I'm a big fan of Freddy so I'd have to go with "Nightmare on Elm St".
Never ever see the new one though. I left the theater livid. That one was
so bad I swore I'd never go to the theater ever again.
Though, "The Exorcist" is the scarier of the two. I just can't get past the superstitious idea of the devil
actually existing, which is really frankly silly. Any want to see it fades under the basis in religious thinking required in order to really get the most out of it. Pass.
ichtyandr: "Do you read Sutter Cane?" is a quote from John Carpenter's "In The Mouth Of Madness" (1995).
MaGo72: Exact, it is one of the best horror movies I've seen and I've seen many.
My top picks would be that and the following :
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974 or the 2003 remake. Both are good for different reasons. And "The Beginning")
- Wolf Creek
- Phantasm 2
- The Thing (1982)
- [REC]
- The Wicker Man (1973)
- Any George Romero or the "Dawn of the Dead" remake. I suppose "28 Days Later" deserves mention.
Zombie - Evil Dead (1981)
- Dagon
Dreams in the Witchhouse (Masters of Horror episode)
- The Crazies (2010)
- Certain episodes of The Outer Limits crossover into horror, such as
"The New Breed",
"Mind Over Matter" (starring Mark Hammill), and
"Simon Says" to name a few.
Lesser mentions to :
- Deadgirl (2008) (Genuinely horrifying for nontypical reasons)
In a list where top horror directors were polled, TCM and Exorcist came in at the top.
In another, <i>both </i>NOES and Exorcist came in.
Wishbone: Well, people have different tastes, you know. Here are a few horror movies I've enjoyed:
Paranormal Activity 1/2 Hand in your "Horror fan" card immediately.