CarrionCrow: Sounds like a brilliant idea if their goal is to give people reasons and/or excuses to pirate rampantly.
They actually don't care about piracy other than an excuse for (awful, government-sponsored) movies spectacularly failing. This is a Moral Guardianship/Old People Butthurt* issue, prompted by the recent school shooting (committed by kid whose gun nut dad taught him to shoot and had weapons just lying around in his apartment).
*I suppose a thematically relevant anecdote is in order. Recently, I had to attend a social function where all the cool kids went partying and I got stuck with "old" people watching a Z-grade crime show on (analog) TV (okay, I just stole some wifi and messed around with my tablet, but I was in the room). The episode in question featured a hunt for an incriminating video recording. While the other viewers ranted at the show's writer for writing completely idiotic characters (who would forget to take cover, come alone to meet a mafia boss who already tried to kill them, open doors to strangers etc),
they literally foamed at the mouth with rage when I suggested the plot should have never happened, because the video could have been just copied, or better yet, uploaded to the internets; the protagonist (1) could have cleared his name in like 5 minutes, and (2) the mafia boss's bad-faith attempt to buy and subsequently destroy the video was completely bugfuck insane and for that reason shouldn't have been made.
You can't even imagine how they raged. And I think I know why. They felt the time of technologically illiterate manly men who solve their manly problems with guns, more guns, and the Vory code was
over. That every kid with a crappy phone can resolve a plot which they wanted to pretend called for Spetsnaz.
(Note that these sort of crime dramas (featuring murder, torture, and whatnot) are basically the only type of original programming on mainstream TV. Even
women's interest crime dramas exist (they have the male cop or criminal protagonist saddled with a useless sperm receptacle whose whining about the protagonist's busy schedule is only interrupted by regular kidnappings). And yet,
videogames are somehow to blame for sax and violins.)
Here's Coca-Cola telling xenophobes they are no longer relevant, and pretty much every news outlet has either a laugh or a symmetrical moral outrage at their expense. I don't think it gets more mainstream than
failblog. So, nothing to be ashamed of.