bit more important than button mashing, and how good one's controller was...Well to me, the best RPG's have always been more about using your head, tactics, first and foremost. I'm worried Skyrim has gone too far the route of first person shooters...Of course it's their game, they can do what they want with it (and I'm sure people like me aren't their primary selling group now), but, I really have been looking forward to it for awhile now, so I can't help but personally feel a little dissapointment looming overhead at the way most all these games are becoming. Man, I am so sorry for rambling, I'm very tired tonight, forgive me. :\ Anyways, I will probably end up getting it eventually regardless...maybe they will have some super easy level for incompetents like me. :-)