Posted July 29, 2011

New User
Registered: Jun 2011
From United States

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 30, 2011

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted July 30, 2011
Finished a quick reread. Now I'm going to mull it over overnight, and get back to you with my thoughts. Don't get your hopes up thought, unless I get a certain flash of brilliance there won't be anything earthshattering.

Personal Jesus
Registered: Oct 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 30, 2011
@Joe nmillar would just hammer the innocent like he usually does, and regarding xyem i know what he said its more why he said it....
@Robb the reason Im leaving off the lurkers is maybe perhaps unlike you I have no idea who the mafia is and using your logic than one of the 3 quiet/inactive people are mafia it would like the cup and ball game to which one of silverfire,ovoon and surprisingly zchnique is a mafia member.
I find it more scummy to be like whilst rolling a dice
vote silverfire he isnt posting
vote zchique lack of posting
vote ovoon lack of posting
As we are voting based on guessing but dont get me wrong, Im annoyed as its poor for town to not know any players thoughts but how can you pick out 1 of these 3 and say you have made the correct choice based on what? How about you pick one we lynch them and we then lynch you if youre wrong? If I were mafia would I leave my vote on you due to a gut feeling? I would have no need to as I would know who to vote for.....
@xyem its a case of what you said and what it really means, your he got what he asked for reads like he got what he deserved, I usually work out the mafia by what they are really trying to say through the text, As we have no infomation about anybody its about the only way to go without guesswork. Robbes leaning town read and the way you both seem to post in a similar period is drawing to think you are the two players who are working together...
@nmillar what is your theories on the players and do you perhaps think that it could be a robbeasy and xyem partnership
@3 lurkerteers any insight?, Why do you think noone was killed last night?
A nolynch would not achieve anything as looking at the setups we have hardly any chance of having a cop compared to the mafia always having a role cop so they could find out who is the important players amonst us....
@Robb the reason Im leaving off the lurkers is maybe perhaps unlike you I have no idea who the mafia is and using your logic than one of the 3 quiet/inactive people are mafia it would like the cup and ball game to which one of silverfire,ovoon and surprisingly zchnique is a mafia member.
I find it more scummy to be like whilst rolling a dice
vote silverfire he isnt posting
vote zchique lack of posting
vote ovoon lack of posting
As we are voting based on guessing but dont get me wrong, Im annoyed as its poor for town to not know any players thoughts but how can you pick out 1 of these 3 and say you have made the correct choice based on what? How about you pick one we lynch them and we then lynch you if youre wrong? If I were mafia would I leave my vote on you due to a gut feeling? I would have no need to as I would know who to vote for.....
@xyem its a case of what you said and what it really means, your he got what he asked for reads like he got what he deserved, I usually work out the mafia by what they are really trying to say through the text, As we have no infomation about anybody its about the only way to go without guesswork. Robbes leaning town read and the way you both seem to post in a similar period is drawing to think you are the two players who are working together...
@nmillar what is your theories on the players and do you perhaps think that it could be a robbeasy and xyem partnership
@3 lurkerteers any insight?, Why do you think noone was killed last night?
A nolynch would not achieve anything as looking at the setups we have hardly any chance of having a cop compared to the mafia always having a role cop so they could find out who is the important players amonst us....

El Psy Congroo
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted July 30, 2011
This will be the 3rd post of mine on this page, and maybe the 5th or 6th for this day. And I'm still getting bombed on for lack of posting? What is this?

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

@Robb the reason Im leaving off the lurkers is maybe perhaps unlike you I have no idea who the mafia is and using your logic than one of the 3 quiet/inactive people are mafia it would like the cup and ball game to which one of silverfire,ovoon and surprisingly zchnique is a mafia member.
I find it more scummy to be like whilst rolling a dice
vote silverfire he isnt posting
vote zchique lack of posting
vote ovoon lack of posting
As we are voting based on guessing but dont get me wrong, Im annoyed as its poor for town to not know any players thoughts but how can you pick out 1 of these 3 and say you have made the correct choice based on what? How about you pick one we lynch them and we then lynch you if youre wrong? If I were mafia would I leave my vote on you due to a gut feeling? I would have no need to as I would know who to vote for.....
@Joe - NoLynch always a bad idea, you just start the next day with potentially one less townsperson, and no more information. Its like giving the Mafia a free go. It can be difficult, but eventually someone slips and a choice is made for lynch.
@Silver - hardly any posts, then just a joke one! (or i hope it was a joke!) - out of the three mentioned as lurkers, you have posted the least since it was pointed out. I know we have the modifier that newbies possibly are nervous / finding it difficult to find stuff to post / just have a natural quiet style, but you are stretching it a bit....
@Ovoon - what zchinque said. Although, like has been found out in the past, it may just be your style. I seem to remember Pazzer being lynched more than once in past games for having a very similar style, and I think he turned out to be town every time...!!
@violatorX - so, because two separate people point out flaws in your posts, they are immediately in cahoots?! You CANNOT go by posting times in this game, on this worldwide forum - when im asleep some poeple post, when I'm awake, some other people post. Its just when people are on the forum.
And why the appeal to nmillar to back up your 'theory' of me and xyem being in it together? Just a desperate attempt to get some credibility and get an experienced player on your side, make you look better, and less scummy. If you were town, you wouldn't have to do that.
You only strengthen my belief you are scum. My vote for violatorX stands.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011
Well, as this is a newbie game, I think it's highly likely that there's one newbie and one more experienced player as the mafia. Robbeasy and xyem would certainly fit this description, but I'm not yet convinced they're guilty.

