soulgrindr: Speaking of big publisher deals, whatever happened to Ubisoft? We got an initial flurry of games, and nothing since. They have loads of cool old games that could go up on here...
I would hazard a guess that given the size of the GoG team the progress of negotiations with Activision meant that the past several weeks (and ongoing) have involved technical testing to validate old games from the catalogue for upcoming releases ;)
I fully expect to see more of Ubisoft (especially the last 3 Myst games) in the future.... But we gotta give the team time if they are going to continue to negotiate with the last few big hold out publishers and if they are going to continue to test every game they put up and not just host whatever a publisher tells them like a certain DRM'd outlet ;)
Would be interesting in the future too to know when Activisions old catalogue (at apparently surprisingly sensible prices) will bring them in estimated revenue versus Ubisoft higher cost offerings....