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matti1996: IronStar - would you kindly explain why do you want nmillar lynched? It is very narrow minded thing to do: what if not only nmillar but also n0x0ss are town? It loses the game for us. You can't be sure that one of them is scum and one isn't. Vitek also said that it's probable that both of them are town.
IronStar: As stated already - it;s the risk I'm willing to take. Explained it few pages back.

Also, Vitek, you still haven't told me why do you think I'm scum?
I think this is very dangerous play and considering that it seems likely that N0x0ss is in fact town (as I explained in my earlier post), then you seem to be advocating getting rid of two Townies ...

Lynch me by all means, but considering that Planeshaper supported N0x0ss' vote against me, it would be a strange move if N0x0ss was mafia to kill him off.
IronStar: Nothing changed from my prior decision - we lunch nmillar this round and if it fails = N0x0ss is next.

So vote nmillar
Active lurking, bad vote for Gazoinks with reasoning only copied from another player, eagerness to lynch both nmillar and N0x0ss, when there is likely that one of them (maybe both) are town.
I think your lynch will be better in determining their alignment than thiers.
IronStar: Nothing changed from my prior decision - we lunch nmillar this round and if it fails = N0x0ss is next.

So vote nmillar
Vitek: Active lurking, bad vote for Gazoinks with reasoning only copied from another player, eagerness to lynch both nmillar and N0x0ss, when there is likely that one of them (maybe both) are town.
I think your lynch will be better in determining their alignment than thiers.
Why is voting for Gazoinks bad, and why do you think I didn't have same conclusion?
Honestly, I still think Gazoinks is mafia, but as there are 3 mafia players, It's possible that both nmillar and him are mafia, right?
Anyone here could be town or mafia, as there are no evidence to prove otherwise, so my eagerness shows or proves nothing.
(Posting to avoid prod)

I will finish reading the posts I missed today and hopefully reply more in depth tonight or tomorrow.
Reasoning for your vote on Gazoinks is bad.

Planeshaper's post:
Planeshaper: ...
However, I have reached a new vote. Gazoinks seemed fairly quick to say 'I'm town!' and, while I appreciate that he posted a list of activity and his views on the situation, if he's in the mafia, he could have used that to hide them behind his opinions.

Therefore, Unvote Nolynch Vote Gazoink
Your post without even acknowledging planeshaper's:

IronStar: ...
Also, i vote Gaznoinks as he was quite fast to declare himself a townie. Not really sure I know wtf I'm doing but, it's better than just reading....
Vitek: Reasoning for your vote on Gazoinks is bad.

Planeshaper's post:
Planeshaper: ...
However, I have reached a new vote. Gazoinks seemed fairly quick to say 'I'm town!' and, while I appreciate that he posted a list of activity and his views on the situation, if he's in the mafia, he could have used that to hide them behind his opinions.

Therefore, Unvote Nolynch Vote Gazoink
Vitek: Your post without even acknowledging planeshaper's:

IronStar: ...
Also, i vote Gaznoinks as he was quite fast to declare himself a townie. Not really sure I know wtf I'm doing but, it's better than just reading....
That nothing to do with that post, as I also saw that, and had that reasoning. 2nd part of the sentence was referring to that I'm not sure that I'm right.
N0x0ss: I still don't understand why they chose to kill Planeshaper... I mean, I'd probably kill off the most experienced players in the game where i mafia.

Considering I was the only mafia in game and others were townies :
Incontestably Vitek would be first.
Nmillar second
Ironstar 3rd..
Would have left Gazoinks till the end, since he never takes a real decision :-)
Well they probably(imo) killed him because he voted for NMillar, and either: NMillar is scum and they did it to eliminate a lynchvote against Nmillar, or NMillar isn't scum and they did it to promote suspicion of NMillar.

As for killing off the experienced players...well if any of those experienced players are town then the game's scum might want to use them as decoy targets(Town might become suspicious of some of the experienced players for some reason & kill some of them off first.....and if they are found to be town then it gives the game's scum more opportunity to win the game.) instead.

N0x0ss: I still don't understand why they chose to kill Planeshaper... I mean, I'd probably kill off the most experienced players in the game where i mafia.

