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They say the dead know no pain. Things are about to change!

Meet Raziel: a vampire-turned-wraith, who will show you how to have a soul-devouringly good time for just $5.99 on

Soul Reaver is technically the second installment in Legacy of Kain series, but practically it’s a beginning of a new adventure. What is important is that the game brought the franchise into 3D and introduced a completely new character while maintaining the uniquely dark and seductive atmosphere. The player controls Raziel, once one of six powerful lieutenants of Kain who was later broken and killed by his former master. Reanimated in the Spectral Realm as a wraith by The Elder God, Raziel serves as the deity's "angel of death" and will not stop unless his five undead vampiric brothers--and Kain himself!--are destroyed.

The gameplay is flawless, fights are violent and gory, and the game requires you to shift in real-time between the material and spectral planes to solve puzzles and defeat monsters. Raziel, the series’ new anti-hero is a character who feels real despite his wraithlike nature. His striking visual appearance (a wrap hiding his jawless face, radiant pupilless eyes, tattered wings, and claws and feet), tragic nature, personality change throughout the game, and his blue symbiotic blade, made him one of the most recognizable characters in gaming history.

Once you get ahold of the Soul Reaver sword, you will never want to stop hacking and slashing, especially for just $5.99 on
PaladinHeart: Soul Reaver is the best in the Legacy of Kain series. It's too bad none of the other games bothered with the adventure style elements.

Sadly, Soul Reaver feels incomplete without Soul Reaver 2, even though Soul Reaver 2 is a sad excuse for a game.
HiroshiMishima: You're joking, right? Soul Reaver 2 was an excellent game, and while Defiance didn't have nearly as much of the exploration it's still one of my favourite entries into the series.

The only game in the series that I felt was really lacking was Blood Omen 2, and that's largely because it was more of a tacked on sequel that the regular design team didn't really have a lot to do with. ..and it also created a bit of confused since it introduced some unexpected developments which the other games neither hinted at nor brought up again.

Not to mention that without SR2, this would technically be an incomplete game. In fact, I dare say most people ought to know before going into Soul Reaver 1 that it's only half of a game. They essentially ran outta time to do the other half and so that's why it ends the way it does. You can even see hints at the events in SR2 and Defiance in some of the beta photos you can see during the last area of the SR1.
Soul Reaver two had a beyond an amazing story (not in the least because it was zealously faithful to Blood Omen), but it's gameplay was generally crap. Between the awesome story, and the impressive Forges, you just ran the same 6 locations over and over in different time streams.


VAE VICTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope this seris is coming too gog also blood omen as well not the first soul reaver. i did have those games and i did lost them. and i am happy that its finaly relased on gog :)
kud13: Soul Reaver two had a beyond an amazing story (not in the least because it was zealously faithful to Blood Omen), but it's gameplay was generally crap. Between the awesome story, and the impressive Forges, you just ran the same 6 locations over and over in different time streams.
I thought it was fun to see the same locations with subtle changes of different time
While I do own a copy of all the games in the series, my copy of Blood Omen 2 was used so it doesn't play very well (I could never hear the final boss' dialogue before the fight and some scenes were glitchy), so if they got that I'd certainly buy it.

I know SR2 and Defiance were on a number of platforms, SR2 in particular was on PC so I'm surprised we don't have it here yet. Maybe we will soon. The original Blood Omen was so different from the rest of the games, though. If they do add it, I think most people will either love it or hate it. I always enjoyed the way it was presented, but I could also understand why they never returned to it.
kud13: Soul Reaver two had a beyond an amazing story (not in the least because it was zealously faithful to Blood Omen), but it's gameplay was generally crap. Between the awesome story, and the impressive Forges, you just ran the same 6 locations over and over in different time streams.
CaveSoundMaster: I thought it was fun to see the same locations with subtle changes of different time
oh, it was a clever idea, I have nothing against that. but it was THE ONLY gameplay mechanic (alongside the 4 reavers), that replaced the open-world model of SR1. the combat was also pretty cut down, in comparison to SR1. yes, the story was amazing, and SR2 gets a ton of slack for that, but as a game, sans story, it's the weakest of the bunch.

