Well we have Rodzaju. He has gathered a huge amount of suspicion. Among these are: He managed to "guess" mafia didn't kill Robbeasy, some of his investigation targets were weird with strange explanation and his results were inconsistent. Through the game he attacked Rob, partly jess, me, nmillar, me again, Orryyrro and partly nmilalr again. Not one mafia here. Each time he was attacked he "fabricated" attack against someone else. He "hammered" Typhoon, but it was when he was lying so obviously there was nothing to save him. He seemed to ignore Violator though he was obvious scum.
Orry on the other hand has against him mostly his minimal posting, jess' attack on day 1 and day 2 suggesting she could investigate him and found he's scum and his
reads post, his only longer post, where he tried to look like participating but said nothing. Also he hammered Violator when there was some link between them mentioned. This can be compared to Rod voting Typhoon when he was beyond saving.
Someone like that should not be allowed to win the game more so if he is mafia.
Comparing their voting patterns:
On D1, apart RVS, Orry voted Taleroth, he was 3rd after jess and Twilight, then jumped on fexen as 4th person; Rod kept his RVS vote on Rob for a long time, then jumped on fexen as 5th, after Orry.
On D2 Rod voted jess, as she attacked him, then right before end of the day he voted Violator for not posting. Orry voted QuadrAlien, only about one day before deadline, then jumped on Taleroth as 5th out of 6 voters.
On D3 Rod attacked me and nmillar, voted nmillar. Then he voted for Typhoon as 4th out of 5 when there was nothing to save him.
Orry again kept his vote for a long time and only voted Typhoon as 3rd for lying.
On D4 Rod voted me, then switched to nolynch. Orryy hammered Violator.
On D5 they voted each other, then Orry switched to nolynch and then returned to Rod. Rod did the same albeit a bit later than Orry.
What to make of this? Opinions anyone?
I'd like to vote already but I am of opinion both deserve to be lynched.
I'll check back soon and finally cast my vote.