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mrkgnao: The problem with your plan is what if you're wrong in clearing one of the five?
yogsloth: There is risk in anything. If I screwed up that cleared list, then yes, we can lose. Are you suggesting an alternate plan that is 100% mathematically certain victory for town? Because I haven't heard it from you yet, and I'm going to be blunt - the doubt you throw out without a better idea rings as very scummy to me.

I clear Robb because he passed the "vanillagate" word test by Darko, and I really don't think that:

a) There are any vanilla mafia
b) If there were, their role text would be word-for-word identical to vanilla town

Which leaves only the possibility that somehow during the night he acquired that text. Possible, but really, remote I think. I also have a long memory and am not willing to simply forget about Day 1 activity. No Robb for me, thanks.
I agree with you initial plan of concentrating on the three investigators. I said so myself.
I just don't think that we are guaranteed to win by lynching the five you list.
I don't think there is a 100% full-proof plan, neither yours, nor anyone else's.
I believe we should continue with an open mind, evaluating information as it flows in, not make plans for three days ahead.

Hectic workday set to begin in half-an-hour.
mrkgnao: I agree with you initial plan of concentrating on the three investigators. I said so myself.

I believe we should continue with an open mind, evaluating information as it flows in, not make plans for three days ahead.
Oh, I agree. Any good plan has to be modified as you go. But as a starting point, this is where I think we should be right now. So we are in agreement on starting with the investigators.

Which of the investigators are you voting for?
Hijack has my vote right now.

UNVOTE Krypsyn

VOTE Hijack

@Rob - no there is but one rule. Rule number 3 here applies there too, No quote copying. aka I have to paraphrase.

@Mr.K flub sends his love <3 Says you have a good eye. (my words not his)

(re-posting since I managed to bold half of it.)
mrkgnao: I agree with you initial plan of concentrating on the three investigators. I said so myself.

I believe we should continue with an open mind, evaluating information as it flows in, not make plans for three days ahead.
yogsloth: Oh, I agree. Any good plan has to be modified as you go. But as a starting point, this is where I think we should be right now. So we are in agreement on starting with the investigators.

Which of the investigators are you voting for?
As it appears to evolve, I don't think I have much of a choice. Everybody seems to favour HijacK, while I think he is the least likely of the three. I will vote for him to avoid a no lynch. Where is he now, L-3?
mrkgnao: As it appears to evolve, I don't think I have much of a choice. Everybody seems to favour HijacK, while I think he is the least likely of the three. I will vote for him to avoid a no lynch. Where is he now, L-3?
If you think he's not the best candidate, now is the time to speak up.
mrkgnao: As it appears to evolve, I don't think I have much of a choice. Everybody seems to favour HijacK, while I think he is the least likely of the three. I will vote for him to avoid a no lynch. Where is he now, L-3?
yogsloth: If you think he's not the best candidate, now is the time to speak up.
I am uncertain about all three, but find HijacK less likely. For me, it's a toss-up between Krypsyn and dedoporno. I'd probably go for Krypsyn because his role is less valuable than dedoporno's if they're both town.
The comms system gets overwhelmingly saturated by pilots chatter, and most ships start to reroute power towards their radios in order to keep up.

HijacK has 3 votes, cast by Yogsloth, Krypsyn and Sage103082.
Robbeasy has 1 vote, cast by Hijack.
Mrkgnao has 1 vote, cast by Robbeasy.
Sage103082 has 1 vote, cast by CSPVG.

Vitek, Trentonlf, Mrkgnao, DarkoD13 and Dedoporno are casting no vote.

Hijack is at L-3.
Nolynch is at D-2.
Post edited November 14, 2014 by Telika
Sage is a double voter, it seems. May I keep her vote? I like the attention. :)
Sage103082: @Mr.K flub sends his love <3 Says you have a good eye. (my words not his)
Send him my love back and tell him that my good eyes are up here, not down there.
Krypsyn: Sage is a double voter, it seems. May I keep her vote? I like the attention. :)
Gaah. I had edited the post on the fly, updating it with every refresh before posting, but I had forgotten to remove that line. I... I just can't keep up with your pace...
Telika: Gaah. I had edited the post on the fly, updating it with every refresh before posting, but I had forgotten to remove that line. I... I just can't keep up with your pace...
Yeah, the worst part is she unvoted me and voted for HijacK TWICE. :P
A formal replacement you say, but whatever for, my darlings? I leave you for three minutes, and you think that I no longer love you. Well, if this is going to be the case, I am going to have to step out, holding steadfastly to my place until I am mod-killed, doing my best Baleka Mbete impression.

In all seriousness, however, I have not posted in three days thanks once again to my internet connection being rubbish. I will try, in this part of day two and onwards, to post more than I have been. That is, if my internet connection will cooperate.

Well then, on to the business at hand. I am still deeply unhappy with leaving a neutral, possibly scum-leaning, role alive. Even in light of her admittance to being some sort of Tree Stump conduit. I believe that much of the information gleaned from discussions in Sage's QT can do more harm than good, especially after her revealing it here in the thread.

I do, however, acknowledge that most of you do not feel this way, so I will Unvote: Sage.

Moving on. As has already been pointed out, there seem to be far too many town investigative (and for that matter, power) roles, so that someone has to be lying. Most people seem to feel that said liar is HijacK due to his play and flavour cop claim.

I believe that either Yogsloth or Vitek to be the more likely liar in this situation. Though this may be a balancing mechanism, I dislike that two 'town' roles claimed having the paranoid trait, and rather anti-town sounding roles to boot. Between the two of them, however, I favour Yogsloth. A role killer of sorts sounds decidedly like Adalia's desperate, last minute claim to me, and he has vacillated (in my eyes) from being mostly townie to being most likely to lean towards scum.

Having said this, however, I deem this to be a fight for another day. The most likely candidate for lynch today appears to be HijacK, due to his claim (which many have pointed out could easily be faked) and his general reaction (at least for me) when being confronted with accusations. He seems to me to have regressed back into his old HijacK self.

For now, however, I am going to Vote: Yogsloth, for the above stated reasons. If there is no movement on any other wagons, I will vote HijacK before the day is out.
Well, welcome back, I suppose.
yogsloth: Well, welcome back, I suppose.
Thank you very much, sir. You can pat yourself on the back for jolting me into posting sooner. Formally replace me, will you? *Stern faces collapses into a frown, which dissipates into sobs*

Mrkgano: How many of these Jack-of-all-trades abilities do you have?
CSPVG: Thank you very much, sir. You can pat yourself on the back for jolting me into posting sooner. Formally replace me, will you? *Stern faces collapses into a frown, which dissipates into sobs*
You understand my frustration at having an experienced player - with a critical role, and almost certainly confirmed as town - would not just power lurk the entire game, but vanish completely in our most critical moment thus far?

Given your almost certainty to be town, your contributions should be least likely to contain any subterfuge, so anything you have to say, any analysis you have to make, is extremely valuable. To lose that town voice at this time was... very aggravating.

Of course, then, you added everything up and voted for me... so maybe I shouldn't have been so concerned after all. lol.