it's just that when placed against the pretty open gameplay of BO1 and SR1 (in both games, you kept progression down the main story, but there were a ton of places where you could go back to (at any time) that were inaccessible to you before, to find more secrets and such. People say SR1 was Zelda like--for all my love of SR1 (except the over-saturation of block puzzles)--it's got nothing in that department on BO1. SR had some "secrets" (mostly Glyph-related), that I can name right now on the palm of my hand. BO1, otoh, had TONS of things, both big AND small (like the hidden entrances to spirit Forges... and The secret door in Janos Audron's "house").

RE: legal rights. afaik, Crystal co-developed BO1 with Silicon Kinghts. there's at least 20 of CD staff listed in BO1 credits, and not just as QA people. There was a long dispute, and from what I remember, CD got all the rights to LoK.

RE: BO1 "not being essential to the story": wut? I understand there are people who see LoK as "Raziel's story", but I vehemently disagree. (not the least b/c Michael Bell, the voice actor for Raz has stated several times, that he's done with playing Raz after Defiance). Playing BO1 gives you a rich background. Yes, SR2 spends half of its cutscenes re-telling BO1, but Kain talking about what he did and how he felt is nowhere NEAR the same as BEING Kain when he does all the things that are recounted in SR2. And, yeah, this may undermine my argument, but: it's the LEGACY OF KAIN!

RE: compatibility. GOG is using a fan-made patch for it.. the same guy made BO1 play on modern systems. that's not an issue.

so yes, imho, by not playing BO1, people are missing out. that soundtrack with the scream STILL (some 14 years after I first heard it) sends shivers down my spine. Every. Single. Time.

Apologies if this came out as a fanboyish rant, but BO1 is without a doubt, my favourite game of all time. I played it first, in 1998, iirc, and way before I played any of the sequels. It is, and always was, an absolutely brilliant game, and it remains incredibly gripping to this day. Also, Kain is, and always be, inmy eyes, the ultimate definition of a game character badass. I will gladly pay 20 bucks to get this on my hard drive for anytime play, any day.

and the series itself is basically brilliant, in its entirety (yes, that includes BO2). I haven't played the Metal Gear Series, because i've always been a PC-only gamer (economic circumstances conspired in such a way that owning a console was never in the cards. some day, maybe), but with that caveat, LoK is basically the best story ever told in gaming.
kud13: (not the least b/c Michael Bell, the voice actor for Raz has stated several times, that he's done with playing Raz after Defiance).
Do you know, why did he said that?

The role was wearing down on him? (too much "self-loathing, he could barely contain"? ;) )
kud13: (not the least b/c Michael Bell, the voice actor for Raz has stated several times, that he's done with playing Raz after Defiance).
Source please. Off course Raziel's story is finished, but I have never seen any proof of Michael Bell refusing to reprise his role.
I'm not a big fan of this series but I like when a classic franchise comes to GOG. Good.

And then again I wish it was the first game instead. Which I actually didn't enjoy all that much. Oh well.
Paradoks: Source please. Off course Raziel's story is finished, but I have never seen any proof of Michael Bell refusing to reprise his role.
There isn't any, it seems to be an annoying misconception someone concocted years ago, but people repeat and repeat it on forums, god only knows why. In 2010 he told a fan that "he loved the role and that he would very much like to do it again".
Post edited May 01, 2012 by Cepheus
Man, just listened to some music from BO:LOK, chill down my spine, this games are awesome, the best, LEGENDARY, BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!

Ok, calm down, calm down...

