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That was possibly one of the most retarded non-political articles I have ever read. The people who are going to want to buy it most are the RPG fans! Now, let me say, I would likely enjoy it a hell of a lot even if it was just a hack and slash game with no RPG elements at all, but the RPG fans won't buy it because they like the RPG elements, and the CoD players you're trying to target aren't interested in a fantasy game with dragons and shit in the first place! You won't convince them to buy it at all, no matter what you do. This just seems like you're shooting yourself in the foot, barring a sudden change from RPG to hack and slash, and the accompanying change in fanbase.
Every time I read an article about Skyrim (and I've read quite a few of them) I get more and more sad. And I had such high hopes for it even six months ago...
Yeah, the more I hear about Skyrim the less I like it. It seems like they're completely abandoning everything that defined the series... A darn shame. Loved Morrowind, liked Oblivion (though there were things I disliked), and was hoping Skyrim would be better than Oblivion. Sounds like they've gone even further down the dumbed down road. Oh I'll still get it, but I'm not compelled to preorder and they priced the collector's edition out of my reach. (Will not pay 100+ dollars for a single game.)
I stopped reading the IGN article at the third paragraph when he was saying how he refused to read the Song of Ice and Fire books because they used "olde worlde lingo". If a person can't look past the vernacular of the series, their opinion is worthless.
Me= :( I was hoping for better, yet as usual, my expectations have (seemingly) been achieved...It's too bad all these companies get tooo big and are now putting profit margins ahead of gameplay that will last longer than the graphics card that first can play it...No doubt it looks amazing, but, will this game be one many truly want to come back to in 10 years or so, like I still do with Morrowind? Or in twenty years or so, like I still do with Darklands? They don't care, and why should they? This will have them living high off the hog, till the next graphics pig comes to market for them....then repeat. Who knows, though I still hold out a faint, if extremely stupid, hope that the game may be better then we guess.

-Streamlining and casualizing
-Making it accessible to joe walmartan and billy bob
-Skill bastardization and retard proofing
-Low res textures
-Horrible IGN article by an absolute retard but that's the audience bethesda is appealing to
-Bethesda worse than Bioware now

I'll save my money for something else, thanks
You just need to go in with the right expectations, honestly. I know Skyrim will be a casual kind of RPG that I will mostly enjoy for combat and exploration. I'm not expecting it to be like Morrowind or Gothic, so I can't be disappointed when it isn't.

If exploration and action are not interesting to you then just skip it.
StingingVelvet: You just need to go in with the right expectations, honestly. I know Skyrim will be a casual kind of RPG that I will mostly enjoy for combat and exploration. I'm not expecting it to be like Morrowind or Gothic, so I can't be disappointed when it isn't.

If exploration and action are not interesting to you then just skip it.
I'm all up for exploration myself, that is probably what I like most in these kinds of games, just going off in any direction and seeing what is to see...Yet, it's the combat that has me worried, I'm not as young as I used to be, and I haven't used a gamepad in years, and don't plan to any time soon...I wonder if I'm even going to be very capable at this game, or am I going to have to save every few seconds because the combat is so twitch/reflex based I am left in a cold sweat? I know we don't know this till it comes out, but this is what makes me wonder whether I will like it at all or not. I'm not happy that they dumbed down some of the RPG elements, but, I can live with that, I can live with the fact that I won't probably care about this game when the next better-looking open world RPG game comes out...But I can't stand being smacked down by every other monster just because my hands and eyes aren't as quick as they used to be. I know to those younger, this is not a big deal, it may even be fun, but, for those of us who haven't played as much twitch based games since gameboy and nintendo original, it is a little bit bigger deal. Like when I was playing Mount and Blade Fire and Sword Multi, and many were complaining that the combat was slower than Warband, which it was...It was so nice for me, not being in my teens. I was actually towards the top of the leader board most times, because brains were a bit more important than button mashing, and how good one's controller was...Well to me, the best RPG's have always been more about using your head, tactics, first and foremost. I'm worried Skyrim has gone too far the route of first person shooters...Of course it's their game, they can do what they want with it (and I'm sure people like me aren't their primary selling group now), but, I really have been looking forward to it for awhile now, so I can't help but personally feel a little dissapointment looming overhead at the way most all these games are becoming. Man, I am so sorry for rambling, I'm very tired tonight, forgive me. :\ Anyways, I will probably end up getting it eventually regardless...maybe they will have some super easy level for incompetents like me. :-)
It started with Arena...then they made Daggerfall>Morrowind>Oblivion>Skyrim (Possibly)

Things come in cycles. It is the nature of the universe. YIng and Yang.

