Posted December 04, 2014

My backlog is probably 1/6 the size of yours, but it's full of RPGs, games with high replayability, and games with lots of collectables and secrets (which I despise, but try to complete anyway!).
For your sake, I hope most of your games are short indie titles that can be finished in an afternoon :)

uhhh not likley
i have yet to start skyrim
i have morrowind somewhere
i have never winter nights 1 and 2
i want to replay kotor
i stil need to bruninate everything in icewind dale 1
i have balders gate 1 and planescape toment
i havet vampire redemption and i want to replay bloodlines
i have that time sink called the sims 2 and oblivion
i have the pc versions of ff 7 and ff 13 ( gods help me )
i have the new shadow gate
several monkey islands
3 broken swords
both syberias
3 saints rows
all 3 batman titles
the megadrive collection which includes at least 5 old school jrpgs totally fucking fucked arent it ?