HijacK: Yeah. I said that. What's wrong with that? If you ask me, it actually helps more than it destroys. Allowing outer influences, mainly scum, to intervene and influence everyone's analysis is the worst thing you can do. Literally leads to sheep mentality. So just do what I do.
Gather evidence and when you have something concrete expose it. This being said, I have already stated this more than in a couple of posts, yet you continue to ask the same questions. This is even more suspicious than dedo's prediction.
Unvote mrkgnao
Vote trentonlf trentonlf: I am trying to understand how exactly you intend on finding the scum by keeping your thoughts to yourself. Are you planning on sharing telepathically with the rest of us? After stating you were the only one who was capable of finding the scum, but not willing to share how is perplexing. So what should we do to determine your grand plan on finding the scum, just follow your lead? Oh wait, no can't do that as it would be a sheep mentality. You did the same thing with mrkgnao, he started questioning you and what do you know you vote for him. So now I start to question you and what do you know change the vote to me. So is your super secret plan on finding everyone to vote for the people who question you?
I don't understand how you think keeping information to yourself is going to find the scum. So yes, I will keep questioning you on that because it sounds like scum thinking.
Check the bold writing. How hard is that to understand? You know. Gathering of evidence instead of discussing stuff so every scum can see it and bend the situation to their will. Or didn't you get the part of exposing it? How I'm going to find the scum is only for me to care. After all, I joined this game as a challenge for me.
As for voting you, well, I find you suspicious, just like dedo and mrkgnao. Needless to say I just vote preemptively. My gathering of evidence is still i progress.