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trentonlf: Your retort makes no sense. Sage did not post her notes until after Night 1, so there is now way the mafia would know what role was what until this day. So you saying the mafia knew night 1 who to scan by Sage's notes or who the least of town was makes no sense.
HijacK: Sage just recently posted her notes from her QT thread and pretty much told her everything she discussed with adalia and flub, which by the way was after Night 1. If we're talking about sense, care to reconsider who makes none? Or better said, care to reconsider who understands nothing?
I did not include flubs comments for the most part. I went through and paraphrased anything of books about the game.
HijacK: Sage just recently posted her notes from her QT thread and pretty much told her everything she discussed with adalia and flub, which by the way was after Night 1. If we're talking about sense, care to reconsider who makes none? Or better said, care to reconsider who understands nothing?
Sage103082: I did not include flubs comments for the most part. I went through and paraphrased anything of books about the game.
I assumed you told us everything. But I guess it makes some sense to discuss adalia more.
there are 786 posts right now in the QT. It would take me more than a few hours to go through and paraphrase all the posts together.
Sage103082: there are 786 posts right now in the QT. It would take me more than a few hours to go through and paraphrase all the posts together.
I meant the basic substance. I wasn't talking about every post one by one, LOL.
trentonlf: Your retort makes no sense. Sage did not post her notes until after Night 1, so there is now way the mafia would know what role was what until this day. So you saying the mafia knew night 1 who to scan by Sage's notes or who the least of town was makes no sense.
HijacK: Sage just recently posted her notes from her QT thread and pretty much told her everything she discussed with adalia and flub, which by the way was after Night 1. If we're talking about sense, care to reconsider who makes none? Or better said, care to reconsider who understands nothing?
LOL, stop trying to divert. After I postulated why I think you and Krypsyn are scum you said "Yes, because it makes perfect sense for a mafia cop to scan where the least of town power roles would be, right?"

See your slip now? You had no idea if Sage had any power role at all before you scanned her, least of all if it was a weak role. So your rebuttal of me suspecting you and Krypsyn makes no sense as the mafia did not know anything as to roles until after Sage posted during the DAY
HijacK: Sage just recently posted her notes from her QT thread and pretty much told her everything she discussed with adalia and flub, which by the way was after Night 1. If we're talking about sense, care to reconsider who makes none? Or better said, care to reconsider who understands nothing?
trentonlf: LOL, stop trying to divert. After I postulated why I think you and Krypsyn are scum you said "Yes, because it makes perfect sense for a mafia cop to scan where the least of town power roles would be, right?"

See your slip now? You had no idea if Sage had any power role at all before you scanned her, least of all if it was a weak role. So your rebuttal of me suspecting you and Krypsyn makes no sense as the mafia did not know anything as to roles until after Sage posted during the DAY
Slip, what slip? Are you intentionally dense or something? It was the purest form of sarcasm I posted in a while. Also, I don't get the rest of the second paragraph. It's pretty much gibberish, but hey, if you think you got this chief, vote away already. I dare you!
trentonlf: LOL, stop trying to divert. After I postulated why I think you and Krypsyn are scum you said "Yes, because it makes perfect sense for a mafia cop to scan where the least of town power roles would be, right?"

See your slip now? You had no idea if Sage had any power role at all before you scanned her, least of all if it was a weak role. So your rebuttal of me suspecting you and Krypsyn makes no sense as the mafia did not know anything as to roles until after Sage posted during the DAY
HijacK: Slip, what slip? Are you intentionally dense or something? It was the purest form of sarcasm I posted in a while. Also, I don't get the rest of the second paragraph. It's pretty much gibberish, but hey, if you think you got this chief, vote away already. I dare you!
Here is my post
Here is your response post

So tell me how would a mafia cop know where the least town power role is night one? And how exactly would mafia know everything night one? My speculation was what you and Krypsyn did night one, and by your response it would seem you were trying to say mafia would not have done what I said because they would know info they could not have known. So who is the one that is dense.
HijacK: Slip, what slip? Are you intentionally dense or something? It was the purest form of sarcasm I posted in a while. Also, I don't get the rest of the second paragraph. It's pretty much gibberish, but hey, if you think you got this chief, vote away already. I dare you!
trentonlf: Here is my post
Here is your response post

