AdamR: There are people and things to be proud of and ashamed of everyday. I prefer to focus on love and goodness. There is so much more of that than hate and fear, you just don't hear about it.
Honestly, I am really bothered that someone goes out of their way to find and post a bunch of negative tweets and statuses. I'm sure plenty of people had good comments about the video. But that wouldn't get the same amount of views, likes, and shares.
Why does this blogger have to spread division and hate? Why not make a blog that unites and inspires people?
Well I think we need to recognize that not everyone "gets" it and work to rectify that. Sadly, there is a huge amount of racism, prejudice etc... that still needs to be addressed in this country - and well everywhere. But considering the last 100 years in the grand scheme of things, we've come a very, very long way, baby ;-) I mean think about it - cars, airplanes, flights to the moon, diseases, life-expectancy, cell phones, computers, the internet.... But changing how people think about other people, well that might take a bit longer...
CarrionCrow: Ya know....there are times that I do dumb things. I saw this thread, and I KNEW that it'd piss me off. But damn it, I went along and read the link anyway, since even an ocean of venom needs a few extra gallons every now and then. In a just world, squads of people with hedge trimmers and industrial vacuums with blades on the nozzles would be visiting the home of every single one of those "wonderful", "patriotic", stupid as fuck people and making sure they couldn't spawn any more creatures that they could then infect with their willfully retarded garbage. If you're that stupid, your right to spread DNA card should be revoked and then set on fire, and your body right along with it.
Well there are many reasons to hope - think about how many states have granted same-sex marriage - now if only the federal government would actually treat those couples like hetero couples, that would bring true equality but one step at a time. See the thing is that despite parental-unit brain-washing, most kids grow up with their own opinions about the world. If thinking, caring people keep speaking up then change does actually happen - albeit slowly.
But thanks for the laugh ;-D
Oh and because it seems apropos to the conversation:
Millennium: A New Hope on Desura
** Good Luck!
^^ Good Bye!
&& Good News!