Posted November 28, 2012
Khadgar42: Well, it means that you Sir (I'm talking to you Mr. tarunmutreja) have been the the victim of dastardly cunning and perfidiously sneaky Public Relation campaign that almost forced you instinctively to join GOG and buy your software there.
Climaxing in the most slyness of all facts that you actual feel guilty of not becoming GOGs customer earlier.
What it means is GOG provides a service that really suits my needs... I could still have carried on using pirated services as nobody was forcing me to buy from them... Climaxing in the most slyness of all facts that you actual feel guilty of not becoming GOGs customer earlier.
Its just that they provide a cheap effective solution to my requirements... As for the guilt... there is no guilt involved its just love for the games that made me buy all the previous games