Starmaker: Good news. I'm rooting for the country that pays less for a medal. Go Sweden!
tinyE: Sweden has some of the highest paid players in the NHL, and a lot of them. Half of their team are Red WIngs who don't scrimp on contracts. In fact last time I checked their goalie was the highest paid net minder in the league, though that might have changed in the past year what with the Rangers sucking and all. :P
I honestly couldn't care less what a private company that doesn't seem to leech funds from the public pays its foreign hires, but even if they were in the pocket of Gazprom, it's not important
right now.
The Olympic medal standings by country are bullshit. They have ruined the games more thoroughly than the UCI ruined cycling. And no, I'm not talking like a sore loser, I owe no allegiance to the Vlasov flag.
Sports officials and the media like to pretend they celebrate sports, individual achievements, heroism, excellence, and all that highminded stuff. Not so. They celebrate nationalism. An individual victory, which by rights should be independently awesome, is just a point in the country standings; a silver medal is a tiebreaker, and bronze is a footnote. And now sports officials base their decisions not on the potential awesomeness and glory of a victory, but on the necessary, unavoidable blame of defeat; instead of reaching higher and risking moar so that their country could be known as the homeland of that one guy/gal who was
fucking awesome and made everyone
shit icosahedrons, the whole enterprise turns into damage control and the blame game. It also demeans the athletes whose countries are known to not be in the running, by redefining what counts as a victory in popular opinion.
In light of all this, it's awesome there are countries which
don't pay cash prizes for medals. Making people do sports on their own dime on the off chance it pays off in a hueg olympic win is fucked up. Third-world countries attempting to outright buy prospective champions with stupendous cash prizes while their existing citizens don't even have basic food security is even more fucked up. Seriously, you want pro athletes? Pay a salary to the athletes. You want healthy citizens? Build facilities. Back in 2009, my district started funding the construction of a sports center. In four years, they invested $2M. The place is still a dump, and I mean that literally as in
literally - it's an actual dump, walled off by a concrete fence. The fence is painted on a yearly basis. $2M, ladies and gentlemen.