Town Roles (part 1/2) :
Things would have been so different if your candidate had won the elections. You were so convinced that he would. You had put so much heart and effort into his campaign, your speeches in the local meetings were so intense. He was the best for the future of the country. And the accusations of genocide were blatant lies - well, exaggerations anyway. War crimes are so relative, that is not the point. The point is : he would have saved the economy, he would have turned society into a western democracy. A place where people in the street don't point at political opponents, don't openly threaten them, don't chase them and beat them up. Where the police doesn't jail you just to discourage you from expressing your opinions. But now, the other party having won and being in power, all of them feel entitled to punish you for having been on the losing side. Threats, weeks of arbitrary imprisonment, more threats, some beating in front of your house... Well, maybe they could make your life a living hell in these streets, but when you'll start vengefully blogging about them from Europe, what are they going to do ?
You are Samuel Ogombi, Ivory Coast militant [Town motivator]
Every odd night, you may designate any player. You'll be using your oratory talents to adress a motivational speech to him. If he has any power, he will be able to use it twice that night. By the way, this will work on town or mafia player alike.
WINNING CONDITIONS : You win if the TOWN TEAM manages to kill off all members of the MAFIA TEAM.
Because you're born a Bihari, you have always been considered a pro-pakistan traitor in Bangladesh and you always will. They say that the law has changed under international pressure, and that you're supposedly a "citizen" now, but what does it means exactly to you ? Outside the slum, officials still treat you like a dog. They still insult you, dismiss your queries, keep treating you as a criminal, as one of the petty gangsters that rule your neighbourhood. "Citizen" is supposedly what people are when they have papers - real people. There are countries, you've been promised, where everybody can be a citizen for real, no matter on whose side their grandparents were in former wars. Everybody is respected by civil servants, automatically get all the legal documents they need to travel, to buy a house, or to start a business. So if you reach there, you'll first (and finally!) get the permit to open a shop. You'll make money, you'll live in a real town. You'll pay back all those who had lent you enough money for the journey, and you'll buy back all the belongings you've traded for it. And then, that's it. Your debts paid, you'll dedicate your life to forgetting your years in the slums.
YOU ARE : Ali Benipuri, Bihari refugee [Town vanilla]
As your character also speaks Urdu, every odd night (night 1, night 3, etc) you might sent a private message (20 words) to the MODERATOR and this will be anonymously conveyed to any other Urdu-speaking character in the game.
WINNING CONDITIONS : You win if the TOWN TEAM manages to kill off all members of the MAFIA TEAM.
You kept telling them, while sitting on the carpet, watching the half-scrambled bollywood movie in the corner of the room, listening to the distorted merry songs. Someday, you'll be like that too. You'll also have money, you'll also buy cars, and you'll also bring your whole family to green Switzerland. There is work in the fields, in Europe. They say it pays well. You could go work there for a few months and come back every year, while your fortune accumulates with each season. It's worth investing the family's savings. Now, this guy has promised you that he already arranged a contract with a plantation owner, they're already waiting for you. And indeed, you followed his instructions, and you are now already on board for a new life, knowing that your family now counts on you. Everything is going so smoothly, you know you will not disappoint.
YOU ARE : Abu Osman, Bangladeshi worker [Town vanilla]
As your character also speaks Urdu, on every even night (night 2, night 4, etc) you may send a private message (20 words) to the MODERATOR and this will be anonymously transmitted to any other Urdu-speaking character in the game.
WINNING CONDITIONS : You win if the TOWN TEAM manages to kill off all the members of the MAFIA TEAM.
Of course they were to realise it. You had warned her many times about it. Even with your complicity, she couldn't slip out like that, twice a week, without eventually getting noticed. It was madness. But she was so in love with him, and she was your little sister. She was insisting so much, she was so much beaming with happiness when she was sneaking back, before the morning's first lights. Of course they're both dead now. Your uncle did it. Your family doesn't know that you were helping her, but it doesn't matter. They killed her and her lover, and her lover's family has immediately vowed revenge on all of yours. That's why your father was killed one week ago. That's badaal. This will never end. Moving away in the country to avoid retaliation hadn't helped. You and your whole family were already hiding in the north, when they had found you and exerted revenge. And now, of course, you're supposed to be the one avenging him, as the tradition demands it, as your family expects from you - as its honor requires. No way, you simply refuse to. These cycles of honor killings are absurd. You just want to flee farther away, on your own. In Europe they'll certainly leave you alone, all of them. Let them kill each others without you, nothing will bring back the dead anyway. In your eyes, the shame is on them, not on you.
YOU ARE : Farhad Arefi, Afghan vendetta escapee [Town voyeur]
You got used to sneaky activities. Every night, you can designate a player and spy on him. You will be able to see what kind of action has been carried out on him, but you won't be able to recognise who did it.
WINNING CONDITIONS : You win if the TOWN TEAM manages to kill off all the members of the MAFIA TEAM.