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I'm finding it hard to get my head round Sage's claim - its so very easily a game breaker.

It must take a lot of policing and there must be loads and loads of rules about what she can and cannot say to us.

@Sage - do you have a lot of rules?
HijacK: This I agree with. That's why I want everyone to take combinations of every possibility to determine which is the most plausible one in terms of balance of the game. I personally believe scum have an investigative role, while town have the other 2 plus the scrambler.
This is the place to start.

However, I don't think it makes as much sense for the town to have two investigators plus the scrambler. I think from a game balance perspective, the scrambler should be on the opposite side of at least two investigator roles.
mrkgnao: I am the opposite of 'paranoid' (i.e. can use or not use my abilities). I can quote the term if people wish me to.
Krypsyn: Is it the child of an egalitarian marriage?


Sage, in the notes you posted about your QT, I am confused about their origins. Are they all from flubbucket (you said adalaibooks was fairly close lipped), are they a mix of the two, or are they just your thoughts? If they are your thoughts, were you reacting to both adaliabooks and flubbucket? I ask, because whether the note is based on something flubbucket (confirmed town) or adaliabooks (confirmed scum) said changes how the note should be interepreted quite a bit.
The notes I posted yesterday are all of books posts. If It was in references to me or flubs I made sure to say flub this or me that. I will copy them all here and bold the things that books did not say or think..

Books was glad flub noticed his comment to dedo.
He says we jump on others for no good reasons for the most part.
BTW flub loved my quotes post. =)
Hope I get NK so he can talk more freely, Thanks Books.
His post about 4 scum really was a math error (but puts or I could be lying at the end)
everyone is just point fingers
Would have put more thought into his posts if they were going to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Amused he was able to point cspvg into town and vitek into scum
confused by trent
I asked if vitek was scum. - Books - answer was -- I could say yes but can you trust me?
everyone is playing scummy.
talks about yogs - not giving to the conversations - mentions his buddies will let town kill themselves -
yogs - trying to hard
mentions dedo - comments on trent and vitek and the lynch them all not being very town like
yogs reminds him of a hijack type player right now
I mention that scum might not like their own scum buddies play style (at this point we were in conversation about yogs going after me and my vibe is scum.)
viteks post about dedo are on the mark
someone finally is putting votes on krypyn and cspcg for lurkiing
getting a little hot about being names bu Hijack
people are getting worked up over nothing and others are making themselves look bad trying to clear there names.
he knows who scum is and town players are playing scummier then scum.
No one is scum hunting at the moment
can see yogs trent or hijack being next on the chopping block
(I am talking about dedo calling out my list from 3 days ago at that point) Books agrees people change there minds and are allowed to do so in the game. ends it with no one knows whats going on here.
points out as soon as I vote for yogs hijack jumps on to it
talks about trents night action and why is no one talking about who would be capable of doing that attak/second kill
Knew cspvg was a pw when he claimed the same ship model and that trent has same as op
tells flub he is not helping him in convincing me to lynch townies
he knows who is who and still things make no sense mentions serieal killer as a possiblity
talking role is a no no and yogs and hijack are doing it. Is rob a lyncher and after cspvg?
points out dedo mentions I seem to have more info..
quotes vitek for inside info and send it with were you more than vanilla (note for me : look this up in the thread to see if the role was talked aobut yet?)
everyone is stuck on there own suspects. edits; yogs is working on moving but scummy in doing so.
Flub - says post 1165 is untrue - books comments "fundimental mistake" (sorry I am not sure how to parapharse these two words) comparing masons (uses flub and mrk names here) claim to this game.
Flub ask if hijack is just not understand or instead trying to point out MrK as a hyopcrite
Books - says can go either but most likey the second
says Hijack is scum or has power role and he knows which but not telling
I comment scum then to see books response and he says lynch as see.
small talk about the avatars all of us
Wont give me a straight answer about where he learned of his scum buddies roles. (He can still see the QT but not post in it. Hey scum make sure to give him a wave over night)
point out ppl are agreeing with who they think is scum on some points
hijack is just trying to find a way to lycn cspvg
not to keen on the stats about day 1 mafia lynches but feels town is doing a good job of doing what scum should be doing.
I mention vitek and dedo are on my scum dar and he says lynch them both.. or dont. they might be scum or not.
points out all this talk about cspvg but nothing on the mutal defending day 1
cspvg is going to be dead after the night anyway since dr claim
If everyone is on board with the dr claim - it looks poorly on trent hijack and yogs why is no one voting..
wonderrs if the DR claim is based off dedos comments
why protect trent? There were better targets
its quiet in the thread
rob is still going after cspvg
thinks cspvg clam true with no counter. Mrk and Vitek might be on to something with DR for mafia
Why lynch him.. there had to be a dr to go with his role. Scum would be to smart to claim dr and get themselves killed.
He thinks Darko, dedo and MrK are the best to take the lead bc of placement on town lists but then counters they are scum lists as well. than states he cant see it happening (a rally around either of them)
unless we start to figure things out scum is going to win
cspvg is the best NK -he would go after a town leaning player next
Flub talks about power roles and cop and jailer comes up. (this is general talk about WIFOM)
books says leave the dr alive then follow the cop if there is one.
not sure why Hijack is still voted on cspvg..unless he is scum and doing it on purpose
going to kill a town PR with the way this is going
we are talking about Hijack starting to call me out.
says hijack is a flavour cop. Wont tell me how he knows.
Flub bring up flavor is town and role in mafia in his past games
books agrees they can go both ways and says trent is lost but mentions his (books) interest in the night PM
Krypyn play is soemthing to think about. Uniqe play style
I ask how the mafia thread is finding all this drama and books responds with its is closed but it would be nice to know what they were thinking.
after 3 claims it back to fighting.
krypsyn and rob might be the next to be lynched then hijack and trent, no one is really voting anyone
no one is using day 1 info to figure out how to vote now, its random right now
even if we took out scum we would talk ourself into a town lynch tomorrow
flub points out over 600 posts here =)
If darko and trent got things together they would win for town (?)
Darko asking about words- Has anyone aksed him. He could just agree knowing they will give the right answer and make himself look like town
comments about how convinced people are when they are wrong
pushing for my lynch would just leave us at the same place tomorrow same with hijack and cspvg
books is getting annoyed at the long day.
I talk about my felling on dedo and books mentions a possible role for him because of his reacton of trent (I am not including the role. I will not give dedo any ideas and I want to hear his claim)
the pm sharing has left the game with a all mason feel
Mrk - He is now unsure of your gender. =) after you comment back to flub
never gave away the scum and tried to keep his posts away from slipiing anything
I threw him off with my comment about MrK. (Which at this point I am nto at all sure of myself)
He felt he was pro-town and only started to doubt in the recent fight with darko
mentions dedo half claim - mentions a possiblity if his claim is what he thinks it is and it might all be over if so. (left vauge on purpose I think he might be bread crumbing me into something or you guys if I share it.. I kinda smell a set up here..)