Hopefully people will stop jumping on bandwagons (OOOHH! COD did it so we should too!!) and get back to making their own games. I got sick of Sid Meier's games going through a steady increase of greatness then WHAM! a new title would come out so simplified for accessibility's sake that the fans they made it for lose their faith in the developers.

Even so, StingingVelvet is right. My expectations going in will have an effect on how much I will enjoy it. I thought Oblivion was going to be a bigger better Morrowind and because of that I got burned...badly. My friend who felt Morrowind was too big and overwhelming, however, found Oblivion to have just the right amount of depth.

Still, though, if I wanted my rpgs that simple I could just read a book or watch a movie, this way I don't have to make any decisions at all, it will even do the exploring for me.

I think this dumbing down trend has parallels in society, at least here in the US, as most kids I see in school these days are stupid as sin. Not really their fault so much as the parents who don't really give a shit anymore. I guess they simplified parenting too...right guys...anyone? That's pretty funny oh. Okay then.

A damn shame. At least nothing is stopping me from playing Morrowind.
shadesofdeath320: I think this dumbing down trend has parallels in society, at least here in the US, as most kids I see in school these days are stupid as sin. Not really their fault so much as the parents who don't really give a shit anymore. I guess they simplified parenting too...right guys...anyone? That's pretty funny oh. Okay then.

A damn shame. At least nothing is stopping me from playing Morrowind.
Yeah parents are getting worse overall from my perspective too. I think this all started in WWII when more and more wives started working too, and then this exploded in the 1950's or so. Now adays, in order to get by without worrying about every bill many parents HAVE to work. Their children are not getting the education they need to be given, instead, parents buy them "Stuff" and think they have done their jobs, and why wouldn't they? That is probably what both their parents did before them. I believe many more children would be better off if they had a parent stay at home, I don't care which gender, it matters not, but, children need guidance whether they think they do or not...Also, they need discipline, and they just don't seem to be getting that any more on the whole...Not abuse mind you...But, good honest punishment for bad behavior. Sorry for the off topic talk.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I stopped reading the IGN article at the third paragraph when he was saying how he refused to read the Song of Ice and Fire books because they used "olde worlde lingo". If a person can't look past the vernacular of the series, their opinion is worthless.
The writer of that article is the new "target audience" for big budget RPGs (in name only) now. "I hate RPGs but can't wait for Skyrim! (because it doesn't appear to have any RPG mechanics at all anymore and so is an action game)" would have been a better title, IMO.
Post edited October 11, 2011 by mlc82
KOCollins: I'm all up for exploration myself, that is probably what I like most in these kinds of games, just going off in any direction and seeing what is to see...Yet, it's the combat that has me worried, I'm not as young as I used to be, and I haven't used a gamepad in years, and don't plan to any time soon...I wonder if I'm even going to be very capable at this game, or am I going to have to save every few seconds because the combat is so twitch/reflex based I am left in a cold sweat?
Judging by Oblivion I really doubt the game will be hard. Just whacky-whacky everyone with a sword and I am sure you will come out just fine. Part of the games being made for a huge audience is making them not frustrating, after all.