So tell me how would a mafia cop know where the least town power role is night one? And how exactly would mafia know everything night one? My speculation was what you and Krypsyn did night one, and by your response it would seem you were trying to say mafia would not have done what I said because they would know info they could not have known. So who is the one that is dense.
You're the dense one. Let me give you the basic math: If I was scum, not being on adalia's lynch wagon means there are 4 remaining players who did not vote for him. Meanwhile there are 7 players on adalia's lynch wagon. If I were to be scum and know who the others are, why would I hit one of the players who seem less town to search for a power role, when i can hit the big bulk and get someone who looked more inherently town, like let's say someone from the vote positions 1-3? Why would I waste a scan on someone who I thought Day 1 actions looked fairly weak townish and could easily get lynched on another day? Furthermore, let me prove how small critical thinking you have when you come up with theories. If I had easily figured CSPVG had a power role, why didn't I scan him to confirm my suspicions? Or even better, why wouldn't I as mafia night kill him? See the discrepancy?

Alright, I'm done talking to you. I strongly believe you don't understand what's happening here, so my advice for you is either re-read, or simply put your money where your mouth is, because I'm done with this nonsense.

Let's talk about the game's balance now, shall we? So there are 3 investigative roles and one that blocks investigations. Let's talk simple math now. We take combinations of each role and the investigation blocking role and think which combination looks the most balanced.

Meanwhile: @mrk Care to claim?

Oh, and just to follow in dedo's amazing "last game" logic: Last game the last 3 people to claim were ironically all mafia.
trentonlf: Here is my post
Here is your response post

So tell me how would a mafia cop know where the least town power role is night one? And how exactly would mafia know everything night one? My speculation was what you and Krypsyn did night one, and by your response it would seem you were trying to say mafia would not have done what I said because they would know info they could not have known. So who is the one that is dense.
HijacK: You're the dense one. Let me give you the basic math: If I was scum, not being on adalia's lynch wagon means there are 4 remaining players who did not vote for him. Meanwhile there are 7 players on adalia's lynch wagon. If I were to be scum and know who the others are, why would I hit one of the players who seem less town to search for a power role, when i can hit the big bulk and get someone who looked more inherently town, like let's say someone from the vote positions 1-3? Why would I waste a scan on someone who I thought Day 1 actions looked fairly weak townish and could easily get lynched on another day? Furthermore, let me prove how small critical thinking you have when you come up with theories. If I had easily figured CSPVG had a power role, why didn't I scan him to confirm my suspicions? Or even better, why wouldn't I as mafia night kill him? See the discrepancy?

Alright, I'm done talking to you. I strongly believe you don't understand what's happening here, so my advice for you is either re-read, or simply put your money where your mouth is, because I'm done with this nonsense.

Let's talk about the game's balance now, shall we? So there are 3 investigative roles and one that blocks investigations. Let's talk simple math now. We take combinations of each role and the investigation blocking role and think which combination looks the most balanced.

Meanwhile: @mrk Care to claim?

Oh, and just to follow in dedo's amazing "last game" logic: Last game the last 3 people to claim were ironically all mafia.
Try and divert all you want, throw big walls of text doing it, and then act like you want to explore options of someone else being scum. That is fine. If dedo winds up being the scum and not you I'll be surprised. As for putting my money where my mouth is I have already, as I have all game. I voted Krypsyn. If the Krypsyn vote does not materialize I had said I would consider dedo, I will now consider you instead.
HijacK: You're the dense one. Let me give you the basic math: If I was scum, not being on adalia's lynch wagon means there are 4 remaining players who did not vote for him. Meanwhile there are 7 players on adalia's lynch wagon. If I were to be scum and know who the others are, why would I hit one of the players who seem less town to search for a power role, when i can hit the big bulk and get someone who looked more inherently town, like let's say someone from the vote positions 1-3? Why would I waste a scan on someone who I thought Day 1 actions looked fairly weak townish and could easily get lynched on another day? Furthermore, let me prove how small critical thinking you have when you come up with theories. If I had easily figured CSPVG had a power role, why didn't I scan him to confirm my suspicions? Or even better, why wouldn't I as mafia night kill him? See the discrepancy?

Alright, I'm done talking to you. I strongly believe you don't understand what's happening here, so my advice for you is either re-read, or simply put your money where your mouth is, because I'm done with this nonsense.

Let's talk about the game's balance now, shall we? So there are 3 investigative roles and one that blocks investigations. Let's talk simple math now. We take combinations of each role and the investigation blocking role and think which combination looks the most balanced.