I think I bolded everything that he did not say but please look behind the bold-ed(?) for his responses to some things.
Sage103082: I think I bolded everything that he did not say but please look behind the bold-ed(?) for his responses to some things.
Thank you, that does help me parse your notes quite a lot more easily. :)
So if Krypsyn is telling the truth and is a town Watcher, he was blocked while watching mrkgnao.

dedoporno: (sorry, Darko, but in my eyes, without the scan result you would have been neutral at best)
My heart is poked, but I'll survive.
I wonder - with all the new claiming and with deadline looming, would this not be a good time for everyone to come up with their lists of reads?

We need to collate our thinking, and fast. I'm still at work so cant do it now myself, but will in a few hours.
Or mrkgnao is lying, also a possibility.
DarkoD13: So if Krypsyn is telling the truth and is a town Watcher, he was blocked while watching mrkgnao.

dedoporno: (sorry, Darko, but in my eyes, without the scan result you would have been neutral at best)
DarkoD13: My heart is poked, but I'll survive.
No, I thought about this, but watcher sees what happens to a person, not what that person did to others. That's pretty clear.

Here's my thinking-

I'm going to go ahead and clear Sage, CSPVG, Robb, trent, and Darko from my suspect list. Major bonus points to any of you if you turn out to be scum, because I just don't think the pieces fit together to make that happen. The only way I can see any one of you being scum is if dedo+Darko are scum together, or even more remotely, if HijacK + sage are scum. Both of those seem unlikely - especially the latter.

Because of the nature of my role, I've been assuming there are no vanilla mafia. I think my role was designed to balance against an all-power scum team. (btw, I'm surprised there wasn't more reaction to my role claim. Made myself worried for nothing, I guess. I suppose it's now obvious whom I shot Night 1 and why.)

That leaves HijacK, dedo, mrk, Vitek, and Krypsyn. I think two scum are on that list of five. I understand that you five will remove your own name and place mine on that list.

