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I still don't understand why they chose to kill Planeshaper... I mean, I'd probably kill off the most experienced players in the game where i mafia.

Considering I was the only mafia in game and others were townies :
Incontestably Vitek would be first.
Nmillar second
Ironstar 3rd..
Would have left Gazoinks till the end, since he never takes a real decision :-)
N0x0ss: I still don't understand why they chose to kill Planeshaper... I mean, I'd probably kill off the most experienced players in the game where i mafia.

Considering I was the only mafia in game and others were townies :
Incontestably Vitek would be first.
Nmillar second
Ironstar 3rd..
Would have left Gazoinks till the end, since he never takes a real decision :-)
Dunno, I find the (presumed) reasoning for killing PS pretty sound. Namely, he didn't post that much (but wasn't completely inactive) and, besides accusing me for a bit, didn't really connect with anyone. In other words, it's a safe kill and it doesn't give us very much information. Killing a more active member could pay off, but it'd be much riskier as well.
N0x0ss: I still don't understand why they chose to kill Planeshaper... I mean, I'd probably kill off the most experienced players in the game where i mafia.

Considering I was the only mafia in game and others were townies :
Incontestably Vitek would be first.
Nmillar second
Ironstar 3rd..
Would have left Gazoinks till the end, since he never takes a real decision :-)
Gazoinks: Dunno, I find the (presumed) reasoning for killing PS pretty sound. Namely, he didn't post that much (but wasn't completely inactive) and, besides accusing me for a bit, didn't really connect with anyone. In other words, it's a safe kill and it doesn't give us very much information. Killing a more active member could pay off, but it'd be much riskier as well.
I mean what kind of pussies, no-fun, buzz-killers would do that :S ?
I play the game for fun, thrills etc..... If I wanted safety, I'd stay out of the game :/

Ah and the game is much more annoying and boring to us townies...
Gazoinks: Dunno, I find the (presumed) reasoning for killing PS pretty sound. Namely, he didn't post that much (but wasn't completely inactive) and, besides accusing me for a bit, didn't really connect with anyone. In other words, it's a safe kill and it doesn't give us very much information. Killing a more active member could pay off, but it'd be much riskier as well.
N0x0ss: I mean what kind of pussies, no-fun, buzz-killers would do that :S ?
I play the game for fun, thrills etc..... If I wanted safety, I'd stay out of the game :/

Ah and the game is much more annoying and boring to us townies...
Well sure, but for the Mafia the game is essentially about safety. They want to protect themselves so they can proceed with their nightkilling, unlike townies they don't necessarily need to play aggressively.
Posting to avoid being Modkilled......sorry I was away this long.(IRL issues to deal with that had my full attention.) Will answer replies I might've gotten as soon as I read back on the last 8 pages(20 posts per page) or so & formulate my replies.
IronStar - would you kindly explain why do you want nmillar lynched? It is very narrow minded thing to do: what if not only nmillar but also n0x0ss are town? It loses the game for us. You can't be sure that one of them is scum and one isn't. Vitek also said that it's probable that both of them are town.
matti1996: IronStar - would you kindly explain why do you want nmillar lynched? It is very narrow minded thing to do: what if not only nmillar but also n0x0ss are town? It loses the game for us. You can't be sure that one of them is scum and one isn't. Vitek also said that it's probable that both of them are town.
Would be a perfect statement from a mafia who wants to defend a partner; just saying.
Vitek: Hi guys, I feel better now. I guess the 12 hours of sleep helped. :-)
No, it was explaining of gameon's reasoning. He is not making assumptions, he's presenting it as facts.
Spread suspicion among town? That's the point! You can't be sure who is town right now and no one can label someone as town because he agreed with him on one thing.
They would want nolynch because even with completely random lynch there 25% chance it will hit scum. With nolynch there is 0% chance. Also people are saying here they want to have more info on next day. What is better source of informations than lynch? They will be happy with nolynch as it will provide no info about them.
I doubt this. How would not mentioning them as scum make them more suspicious? I don't believe someone would try to cast suspicion this way. If he left out 2 players I would suspect scumbuddies but this way I am willing to believe he forgot them so I consider it null.
Sure, I agree. But so far there was no such wagon (other than nolynch one) so no intel was gathered and it is foolish to try to move into night.
Hmm, so why so many people, including you, were pushing the nolynch almost since the game started?
Similar examples? Sure. Similar number. No way. Only small percentage of games has such problems and it is strange to enter the game with expectation of them.
So why were advocating nolynch?
Although you moved a bit toward scum after this post, I really thank you for posting it. ;-)
Question for you, do you have any suspect?

