Tallima: I would probably most definitely stop using GOG services all together at that point. For one, it'd probably be blocked by my security software at home. And for another, I don't want to see any of that or be around it.
Luckily, GOG has maintained a family-friendly appearance.
KneeTheCap: Family-friendly appearance? you mean Witcher -series, Blood, Bloodrayne and all the similar games are family friendly?
Or did I misunderstand something?
(I will never understand people who prefer violence over sex...)
I was actually going to put "family-friendly (for 13 year olds or so and older) appearance," but then decided against it for its wordiness.
But yes, fairly family-friendly. As family-friendly as PBS? (that's the U.S. channel where they show things like Sesame Street and other children shows) No. More family friendly that whipsandchainsxxx.com? Yes.
Violence comes in many categories. Some I can deal with, others are too much of an emotional drain. But the advertisement of violence tends to be less over-the-top than sex-related ads. Sex-related ads really enjoy using the mechanism in a man's head that prompts "doable or not?" And that often leads my brain away from my wife and into the gutter.
Whereas a trail of blood running down an steel wolf excites a "hunter-protector" part of my man-ness. That type of image tends to make me feel strong and excited. It's that image that advertises violence.
I don't like being surrounded by violence all day. And I can only play a violent video game for so many hours before it bores me (whereas something like Sim City could wear out a whole day and I not even notice). But I do enjoy some exciting simulated violence on the television or computer screen from time to time. But the sex-related stuff, so long as it detracts from my commitment to my wife, needs to stay away from me.
Some stuff doesn't bother me. Some stuff does. And it's usually not until I see it that I really know for sure. So I try to abstain when I can. It was that reason I stayed away from The Witcher for so long. But I ended up playing it and loved it. It wasn't too bad after all (I'm in a very different place today than I was when The Witcher came out, though -- I may have taken it differently).
So, your confusion about how people receive violence and sex is partially warranted. It's all about how things interact with individual people -- especially in their brains. It's why we call the material "adult only." We've determined, pretty much across the globe, that only adults should even be given the choice to view/participate in the material because it can have a profound impact on some people's minds. My mind is definitely more negatively impacted from sexual things than violence. I suppose your mind is perhaps more impacted by violence than sexual material -- and perhaps sexual material just doesn't negatively impact you? Or perhaps you know better about what exactly can negatively impact you so you know what to refrain from?