But they are awesome. Next to planescape torment - best story i witnessed in gaming. I would add some final fantasies few years ago, but i grew out of it, not so moving when i revisited them. But P:T and LOK series stayed the same, they are what they are: great, mature, class A stories.

Paradoks: Source please. Off course Raziel's story is finished, but I have never seen any proof of Michael Bell refusing to reprise his role.
Cepheus: There isn't any, it seems to be an annoying misconception someone concocted years ago, but people repeat and repeat it on forums, god only knows why. In 2010 he told a fan that "he loved the role and that he would very much like to do it again".
Good to know, i'm speechless whenever i hear him act out Raziel's self-hatred.
Post edited May 01, 2012 by CaveSoundMaster
Paradoks: Source please. Off course Raziel's story is finished, but I have never seen any proof of Michael Bell refusing to reprise his role.
Cepheus: There isn't any, it seems to be an annoying misconception someone concocted years ago, but people repeat and repeat it on forums, god only knows why. In 2010 he told a fan that "he loved the role and that he would very much like to do it again".
quite possible. I apologize for misleading anyone. I originally read that on the official LoK forums, iirc, where it was used along with Amy Henning leaving Eidos + Tony Jay's death as a reason why another game would be problematic.
Sweet! This is my favorite in the whole series.
wormholewizards: Thanks, now i know. I thought at first my game was broken or buggy checkpoint.
DCT: No problem and don't feel bad I would of thought the same if I didn't play the hell out of it on my PS1 when it first came out, I also recall Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain doing the same i.e. where you start a loaded saved game back at the first area.
Nope, Blood Omen didn't do that. I'm playing it right now actually. :p Well, not now because I'm typing.
HiroshiMishima: You're joking, right? Soul Reaver 2 was an excellent game, and while Defiance didn't have nearly as much of the exploration it's still one of my favourite entries into the series.

The only game in the series that I felt was really lacking was Blood Omen 2, and that's largely because it was more of a tacked on sequel that the regular design team didn't really have a lot to do with. ..and it also created a bit of confused since it introduced some unexpected developments which the other games neither hinted at nor brought up again.

Not to mention that without SR2, this would technically be an incomplete game. In fact, I dare say most people ought to know before going into Soul Reaver 1 that it's only half of a game. They essentially ran outta time to do the other half and so that's why it ends the way it does. You can even see hints at the events in SR2 and Defiance in some of the beta photos you can see during the last area of the SR1.
kud13: Soul Reaver two had a beyond an amazing story (not in the least because it was zealously faithful to Blood Omen), but it's gameplay was generally crap. Between the awesome story, and the impressive Forges, you just ran the same 6 locations over and over in different time streams.


VAE VICTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I want to know is, why did Raziel suddenly have such animosity towards the Elder God in Soul Reaver 2? Nothing negative happened between them in the first game. That was a huge plot hole. Well, a plot hole among many plot holes after that.
Post edited May 02, 2012 by KainDrake
KainDrake: What I want to know is, why did Raziel suddenly have such animosity towards the Elder God in Soul Reaver 2? Nothing negative happened between them in the first game.
Raziel reached Reaver teenage.
KainDrake: What I want to know is, why did Raziel suddenly have such animosity towards the Elder God in Soul Reaver 2? Nothing negative happened between them in the first game. That was a huge plot hole
Because he learned that the Elder was working with Moebius...
because he learned that the elder God wasn't entirely truthful.

Moreover, Raziel was lashing out at just about everyone, for the simple reason that for the first time his world was more than just black or white. Up to this point, whether as Sarafan, Vampire lieutenant, or a wraith, Raz had a very easy way of knowing who was "good" and who was "bad". then he gets to SR2, and suddenly, things aren't so black and white anymore. Moreover, he's basically completely out of his own depth, he's in way over his head, and he doesn't know anything anymore.

Him coming off as more sarcastic and arrogant than ever is pretty logical. The only person he's NOT being a total prick to in SR2 is Janos. And even that changes in Defiance.