Also not sure what a gamepad has to do with it, KBM should be the superior control method.
So... is Skyrim going to be ported to the PC from the console? I'm pretty much thinking this is the truth. I remember Beths' lead guy saying that he wants people to have an easier time in accessing the game instead of what Morrowind offered. After that, we got Oblivion, now Skyrim. The manual was leaked and its for the 360 which made me confirm my opinion that Skyrim will be ported to the PC. This is also based on a lot of the videos and pictures I've seen of them when they were testing the game or showing the team working on it, so-to-speak. Secondly, I think that they're going to let the mod community "fix" the game to how the PC crowd would have liked it. Just look at how they have borrowed ideas from Oblivion's mod community. I think they'll be doing something similar with the DLC's for the consoles. I'd rather have them come out and say that they are now porting the game from the consoles to the PC instead of doing this whole roundabout business. They became popular thanks to the PC crowd and just basically turned about and flung rotten vegetables in their fans faces imho. They might as well turn it into a complete sword and sorcery game with no RPG character building elements in the next installment, after Skryim, and call it Conan the Tamrielian and the Argonian Mud Crab.
high rated
Aniketos: They might as well turn it into a complete sword and sorcery game with no RPG character building elements in the next installment, after Skryim, and call it Conan the Tamrielian and the Argonian Mud Crab.
Yes, because there's never been an interesting RPG on a console before! Fucking consoles with they're lack of good gameplay. Why I have 50 games for my XBox 360 alone and I assure you they are all shallow, trite, dog ass. The PS2, we all know, was known for its complete lack of good games, ESPECIALLY for having no RPGs.


Okay I can't do this anymore. Pull your head out of your ass with the superiority shit. Skyrim may very well end up being an all around bad game, but it's not de facto bad just because it has a console release at the same time. Likewise, not all console ports are bad. Yes, we can justly criticize the ones that are but you're kind of jumping the gun. Skyrim IS coming out on PC. Now hold on while I go play my PC copy of Gears of War 2... oh I CAN'T because it didn't come out for PC. That's what you call spitting in the PC's face, not the companies still crapping out massive games for PC.
Aniketos: They might as well turn it into a complete sword and sorcery game with no RPG character building elements in the next installment, after Skryim, and call it Conan the Tamrielian and the Argonian Mud Crab.
orcishgamer: Yes, because there's never been an interesting RPG on a console before! Fucking consoles with they're lack of good gameplay. Why I have 50 games for my XBox 360 alone and I assure you they are all shallow, trite, dog ass. The PS2, we all know, was known for its complete lack of good games, ESPECIALLY for having no RPGs.


Okay I can't do this anymore. Pull your head out of your ass with the superiority shit. Skyrim may very well end up being an all around bad game, but it's not de facto bad just because it has a console release at the same time. Likewise, not all console ports are bad. Yes, we can justly criticize the ones that are but you're kind of jumping the gun. Skyrim IS coming out on PC. Now hold on while I go play my PC copy of Gears of War 2... oh I CAN'T because it didn't come out for PC. That's what you call spitting in the PC's face, not the companies still crapping out massive games for PC.
I upped you for this. Yeah, Gears 2 not coming out on PC was a massive dick move. Especially when CliffyB blamed the PC gamers for pirating the first one as the reason they didn't.
Aniketos: They might as well turn it into a complete sword and sorcery game with no RPG character building elements in the next installment, after Skryim, and call it Conan the Tamrielian and the Argonian Mud Crab.
orcishgamer: Okay I can't do this anymore. Pull your head out of your ass with the superiority shit. Skyrim may very well end up being an all around bad game, but it's not de facto bad just because it has a console release at the same time. Likewise, not all console ports are bad. Yes, we can justly criticize the ones that are but you're kind of jumping the gun. Skyrim IS coming out on PC. Now hold on while I go play my PC copy of Gears of War 2... oh I CAN'T because it didn't come out for PC. That's what you call spitting in the PC's face, not the companies still crapping out massive games for PC.
Yeah I might have a complex from time to time, I'll admit it. My observations just come from what I have seen and read about the game. I'm just tired of everyone just not saying it out right or beating around the bush like, "hey, we're cross platforming the game and are making this game basically for the consoles so its transition to the PC might not be of the same quality. Also we're taking out a lot of aspects that many say, gave Morrowind it's depth in RPG because we want to make the game more accessible to people. You'll just have to mod it all in if you want to." I might not like that statement but I'll respect it and say, "well, thanks for being dicks but thanks for being honest as well." And like you said, there are good and bad ports but I wouldn't mind waiting for one if the company decided they'd make sure each port was as solid as it can be for the respective platforms. Skyrim's going to be very popular for both platforms so I never understood why they couldn't stagger the release for both so each could have a solid release (if there was a reason given then I must have missed it on this).

maybe I could have worded my rant better, but what's done is done.