Meanwhile: @mrk Care to claim?

Oh, and just to follow in dedo's amazing "last game" logic: Last game the last 3 people to claim were ironically all mafia.
trentonlf: Try and divert all you want, throw big walls of text doing it, and then act like you want to explore options of someone else being scum. That is fine. If dedo winds up being the scum and not you I'll be surprised. As for putting my money where my mouth is I have already, as I have all game. I voted Krypsyn. If the Krypsyn vote does not materialize I had said I would consider dedo, I will now consider you instead.
For someone who's trying really hard to prove my scumminess, and failing at that, you sure are not putting your money where your mouth is. Not to even mention you don't even explain how I divert conversations through well thought out logic. Oh wait!
Back from work after a long hectic day. Tomorrow's bound to be worse.
I managed to skim through the thread as it was evolving, but need to re-read everything, think things through, and share my thoughts (expect a wall).
I'll try to post within the next 2-3 hours, including of course my role claim (I believe I am the last one).
Back on real quick too, and just caught up.

Vitek makes good post, and I believe his roll. The way he expressed it fits mine very well by including a detail I didn't. Doesn't confirm alignment, but I believe the roll 100%.

Mister Meyow got some fast talking to do. :)

I do not believe town has three investigative rolls plus an investigative scrambler. That makes zilcho sense.

Tomorrow is the big day, really, to get this hammered out. At least for my ability to consistently contribute. I have not got a vote out yet... I would like to hear from mrkgnao first. Hope you can be available tomorrow buddy.
yogsloth: I do not believe town has three investigative rolls plus an investigative scrambler. That makes zilcho sense.
This I agree with. That's why I want everyone to take combinations of every possibility to determine which is the most plausible one in terms of balance of the game. I personally believe scum have an investigative role, while town have the other 2 plus the scrambler.

The math is simple: In terms of Day 2, the investigative scrambler has a 18.18% chance to stop a town investigative role from scanning and 9.09% chances from stopping the mafia one. Based on this logic, if town has more investigative roles, it also needs something to even the odds of scans, thus I firmly believe the scrambler must be town. If it weren't, it would be extremely overpowering scum and the balance would be put off since it would have either a 50% or 33% chance of stopping someone from scanning other scum, depending on the number of scum in the game.
First thing first, as no one seems to have commented on that. I see Sage's new power as completely game changing.
In a normal game, as the mafia nightkill and potentially help lynch townies, their relative portion in the player body may well increase (e.g. in game #23, day #1, there were 3/12 mafia; by day #3, there were 3/7).
In this game, with the new and improved Sage, the opposite happens. Every killed townie (e.g. flub) gains a form of immortality, whereby he can continue to influence the town through his arguments (albeit without a vote or a role). Every killed townie gets fully confirmed and the combined analytical power of the town only increases.
I must say there is something very appealing to me in that. As Flub and Krypsyn will attest, I enjoy the sleuthing aspect of the game, but not its confrontational aspect.
I find it uncomfortable that the two people who have voted on me did it after I had confronted them. It makes me feel aggressive and I don't enjoy it.
My clash with Darko is particularly annoying because when I began questioning him he was pretty much towny for me and I expected him to give some reasonable description of his frame of mind in post #1499 and that would be that (@Darko, I never expected any proof or evidence; there is hardly any such thing in this game).
If and when I get killed, I can see myself sitting in Sage's medical bay, continuing to try to convince the town (@Sage, I use "convince the town", because I can't really use "convince us", since I am already as convinced as one can be in this kind of game) that Robbeasy is scum, without being accused of being one myself. Yes, he is still my #1 suspect.
The only dampening thought is that my arguments will have to pass through the medium (pun intended) of Sage. Not that I have anything against Sage, but I enjoy choosing my own words and dislike paraphrases.