Also, who is up for lynching IronStar?
Good for you, then. :)
Regardless of his reasons for doing so I don't think his were the actions of a scum defending another scum(If that was what you were trying to determine by asking him that question in the first place), which is what I guess I was trying to say in the first place.
Yes, you can't tell much(As of this post, I mean. I realize there's been a day change since this post)about who is town or not(Unless you're mafia, that is.), but since there's little to go on(As of this post) for most players I see it no less valid to label someone as a fellow town because they agreed on something you did than to make any other speculation based on the scant information we have to go on so far(Player replies/votes/actions/etc.).

As such, I assume from your actions that you were telling them not to trust each other so easily to sow dissent among those you possibly saw as(or knew to be) town by telling them not to be so trusting of each other.

Bad reasoning? Maybe....we'll see as the game goes on, now won't we?
And(again) I think they'd be willing to take the risk, seeing how low it was, if it gave them a chance to hit two town in one day instead of one.

As for information.....well imo people WILL talk/act after a kill/day goes by, nolynch or lynch. As such, I think we could get some info/reads as people talk/act after a day goes by(Regardless of what happens to transition that day.), and would(as of this post) be happy with either as long as it moves the game forward(So we can get more discussion going among the players AND so the game doesn't stagnate.).
It was more random musings than anything else, but it could also be a valid tactic.....a scum could avoid casting/writing reads on certain players(While writing same on everyone else) they know to be town/veteran players/tough adversaries to make the town players think the ones not read/written about by a poster were that poster's scum buddies, possibly leading to those players being voted on/lynched/etc.
And I thought(as of this post) that not much information could be gathered by town at such an early point in the game(Barring a newbie scum player saying/doing something stupid.), and that staying too long in day one wouldn't have much point to it.

By moving into a new day(regardless of method), the players could discuss the new death(s) & players could form reads from other player's posts/actions afterwards(Thus moving the game forward while allowing the players to gather more information.).
I advocated nolynch for a few reasons: First(As I said before, in this post and others.), it would move the game forward & keep the game from stagnating(Which I feared might happen after seeing it happen to several mafia games on This would also allow us to form reads from other player's posts/actions after the new day started.

Second, I realized that any lynch on day one would most likely hit a random town(What with the odds being so high in favor of it & all[As this is most likely a standard 9:3 mafia game, the odds would've been 75% or 3:4 that we would've hit a town if we randomly voted for/lynched someone on day one.].).
Well I have little mafia experience(I've only been in this game and one other.). From what i've seen of the GOG mafia games, though, it seemed as if a few had stagnated at one(Or several) point(s) & nearly died off from inactivity. As such, I was afraid it would/could happen here & was trying to prevent such if I could.
I already mentioned in this post/reply why I advocated nolynch. :)
Not a problem. :)

As of now(On post 261 currently.) I have no suspects as I haven't read anything that struck me as odd/scummy(And possibly because I am fairly new to mafia and/or can't read people/their actions/their words for shite...:\...).

(Also sorry this reply took so long.....damn irl issues.)
Yikes, things are starting to get big. I'd better start taking notes. :) Suppose I'd better reread.
Gazoinks: Yikes, things are starting to get big. I'd better start taking notes. :) Suppose I'd better reread.
I'm on post 302 now......damn i'm gonna be reading for awhile, I guess.
I'm on a 64hr week so will lodge a couple of big posts thursday and Sunday I have a lot on notepad.

Also alyen you should keep your info close to your chest your more likely to be targeted at night if they know you have a power role.

But if you have caught one of them in the act you may as well reveal it.
Okay, what do we know about Planeshaper's actions this game?

1. Before voting for NoLynch during Day 1, he voted for Gazoinks.

That's it.

What does this tell us?
boct1584: Okay, what do we know about Planeshaper's actions this game?

1. Before voting for NoLynch during Day 1, he voted for Gazoinks.

That's it.

What does this tell us?
Either that I'm an incredibly stupid scum or the mafia purposely chose PS because there wasn't much to go on for him. :)
matti1996: IronStar - would you kindly explain why do you want nmillar lynched? It is very narrow minded thing to do: what if not only nmillar but also n0x0ss are town? It loses the game for us. You can't be sure that one of them is scum and one isn't. Vitek also said that it's probable that both of them are town.
As stated already - it;s the risk I'm willing to take. Explained it few pages back.

Also, Vitek, you still haven't told me why do you think I'm scum?
boct1584: Okay, what do we know about Planeshaper's actions this game?

1. Before voting for NoLynch during Day 1, he voted for Gazoinks.

That's it.

What does this tell us?
Gazoinks: Either that I'm an incredibly stupid scum or the mafia purposely chose PS because there wasn't much to go on for him. :)
It could go either way, I think. I don't know how you play, Gazoinks; you might have done it on purpose and expected just the response you gave. And it also makes sense the other way, that there was little to go on regarding his actions.

I'm not making accusations, just thinking out loud.