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trentonlf: Now it seems to me my initial read of Krypsyn and mrkgnao as scum is right or I have been duped.
I'm sad to say, but I have been having a rising bad feeling about mrkgnao. I really hope he is one of us, but the options are getting really slim and someone is lying through their teeth.

DarkoD13: I'm thinking HijacK is the odd man out at the moment. His role sounds completely redundant if we have a regular cop. I just don't understand what that means for Sage.
That is why I said I believe his role claim, but am not 100% sold on his faction. I believe her claim almost entirely and it makes sense for him to scan a non-mafia (if he is one) without knowing she will flip neutral.

Hello, my name is G-g-g-g-g-litch (see avatar <----), and I pilot the Yogsloth (sic), an In-yer-face Mark III fighter.

I’ll stop right there. Yes, my name rhymes with adaliabooks’ character. That’s “Thanks a heap, Telika” point #1. I groaned at the lynch post, praying that every character would rhyme. Doctor Stitch? Cop Snitch? No, it wasn't to be. I reveal this now, however, because I don’t have to. HijacK revealed he can’t scan pilot names, and I doubt anyone else can either. I could just make it up, but I’m putting it all on the table. Plus, as you know, I changed my avatar to the glitched-out-alien shortly after the game started, when only scum would know each other’s names. I certainly wouldn't have advertised at that time that our names rhymed. Thank god for bread-crumbing.

Now, my role. Get ready for this one. I am a Paranoid Role Killer. Yeah, that’s f’n right. Or as Telika actually says: TOWN ROLE KILLER (Paranoid). I don’t just role block you, I role kill you. After I’m done with you, you are vanilla for the rest of the game. The Paranoid bit means that I must fire my weapon every night, at a different player each time.

If you think this sounds like a flagrantly anti-town role, you are absolutely right. That’s “Thanks a heap, Telika” point #2. When I got over the shock of my PM, I started thinking about how to play this. The problem, of course, is that shooting blindly at night is far more likely to hit town and nerf a power role than to hit scum. It’s like a vigilante. How many times does the one-shot vig hit a scum? Never. They never do. They always end up shooting some other townie and feeling like a dumbass the next day. Of course, the vigilante has the choice to just stick his gun in his pocket and play as vanilla. I don’t have that choice.

My immediate strategy for my role became “DO NO HARM”. It was imperative that I not hit the doc, cop, etc. I didn’t care one whit about actually trying to target scum power roles… I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t F things up for town.

Looks like a horribly incriminating role, eh? If you already thought I was scum and bussed my buddy adalia, I’m sure you’ll read all this and start howling for the lynch.

So what’s going to save my butt? Several things. I have to rely on you all to analyze my play. I may crash noisily into people as part of my scum-hunting technique, and although I’ve gone in some odd directions, I’ve never wavered in getting people uncomfortable and forced to start yapping. I believe that is how you catch scum. Push people out of their comfort zone and make them start talking.

Plus, I could just lie and tell you all I’m a role-blocker, and you would never know the difference.

The real key, however, is figuring out who I shot last night and why, and who I’m shooting tonight (hint: it rhymes with Schmarko) if given the chance. Care to give it all a guess?
OK, so the only people that still haven't claimed are Vitek, yogsloth, mrkgnao. Is there any reason that we can't have the full picture at this point?
@yogsloth: I thought it was extremely important for you to claim first instead of reacting to other people's claims. Whatever happened to that?
Did you target trent?
DarkoD13: OK, so the only people that still haven't claimed are Vitek, yogsloth, mrkgnao. Is there any reason that we can't have the full picture at this point?
@yogsloth: I thought it was extremely important for you to claim first instead of reacting to other people's claims. Whatever happened to that?
Assuming you were writing this before you saw my post. Everybody else went and did it first. If mass role claim was agreed to, I wanted to be first, because I felt scum would probably react in obvious ways - even if it couldn't be used until later days.
yogsloth: (Paranoid)
My main problem since I distinctly remember you asking Vitek what "violent" next to a role meant. I'll have to look that up, sometime.
It's not on the wiki, don't worry. I scoured it. Every reference to paranoid I could find on the wiki was attached to roles that meant a different thing each time, and nothing like mine.

Then imagine my surprise at adalia's role claim, by the way. I just could not believe that Telika would foist TWO such roles upon town.
Cool, the search delivers.

yogsloth: lulz. WTF is a "brutal janitor"?

I actually forgot to ask if Darko received a nightly PM from Telika (did you?), but this claim makes sense where none of the others does. What it doesn't do is confirm alignment of the actor and the target. I was fairly convinced yogsloth is Town and I don't really have any reasons to see him as scum at the moment. Trentonlf is still a mystery and neutral at best (more on the under side, though, but I have no idea anymore).
DarkoD13: Cool, the search delivers.

yogsloth: lulz. WTF is a "brutal janitor"?
Well... seriously. "Brutal janitor"? Lol.

Anyway, with that, I am about to leave work and will be offline for 5~6 hours. Too much good stuff going on, so I will log back on before bed. I think tomorrow is the day we have to bash this out and come to a decision, as several of us won't be around much on the weekend.
dedoporno: I actually forgot to ask if Darko received a nightly PM from Telika (did you?)
Nope, nothing.
DarkoD13: Nope, nothing.
I thought so. Yogsloth's claim really makes sense. It's either true or the next out-of-this-world convoluted scheme. These are starting to pile up :D

My feeling is that at least 50% of both complex claims (those being HijacK + Sage and yogsloth + trentonlf) are real.

@yogsloth, I just got an idea. Why don't you hit Sage and make her a genuine Townie? Does it work like that?!
dedoporno: @yogsloth, I just got an idea. Why don't you hit Sage and make her a genuine Townie? Does it work like that?!
I doubt he can change someone's alignment. :D

If his claim is real, in my opinion, it would also make it highly unlikely that mafia would have a vanilla on their team from the beginning of the game.
The thing that keep getting me thinking is why a Cop and a flavor Cop on the same side? and than a Watcher too?
Sage103082: The thing that keep getting me thinking is why a Cop and a flavor Cop on the same side?
I'll wait for the rest of the claims, but I doubt we have both a town cop and a town flavor cop.