JoeSapphire: Zchinque's last post was thirteen days ago. What do we do about that? I quoted three or four days ago and no response.
Indeed - both Ovoon and Zchinque been gone for a very long time...
Whats bugging me is people aren't really using their town power - as a Townie, we have ONE power - the vote. It can be used to put pressure on, it can be used to make a statement, hell, it can even be used to try and prod the game into life again (like i did earlier).
Only Violator has used their vote with meaning - xyem, you've come out with a few theories, but never backed it with a vote - ditto you Joe. nmillar, you have also been very quiet . Quad - bette than Silver in that you've posted a bit more, but not a lot more!! Can we have some decisiveness please people, or we're going to get nowhere fast!
I see the joe prod isnt going to do anything or go anywhere , so i will
unvote, and return to my first suspect, who has not helped themselves at all in my book by disappearing. Im joining Violator, in the hope that a bit of pressure might get something - Anything! - going. I would be happy to lynch Zchinque anyhow, for the nonshow today and the actions on his first day...
Vote Zchinque