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thanks for the updates Elvin37!

besides the fact shes doing better, dont worry about the depth of updates.
theres Dr. Patient confidentiality as always, if shes cools with mentioning it go for it but besides that dont feel you owe anyone an explanation.

i hate them needles too, but i doubt im in the same level of phobia.

glad you got a chair bed ^_^ so you can camp out there without wearying yourself unnecessarily. and lucky on the wifi!

all the best for both you guys, glad shes been making it through her fears and healing up.
Elvin37: Today was especially rough I feel terrible but at least it got done, now she has a break for a day or two from blood tests
sorry for not giving more insight but it is a bit personal I can however give a bit more details through PM's if anyone is wondering what is going on feel free to PM me I will try my best to give an answer.

Thanks a lot.
Momo1991: Elvin37, we are simply here for you -there's no need for details. Just take it a day at a time and find some ways to take small breaks for yourself. Simply put, it is apparent that you are an amazing husband ;-) Huge pats on the back for doing what needs to be done. As always, we are pulling for a 100% recovery of your beloved wife.
^ This. Momo has expressed it, way better of what I'd be able on my own. And as I said before, please make sure to take care of yourself too, while caring for your wife. :)
Good luck to both of you. Hopefully it can be remedied
She was discharged today from the hospital they said she is well enough to come home she still needs to get daily shots though for 2 weeks then switch to pills which made her very upset its not easy with phobia's I wish there was a way to just transfer all her pain and suffering to myself just to get her through it easier but alas there is no such way.

I wish to thank every one of you again you have really made things a lot easier for me not sure how well I would have coped with everything on my own, you always brightened my days and I am very grateful to have great friends like you.
Glad shes getting to go home :), good luck and best wishes to both of you
Elvin37: She was discharged today from the hospital they said she is well enough to come home she still needs to get daily shots though for 2 weeks then switch to pills which made her very upset its not easy with phobia's I wish there was a way to just transfer all her pain and suffering to myself just to get her through it easier but alas there is no such way.

I wish to thank every one of you again you have really made things a lot easier for me not sure how well I would have coped with everything on my own, you always brightened my days and I am very grateful to have great friends like you.
This is going to sound like I'm being silly but I swear I mean this. Ten years ago when I had my last long stay in the hospital I SWEAR the best treatment I got the whole week was when I got discharged. I know they are trained caring professionals and no one knows the value of modern medecine more than myself, but IMO there simply is no better remedy that getting back home to the surroundings and the people that you love and vice versa.

Point being, I have a feeling that getting home is going to make her feel better than she has since this ordeal began.
excellent news!
Elvin37: /snip
While the continued need for injections is unfortunate, everything else is great news! May your future continue to brighten. :)
Post edited April 17, 2013 by crazy_dave
It's good to hear that she's been discharged. That means the worst is over. Hang in there, I can tell you've been taking great care of her.
glad to hear the good news bro, we are with you
Elvin37: She was discharged today from the hospital they said she is well enough to come home she still needs to get daily shots though for 2 weeks then switch to pills which made her very upset its not easy with phobia's I wish there was a way to just transfer all her pain and suffering to myself just to get her through it easier but alas there is no such way.

I wish to thank every one of you again you have really made things a lot easier for me not sure how well I would have coped with everything on my own, you always brightened my days and I am very grateful to have great friends like you.
Sometimes we consider these ephemeral connections to be smoke and mirrors - a shadow we can't really see or know but I assure you, Elvin37 that we are real people and many, many of us care no matter how removed we may appear. While I can't offer you any real advice as to how to manage your wife's needle phobia, I do know that if you are with her while she undergoes the necessary treatment, she will be fine because she has you to help her get through what must be gotten through. And really isn't that what it's all about - having people who care about you stand by your side? It matters not if they are thousands of miles removed or standing directly in front of you - the result is the same. ~smiles and hugs, cause you really deserve some of those things~
Elvin37: She was discharged today from the hospital they said she is well enough to come home she still needs to get daily shots though for 2 weeks then switch to pills which made her very upset its not easy with phobia's I wish there was a way to just transfer all her pain and suffering to myself just to get her through it easier but alas there is no such way.

I wish to thank every one of you again you have really made things a lot easier for me not sure how well I would have coped with everything on my own, you always brightened my days and I am very grateful to have great friends like you.
Woo-hoo! The news we all were waiting for! I'm very happy for both of you. :)
Good News!

Don' t worry Elvin37 that worst part is gone
Great to hear! Woohoo, she gets to eat REAL food and sleep in her own bed!
Elvin37: She was discharged today from the hospital they said she is well enough to come home she still needs to get daily shots though for 2 weeks then switch to pills which made her very upset its not easy with phobia's I wish there was a way to just transfer all her pain and suffering to myself just to get her through it easier but alas there is no such way.

I wish to thank every one of you again you have really made things a lot easier for me not sure how well I would have coped with everything on my own, you always brightened my days and I am very grateful to have great friends like you.
I don't know how I managed to miss this thread all this time but I am very glad to hear she's home with you now. That's great news. She's lucky to have such a caring guy in her life and I'm sure it helps her in all of this.

I hope better days will come soon for you both as she recovers from this.