Considering I was the only mafia in game and others were townies :
Incontestably Vitek would be first.
Nmillar second
Ironstar 3rd..
Would have left Gazoinks till the end, since he never takes a real decision :-)
GameRager: Well they probably(imo) killed him because he voted for NMillar, and either: NMillar is scum and they did it to eliminate a lynchvote against Nmillar, or NMillar isn't scum and they did it to promote suspicion of NMillar.

As for killing off the experienced players...well if any of those experienced players are town then the game's scum might want to use them as decoy targets(Town might become suspicious of some of the experienced players for some reason & kill some of them off first.....and if they are found to be town then it gives the game's scum more opportunity to win the game.) instead.

I see things rather differently...

Planeshape was not killed because of Nmillar... Nmillar had what ? 2/3 votes against him ?
Far from him was the threat of being lynched...
I really don't know why he was killed...
And experienced players can't be used as decoys, because they'll eventually gather the others around them, knowing how to play, and pose in the end a much greater threat.

Ask yourself why Vitek (yes, with a K i know..) hasn't been killed yet...
He should've been the 1st victim, seeing how he's "eager" to catch the killer.

I'm really at a loss... but at this point I think one of the two (Nmillar or Vitek), if they're town, will probably be the next victims. They must... otherwise the mafia is just playing radom kills..

Regarding gazoinks, I don't know why he can't take a single decision... but I still think he might be innocent... more so than vitek or nmillar that is.
N0x0ss: I see things rather differently...

Planeshape was not killed because of Nmillar... Nmillar had what ? 2/3 votes against him ?
Far from him was the threat of being lynched...
I really don't know why he was killed...
And experienced players can't be used as decoys, because they'll eventually gather the others around them, knowing how to play, and pose in the end a much greater threat.
Ask yourself why Vitek (yes, with a K i know..) hasn't been killed yet...
He should've been the 1st victim, seeing how he's "eager" to catch the killer.
I'm really at a loss... but at this point I think one of the two (Nmillar or Vitek), if they're town, will probably be the next victims. They must... otherwise the mafia is just playing radom kills..
Regarding gazoinks, I don't know why he can't take a single decision... but I still think he might be innocent... more so than vitek or nmillar that is.
Regardless of the number of votes, the scum here could've easily picked someone against NMillar(As that bandwagon seemed to be the most verbal at the time, and still does...what with you pushing it so much and all.) and offed them to cast suspicion on NMillar. Why do this? As I said above......either he's scum and they're trying to cast him in a bad light for some reason(To get rid of a weak link in their group or just to keep the heat off of the rest of the group.), or he isn't(More likely scenario.) and they're trying to get him offed within the next day or so.
Oh but they CAN be decoys.......experience or no, the scum of the game can still try(And possibly will try) to cast suspicion on any experienced town players in order to try and get them lynched & have a better chance at winning the game(Due to there being less town afterwards & also due to there specifically being less EXPERIENCED town that could possibly sniff them out and try to eliminate them.).
Because he's either a scum and they won't vote for him as he's one of their own, or he's town & they won't vote for him as it might lead to one or more of them being caught. Who knows at this point?
The scum in the game might be just seemingly killing randomly....we don't know the method(if any) behind their "madness" yet.
I still have no real leaning on Gazoinks, personally. That one is a hard one to read, that is.
N0x0ss: I see things rather differently...

Planeshape was not killed because of Nmillar... Nmillar had what ? 2/3 votes against him ?
Far from him was the threat of being lynched...
I really don't know why he was killed...
And experienced players can't be used as decoys, because they'll eventually gather the others around them, knowing how to play, and pose in the end a much greater threat.
... *snipped*
I was mafia twice. Our choices for NK were following:
Game 3: Night 1 - person who we suspected soem knowledge about mafia team
Night 2 - low-profile person who couldn't be tied to us + very likely power role
Night 3 - claimed cop

Game 8: Night 1 - person who we feared that might be dangerous (he wasn't me no. 1 pick but I wasn't one to make the call)
Night 2 - role-copped doctor
Night 3 - player who hinted power role
Night 4 - claimed power role

Not a single time my mafia team killed player to cast suspicion on someone else (well once it was part of players reasoning but I was detering from that even there). So yeah, mafia usually don't kill people to cast suspicion on someone. They kill power roles or "untrackable" targets.
Hey all, I apologize for not being active lately. Between the Humble Bundle, trying to organize a band, practicing instruments, and working on my coding I've been a bit busy. I will try to take a read-through and organize notes so I can become active again (and hopefully be a bit less wishy-washy ;)).
Hi all, sorry for the delay, work/life interfering as usual.

