Sam2014: Do not even hold a candle to some here.
Someone on Steam Gifts celebrated owning 2000 games on Steam.
xieliming: Out of curiosity, are you guys/gals playing through some/one of those games on your backlog or does it just represent a backlog you'll likely never touch?
I'm not playing any PC game at the moment. I installed Jade Empire on our new laptop and started playing it, but it was quickly apparent that my family isn't happy when I'm not at their beck and call. I might be able to dedicate some time to it in the evenings, but it competes with shorter entertainment options, like movies, and these have the satisfaction that they get finished. I do intend to play the Valiance Online pre-alpha, but that's outside the backlog.
I do play my Android backlog, but it tends to grow faster than I can play it, largely thanks for free games. One game recently dropped out of it, Gobliiin Trilogy. It was sad because I wanted to play it, but I updated in on the Amazon app store and DotEmu added all kinds of insane permissions, like finding my location. Can't stomach that kind of thing, so I uninstalled it.