IT2013: speaking of which, check out this article where one of the game's senior producers tries to claim that most of the outrage about the game is only because of people's fond memories of the original dungeon keeper: timppu: That's a bit double-faced of them, as using the original's name and acting as it is a sequel or a modernized version of the old game suggests they are trying to lure also the people who have fond memories of the original games, getting recognition through the old games. And now they are complaining when such gamers find the new game a travesty?
"Remember that old game you used to love 15 years ago? Here, come look at this, we've made a modern version of it! Try it, and let your friends know about it too!".
"What, you don't like it? You just don't like progress! It is not like we were interested in you old-timers anyway, we were targeting this to modern gamers. Go away, let the real target audience enjoy the game without your petty complaints. You're living in the past, man."
Anyway, it is good there is ongoing discussion about this overall. Unfortunately, probably the most it will affect is with EA coming with a big campaign:
"We've listened to you, our customers! We always aim to enhance your experience with out games, it is an ongoing process.
So starting next week, we will halve the waiting time in Dungeon Keeper! Yes, you heard right! Instead of having to wait a full 24 hours to dig one block of stone, now you have to wait max 12 hours! Just think about it, you can leave your imps working overnight while you sleep, and by morning, they're all ready for further commands by their master.
This update is completely free, and simply a sign of our love and affection to our dearest customers. Ho Ho Ho!"
I'm fine with not playing the games, but it is mainly how they are treating gamers as some two-bit idiots is what irritates me at this point. Then again, if Dungeon Keeper and PvZ2 are real cash cows to them through micro-transactions, maybe "we" are... After all, it worked for SuperCell (Clash Of Clans) apparently.