So re: Noxoss + Nmillar...
I'm starting to seriously think that Noxoss is in fact mafia, and that Nmillar is too.
Ever since the night killings, Noxoss has been a little melodramatic and agent provocateur-ish.

I think he's been over-acting in order to try to elicit responses from the rest of us, so he knows how best to play us. And while this tactic could be used by both mafia or townies, I'm leaning towards Noxoss being mafia because:

1) He still hasn't responded to my post about him feigning ignorance about townie roles in this game. By going all "chicken little" on us and claiming to believe that there are no townies with roles and that "us" townies are doomed, he's waiting for unsuspecting townie noobs (with roles, naturally) to reply with a quick "but yes there are!" This way, he'll know which townies to target during the night killings.
Noxoss, noone else seems to share your opinion that this forum game of mafia could somehow have purely vanilla townies. Isn't that curious?

2) Also, I find it curious that Nmillar is defending Noxoss by alleging that it would be a "strange move" by Noxoss to kill Planeshaper, who had been voting to lynch Nmillar, if Noxoss was mafia, because Noxoss voted against Nmillar.
But here's the thing, I'm with Gamerager and I think Noxoss publicly voted against Nmillar (who's also mafia), in order to make it appear he wasn't mafia, and then Noxoss nightkilled Planeshaper.

Wouldn't that be convenient? How could Noxoss *possibly* be mafia, because everyone hates Nmillar, and so by voting against Nmillar, Noxoss *must* be townie.

But isn't this risky play, you say, because Nmillar could actually get lynched? Not really.
In a recent post, Noxoss alleged that Nmillar had "2/3 votes against him", but going by Baz's last vote count before the Gameon incident, there was only ONE vote against Nmillar, by Noxoss.

So there was no real danger of Nmillar (mafia) being ACTUALLY killed, since nolynch was in front by 3 votes.

tldr, I'm very suspicious about Nmillar and Noxoss. Thoughts, y'all?
Just rereading my 2nd point - there's a strong change my vote counting is completely off, in which case I merely cast a SUSPICIOUS GLANCE at Noxoss and Nmillar (or NO and NM, as they shall henceforth be known) instead of POINTING MY FINGER at them.
Wait what? I tried to do a new post, and it added the post as an edit! =(
Post edited June 09, 2012 by aylien
Yeah.. less than 10 minutes is a reedit ^^ technically you should be mode killed for this :P But I don't think you had anything to hide.

Furthermore, you clarified that there where roles when you asked about their meanings or I don't know what (It was you, the first talking about them, wasn't it ?)
Therefore, following your logic, you should be the next night victim; but I have the feeling you won't die.

Ah and by the way, you're over thinking it. While your arguments may sound convincing, they look like a paranoiac statements. So I've been mafia with nmillar from the beginning, and putting on "fake" energy to kill him, when I clearly could have profited from a no-lynch situation in the very beginning of the game ?
I also managed Gameon's suicide and in a very intelligent plan, predicted it would be best to defend him against the 3-4 people voting against him and profit from his suicide before it actually happens ?

I must be .... a genius !
Come back when you have more convincing proof, and I just might lynch myself :-).
=) Perhaps I was being paranoid. Seems like flavour of the month here in theses forum mafia posts... "when in Rome..."

but as for you feeling that i won't die, hah, i'm pretty sure i'll be next, i just ensured my death when i asked about roles =P
I just want to confirm that aylien's "edit" there really was a doublepost, and that for now, I'm letting it slide. But please, everyone, be careful about it: if you want to send two posts in a row, wait 10 minutes before posting the second one.

In other news, I'm not going to mass-prod, considering it's the weekend, so here's another semi-prod: talk! Silence won't catch scum / confuse those stupid townies.
Post edited June 10, 2012 by bazilisek