Somebody check my math, but I believe if we just eliminate those five players in any order, town can't lose. Let's say we hit three names on that list and they all flip town. With three nightkills, we'd be down to five players - three town, two mafia, and we would know who they are. Especially given that CSPVG is likely to be the first night kill, and even if he isn’t, we will have at least one town-aligned investigative role that can report back findings. (btw again, I am 100% asking for CSPVG’s replacement if he isn’t NKd. Formally, right now)

Of course, if there are four mafia, that f***s the whole thing. I know I'm not supposed to bring that up, but we really do have to be aware of the possibility.

Still, for Day 2, I think we can ignore it and concentrate on the investigator clusterfrick.

I think the time for reads lists and notes analysis and quotes lists and whatever else is done for the Day. It’s crunch time. Put a name down and vote for it. Unfortunately, we have to do this minus a player, as CSPVG left us with his Sage vote still on the table.

I think having a “normal” cop is completely to be expected, so no dedo for me right now. Mrk is not cleared in any way, but I think we can sort out the investigators first. I’ll take any of the three that are left about equally. Given that, I am going to go back to my gut. Back to my crazy tree-yelling hobo self and my earlier reads, and

Vote HijacK
DarkoD13: So if Krypsyn is telling the truth and is a town Watcher, he was blocked while watching mrkgnao.
Why? Who else targeted me?

Red herring of the day: Flubbucket has a new (old) avatar with "Mark IV" on it.
yogsloth: I'm going to go ahead and clear Sage, CSPVG, Robb, trent, and Darko from my suspect list. That leaves HijacK, dedo, mrk, Vitek, and Krypsyn. I think two scum are on that list of five. I understand that you five will remove your own name and place mine on that list.
Somebody check my math, but I believe if we just eliminate those five players in any order, town can't lose.
The problem with your plan is what if you're wrong in clearing one of the five?
I remove myself, but I don't place you, I place Robbeasy.

I can still see him as either:
1) Mafia vanilla
2) Mafia role cop that gets the vanilla role description

BTW, one thing I just noticed. Robbeasy claimed vanilla (#1642) immediately after Darko (#1636) began questioning trentonlf (#1641) about the vanilla "password" text.
yogsloth: I'm going to go ahead and clear Sage, CSPVG, Robb, trent, and Darko from my suspect list. That leaves HijacK, dedo, mrk, Vitek, and Krypsyn. I think two scum are on that list of five. I understand that you five will remove your own name and place mine on that list.
Somebody check my math, but I believe if we just eliminate those five players in any order, town can't lose.
mrkgnao: The problem with your plan is what if you're wrong in clearing one of the five?
I remove myself, but I don't place you, I place Robbeasy.

I can still see him as either:
1) Mafia vanilla
2) Mafia role cop that gets the vanilla role description

BTW, one thing I just noticed. Robbeasy claimed vanilla (#1642) immediately after Darko (#1636) began questioning trentonlf (#1641) about the vanilla "password" text.
y'know, I'm beginning to think you might have a lyncher role...:)
Robbeasy: y'know, I'm beginning to think you might have a lyncher role...:)
I don't think you're the first to think that. I am not.

Correction to my previous post: "Darko (#1636)" should be "Darko (#1622, repeated #1636)".
mrkgnao: The problem with your plan is what if you're wrong in clearing one of the five?
There is risk in anything. If I screwed up that cleared list, then yes, we can lose. Are you suggesting an alternate plan that is 100% mathematically certain victory for town? Because I haven't heard it from you yet, and I'm going to be blunt - the doubt you throw out without a better idea rings as very scummy to me.

I clear Robb because he passed the "vanillagate" word test by Darko, and I really don't think that:

a) There are any vanilla mafia
b) If there were, their role text would be word-for-word identical to vanilla town

Which leaves only the possibility that somehow during the night he acquired that text. Possible, but really, remote I think. I also have a long memory and am not willing to simply forget about Day 1 activity. No Robb for me, thanks.
Ah, I was under the impression the watcher would get some info if his target wasn't where he was supposed to be.

Well, unless someone comes up with an explanation that would justify the existence of a town flavor cop, I'll be voting for HijacK.

(A HijacK/mrk scum team would be hilarious btw.)

Unvote mrkgnao
Hijack has my vote right now.

UNVOTE Krypsyn/b]

VOTE Hijack/b]

@Rob - no there is but one rule. Rule number 3 here applies there too, No quote copying. aka I have to paraphrase.

@Mr.K flub sends his love <3 Says you have a good eye. (my words not his)