stoicsentry: Gedrick: Yeah, sheath, little something to store that bow in, whatever. Ain't no point in giving you weapons you can't use. Or, you want armor? Or a potion maybe? I don't know, just pick 1 damn thing each of you or get out. Don't got time to sit around all day with the young'ins.
Landeril: He glances at Jack "Seems fair but this is your quest. One item apiece won't do much unless a few is sacrificing to make one stronger, or we get potions." He turned to Gedrick, "Would you take a trade as well?" He then held up a mace, "I have no use for this."
Gedrick: Now we're tradin? Are you out of your damned mind? Who the hell are you, anyway? You Brigade? Don't look like it.
Yeah, alright, we trade. I'll take ye'r Mace, you take two items. Now let's get this over with.
[FYI: I am revamping the weapon system for next time, so all the weapon types will offer advantages, so just beat that in mind if giving up on weapons.]