Well, the book was also full of non necessary sex scenes, but I got your point. Current "premium" tv tries to drag viewers with everything they got, and public tv doesn't. With sex and violence, of course!
Crosmando: Well, I liked the remake of Battlestar Galactica, and it wasn't shy of such content, except that it was done tactfully and was part of the plot, not just "fan service". In fact, BSG is probably the only TV series in recent years I have liked and watched all the way through. Before that..... Farscape probably
I know it's not for everyone and I guess why people look at HBO shows like it's all fan service with nudity/violence/foul language, but it's not.
All these are everyday occurrences, especially with themes tackled here. The problem is that organizations like MPAA have made TV a gray and sterile place with only Cable networks able to do anything different.
Comparisons with LOTR are unavoidable today because 90% of people didn't actually read or watch anything fantasy other than it.
Love and sex themes are a big difference here, because they were written real sterile in LOTR. Even the greatest romances in the LOTR universe are written without any real emotion.
As for BSG that show is badly written, illogical, annoying characters and more plot holes than a Swiss cheese. Only thing it's got going for it is that it is very dynamic, but even that falls flat trying to emphasize the drama with swearing while being unable to utter a simple 4 letter word.
Frak that show.