tokisto: Clap! A socio-anthropological lecture on genders.
Seconded, good read and close to no propaganda for a change.. Sex as body, gender as mind and social expectations, got it.
This doesn't change and actually support my conviction that sex and gender must match, or it is a danger and inappropriate for either an individual balance, interpersonal relations and public life.. Anyway, thank you for taking on your time to write this down as clearly.
I trust there are two distinct sexes / genders meant for each other by nature / culture, not three, not 50 and no other in existence still to be found out, in terms of genetics and their purposes.
Creating and / or comforting "new" ones or morally questionable kind of groups and causes within the society "in the name of" won't solve anything, just divide the whole more and more, with each group striving from the humble right to breath life, which should be a given for sensible reasons when it involves consenting adults, up to requesting offensively their share of legitimacy from all the others as it is now happening with LGBT lobbies..
These are dangerously driven by the hunger to expand their "culture" as they can't procreate between themselves as homosexuals, and for the social legitimacy of their behaviors, to ease their own moral consciousness accusing them of "sinning" by gaining public opinions approval, Religions and most informed studies pointing such as inappropriate and harmful no matter what for solid reasons grounded in ethics and healthcare. I trust LGBT people themselves for knowing it being deviant deep inside, their sorrow, incompleteness right after laying with another man or woman, "married" or not.. Ironically, their most loyal and vocal supporters are more often than not complete strangers to and from actual LGBT people, your generic "Social Justice Warriors (TM)" as someone wrote here, good one!
End of this road of them lobbies pushing on our Western societies with the outburst of LGBT content in medias and for illegitimate privileges, like these terrible claims having "rights" on, and for children..? Civil war, where Might makes Right. If this happens, you can forget about minorities having rights at all, and quiet LGBT people asking nothing but living would be the collateral victims of this, because of their own lobbies misrepresenting them and the trigger, these ideological imposters biting too hard the hand feeding them.
Sexuality being a private matter, I understand no valid reason to manage different "gender systems" for our societies beside sensibilizing to the specific situation of transgender people, for their effective integration and employment. Other than that, there is no legitimate need and reason to "change mentalities" and by that to "create" more LGBT people building easier ways to engage in their behaviors and lifestyles, as they are suffering their conditions, I believe..!?
A man acting effeminate, a man being penetrated by another male, are transgressive for a reason to the very notion of what is a man, his purpose as a human being and the masculine gender in general for aeons worldwide. This should and must not change, namely because men are not women! Asking me, it is an outright crime to shake the entire moral system for the only benefit of a few LGBT people well being over the 95% or so of us, under pressure from sick ideologies masquerading as "progress" to brainwash the masses into accepting this happening as the "new" normal reality. A man can also do the vacuum cleaning, cook food, wash dishes and take care of babies, sure, fine. That is not transgressing sexual roles and behaviors, at least!
All these theories, assumptions and speculations about "inborn" predispositions to licence specific behaviors, what a deceitful lot of confusing lies aimed at numbing any true personal responsibility.. Really and in all honesty, WE HUMANS ARE FREE WILLED BEINGS, obviously sexuality is learnt and building, is subject to change over and throughout the course of one's life experiences, while having testicles or ovaries is a biological FACT, one's gender psychological inversion is a medical issue, period.
Absurd ideologies are absurd. Though, they have one important thing and purpose in common,
self-righteousness through manipulating semantic values, words for exemple "homophobia" viciously includes in a single term the fair reject of homosexuality as BOTH the orientation AND / OR the behavior for oneself, WHILE ALSO the unfair reject of "homosexuals" as human persons, for BOTH their homosexual orientation AND / OR the conduct.. Same pattern with the only one word "homosexuality" for BOTH the (often unwanted and suffered) orientation AND / OR the willful practice.. "Inborn" is some magic, justifying word, I guess..? Less popular because not usually shown and not (yet) supported by our deceiving medias, NOTE I am not drawing insulting comparisons between groups here, but what with pedophiles, zoophiles and so on voicing the exact same "inborn" claims, as a way to shake off personal, MORAL responsibility over THEIR OWN BEHAVIORS, as a common Law pleading in today's Tribunal courts..?
Pardon me for asking, where is that "gay gene" scientific, bullet-proof evidence, by the way..? It is researched for TWO decades, by now..
I am sensible to the begging and crying of suffering people just like the next person, but these don't change reality as it is.. One thing for sure and certain, I do not and will not support / allow social pressures from political hypocrites of the LGBT lobbies and their "progressive people" backers to redefine moral values, and now the masculine and feminine genders as they see fit, to set new rules and guidelines for everyone to live by and bow down to, as they don't have the proper authority to do this outside of their own communities. At least not for and against myself, or whoever is / will be under my responsibility to educate and take care of.
Lobbies manipulating public opinions to expand their "culture", while their concerned people claim to suffer.. How ethical is this..?!