Robbeasy: Can i repeat CSPVG's question to everyone - can we have your main suspects and why please? Soitantly. Ordered from least to most suspect:
gkaiser – a bit quiet, but I have no ill feelings. Most posts seems very innocent. Good singer after all. A bit quiet.
amok - Can’t sing at all. Did some sort of very super soft claim, but seem to be town. Did mention ‘family’ to start, which is a bit suspect. What family did he mean indeed? The mafia is sometimes referred to as “the family”. But still, think he is town.
CSPVG, Darko, Robbeasy, – non-entities… could turn either way. Nice barbershop, nice harmonies, but to quiet.
Vitek – Does not quite hit the low notes, but a nice enough tenor. Comes a bit strongly, but did the same in last game where he was town. Still undecided, but not on the bottom of my list.
SirPrimalform, JoeSaphire – good duet, mostly instrumental, can hold a tune. Not sure about them at all.
QuadrAlien – suspected kkreo to be mafia, thereby Alien is suspected by extension. Prefers acapella, which is fine, but it is a bit quiet.
JMich – plays exactly the same way as previous game, where he was scum. Lurks too much in the shadows, and do not commit. Prefers to whistle old country tunes, it grates a bit in the ear.
Flubbucket – Made too much out of the Zombie remark, went too strongly out and tried to make a case out of nothing. Tries to mix House and Gospel, but it does not quite work - it is out of tune and do not harmonize.