My views on the claims:
Given the large number of investigative and counter-investigative roles, it is safe to assume that the mafia has at least one investigative role.
However, I don't see a role such as the one Vitek claimed being poised against a flavour cop, which is too weak a role.
My working assumption is therefore that the mafia have a role cop.
I expect the role cop to hide among the three investigative claims (dedo, HijacK, Krypsyn). Otherwise, there are four investigative roles, which sounds unlikely.
[Note: There is the possibility that the role cop hides outside these three while his buddy is one of the three, but I consider this equivalent]

Krypsyn: Watcher is a role that is difficult to fake, certainly by a role cop. Krypsyn may still be mafia watcher, but I can't see him as mafia role cop.
Hijack: A role cop can easily pass himself as a flavour cop, under the assumption that a role cop gets the role, the ship model, perhaps even (as Sage mentioned and suits my crazy theories) the subtitle, all wrapped up in a nice Telika story. So, HijacK could be a role cop, except that I myself still cannot find a reason why a mafia HijacK would pick Sage as a target.
dedoprono: Obviously, any mafia can easily impersonate a plain cop, so it is the easiest role to fake. Moreover, if there is indeed a role cop, after hearing HijacK's claim, it would be quite safe, I believe, for the mafia to assume there is no other cop, so it's also a rather safe claim. So dedo could be a role cop. But this clashes with my impression of him so far, so I need to think about it some more (probably not in day #2).
I am surprised that no one mentioned (unless I somehow missed it) the fact that after HijacK's claim quite a few people expected a cop, if present, to come forward, yet none did. I myself objected to that, and that might be the reason that dedo did not. Still, dedo, could you comment?
I would have expected the role cop to be a Lokitop Mark III, but nobody claimed such a ship. HijacK, if you're town and you see one, shout!

Am I the only one who thinks it bizarre that there are two paranoid roles in the game, and adalia claimed a third out of his fevered brain? I don't see how adalia could have known about the other roles. Still I can't see the mafia picking a paranoid role again as a cover. So I tend to believe Vitek and yog.
The fact that there are two potentially anti-town roles in the game (the paranoids), slightly makes me more comfortable with my assumption that there might be a mafia vanilla.

My list so far:

- Sage103082: Telika may have intended this to be a neutral role, but Sage plays it 100% town (kudos Sage)

Tend to town
- CSPVG: Either because I just believe there's a doctor in this game or because CSPVG has been so extremely active in posting and scum-hunting (I'll let you guess which)
- yogsloth: Because of claim and previous behaviour
- Vitek: Because of claim and there's just so many people I can suspect

Uncertain, but only if Robbeasy is town (otherwise tend to town)
- DarkoD13, trentonlf

- dedoporno, HijacK, Krypsyn

Tend to scum
- Robbeasy

Finally my role claim:
I am Shrink, Town Jack-of-All-Trades.
I pilot the Mrkgnao, an Iniurfas Mark Gnao (III) fighterbomber (Nice one, Telika. I assume 'gnao' is Niskish for 'three').
I am the opposite of 'paranoid' (i.e. can use or not use my abilities). I can quote the term if people wish me to.
@Darko, I do not have any equipment in my description. The closest I have is that my ship looks more like a flying junkyard than a spaceship.
I have several x-shot abilities. I will reveal only the one I used yesterday, because revealing the rest will only assist the mafia. If you find this suspicious, so be it.
Yesterday, I used my weakest ability, as I had little info to go by for the other ones.
I used my x-shot Follower ability to follow HijacK. Before you raise your eyebrows and twist you mouth, I published my result long before he claimed. Based on the all-over-the-place story I got from Telika, I surmised that he was some kind of cop, but couldn't determine which.
I didn't want to use the word "cop" in my breadcrumb, so I used the words "flavour" and "role" instead. I have no idea about his alignment based on my following him.
My breadcumbs (both replying to HijacK) are at #752 ("Awaiting what shall follow") and #778 ("I follow your logic about spaceship models and their relation to the flavour of the game and to people's roles").
Disclaimer (as I am sure trentonlf or Sage or Krypsyn will point this out): I have used breadcrumbing before as both scum (game #22) and town (game #23).
I picked HijacK because of his behaviour change from previous games. Even though I didn't know what cop he was, by the time he claimed I was already assuming flavour, given his preoccupation with ship models.

Finally, I see that some of you suspect me because of adalia's posting in the Sage QT. There is little I can do about it. I agree it makes me look suspicious.


P.S. Like today, I won't be available much during work hours tomorrow, but should be available afterwards. Not sure yet about Saturday, Sunday, but will make every effort to be around.

P.P.S. I tried to address in this post issues related to me raised by others. If I missed some, do let me know.
Holy Moley!

A couple of RL days away from things, and looky here whats happened - role-claims abound and developments are afoot!

Gonna take me a while to catch up and get my thoughts together - post tonight after work hopefully..