Old-ish User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

And my question in #170 isn't a question on "being a newbie", it was that in all the information that I've read about Mafia, I'd not heard of any mechanics that allowed what was being described (roleblocking 1 mafia stopped the entire mafia from working). It was a question to the mechanics of this specific game, not of Mafia in general.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

And my question in #170 isn't a question on "being a newbie", it was that in all the information that I've read about Mafia, I'd not heard of any mechanics that allowed what was being described (roleblocking 1 mafia stopped the entire mafia from working). It was a question to the mechanics of this specific game, not of Mafia in general.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

That's what it is.
If, for example, some of us start to worry that everybody would lose interest in the game and stop playing, is it not better to kill nobody than to kill someone at random, with a much higher chance of killing good guy than bad, to force the game to move forward?

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted July 31, 2011
Encouraging votecount
nmillar - 1 - Zchinque
Robbeasy - 1 - ViolatorX
Ovoon - 1 – nmillar
ViolatorX – 1 - Robbeasy
JoeSapphire – 2 – Ovoon, Silverfire
Nolynch – 1 - JoeSapphire
Not Voting: Xyem
With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.
JoeSapphire is the closest to lynch with 2 votes at L-3.
If there are some mistakes feel free to correct me.
nmillar - 1 - Zchinque
Robbeasy - 1 - ViolatorX
Ovoon - 1 – nmillar
ViolatorX – 1 - Robbeasy
JoeSapphire – 2 – Ovoon, Silverfire
Nolynch – 1 - JoeSapphire
Not Voting: Xyem
With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.
JoeSapphire is the closest to lynch with 2 votes at L-3.
If there are some mistakes feel free to correct me.
Post edited July 31, 2011 by Vitek

Old-ish User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

This may be because all my previous research was for games with no roles though, so such a selection wasn't necessary.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 31, 2011

This may be because all my previous research was for games with no roles though, so such a selection wasn't necessary.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted August 01, 2011
First things first - unvote.
Nmillar's hammer on Rager was still terrible and strictly anti-town, but as I have at least casually read most games on site, I know that he is prone to making rash, stupid, and, well, anti-town actions. While his play is scummy, it is somewhat ironically, completely in line with his town meta. As such he doesn't worry me in particular at this moment.
Rob's playing has me more uneasy. Nothing in particular sticks out, his posts just strike me at somewhat... what should I say, bland. He's very helpful in clarifying basic terms and some mafia theory for the newbies, but that can be an easy cover for scum to hide behind. Remember kids - being generally helpful does not indicate townieness. Anyway, it's nothing damning, but something to keep in the back of the mind.
Joe's posting today has much improved over yesterday. Nothing stands out as very scummy, and if he keeps it up it should be easier to get a good read on him. Voting nolynch is a bad idea, though.
It worries me that I can't remember a single post of Silverfire's off the top of my head.
But for now I think I will join nmillar: Vote ovoon
@Ovoon: Who do you find suspicious, and why?
Nmillar's hammer on Rager was still terrible and strictly anti-town, but as I have at least casually read most games on site, I know that he is prone to making rash, stupid, and, well, anti-town actions. While his play is scummy, it is somewhat ironically, completely in line with his town meta. As such he doesn't worry me in particular at this moment.
Rob's playing has me more uneasy. Nothing in particular sticks out, his posts just strike me at somewhat... what should I say, bland. He's very helpful in clarifying basic terms and some mafia theory for the newbies, but that can be an easy cover for scum to hide behind. Remember kids - being generally helpful does not indicate townieness. Anyway, it's nothing damning, but something to keep in the back of the mind.
Joe's posting today has much improved over yesterday. Nothing stands out as very scummy, and if he keeps it up it should be easier to get a good read on him. Voting nolynch is a bad idea, though.
It worries me that I can't remember a single post of Silverfire's off the top of my head.
But for now I think I will join nmillar: Vote ovoon
@Ovoon: Who do you find suspicious, and why?