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AnonymousGiftBot: And to those like Thespian* who charmingly said they hope I stick around on my other account - that's kind, but you clearly haven't seen how curmudgeonly I can get when I'm not the giftbot. It's sort of a Jekyll/Hyde duality.
- Jekyll: I don't believe you!

- Hyde: Me neither!

- Jekyll: Since when you agree with me on anything?

- Hyde: Since you started to wear lingerie under your clothes?

- Jekyll: Shut up, damn you!!!
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Thespian*
grynn: Ah I'll change it to another favorite adventure of mine then, The Cat Lady.
Thanks for the info :D
Psst... She'd really love Ether One!

(I got her to check her GOG wishlist and that was her pick) ;)

Reever: I'd like to be in for Thespian*, since he's such a dedicated und kind community member! He's also very helpful and I think he didn't forget to bump any giveaway thread in existence here on GOG :D
That's very kind of you, both the compliment and the support. :)

(in fact, I've forgotten to bump more than a few giveaways, but even a Vulcan need to rest sometime) :D
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Thespian*
Firstly, allow me to send a huge thank-you to The Anonymous Gift Bot (whoever you are, masked man;-) for gifting me Ether One! I'll be taking the day off from job-hunting and worrying about my ailing pup in order to play this amazing game. I do love a game that requires copious note taking , logic and deduction - a good old-fashioned head-scratcher is just what I needed to take my mind off my troubles ;-)

Next, allow me to say how touched I am at those that entered on my behalf. Truly, thank-you all.

Thespian*, chief mischief maker can rightly say "Mischief managed!". I truly hope this settles the score you think we have ;-p ~Vulcan arm-twisting~
Grynn - get to the choppa! cause we got some puzzles to solve.
Genki, you needn't have changed your vote and hey, just remember to ping me with any questions on the problem we're solving for you.
Alloy, thank you for allowing me to fulfill some of my need to mother and "It will all be okay" ;-)
Samlii, Hey there stranger! Speaking of truly generous people, you are in the pantheon of GOG Gift Gods ;-) And I'll nver forget your help when I was in trouble... Hope all is well by you, my friend.

AGB, I hope you continue to visit the forums under whatever guise. This forum is what it is due in no small part to your generosity. I hope you'll continue your efforts as a force for good. Thank you so much for the gift and the honor of being the recipient of a AGB gift ;-)
Momo1991: Firstly, allow me to send a huge thank-you to The Anonymous Gift Bot (whoever you are, masked man;-) for gifting me Ether One! I'll be taking the day off from job-hunting and worrying about my ailing pup in order to play this amazing game. I do love a game that requires copious note taking , logic and deduction - a good old-fashioned head-scratcher is just what I needed to take my mind off my troubles ;-)

Next, allow me to say how touched I am at those that entered on my behalf. Truly, thank-you all.

Thespian*, chief mischief maker can rightly say "Mischief managed!". I truly hope this settles the score you think we have ;-p ~Vulcan arm-twisting~
Grynn - get to the choppa! cause we got some puzzles to solve.
Genki, you needn't have changed your vote and hey, just remember to ping me with any questions on the problem we're solving for you.
Alloy, thank you for allowing me to fulfill some of my need to mother and "It will all be okay" ;-)
Samlii, Hey there stranger! Speaking of truly generous people, you are in the pantheon of GOG Gift Gods ;-) And I'll nver forget your help when I was in trouble... Hope all is well by you, my friend.

AGB, I hope you continue to visit the forums under whatever guise. This forum is what it is due in no small part to your generosity. I hope you'll continue your efforts as a force for good. Thank you so much for the gift and the honor of being the recipient of a AGB gift ;-)
I am soooo happy you got the Game Momo. You truly do deserve it. :) Like you said, it will all be okay in the end. I'm very happy for you and as I said, never stop doing what you do and being Motherly! :D Your loved more than you could ever know!
Thanks for the one last giveaway (at least with this account :)) I still remember that Christmas giveaway, it was one of the most generous I've seen here.

I'm in for Tomb Raider 1+2+3, since I'd like a little background/history lesson of the series before playing the reboot. Particularly since the reboot is more like Uncharted I hear.

Also in for Austrobogulator, as thanks for randomly pming me a game on my wishlist in an act of kindness.
First of all, a heartfel thank you to our resident Gift Bot for granting me the Overlord pack, it was an unexpected and very welcomed surprise. :) I don't know who you are, but you've done much for changing my stance towards bots. :P Hope you'll keep visiting the forums, even in your Hyde personality. ;)

Second, thank you as well to all of you who entered on behalf of our lovely Momo. Without you (genkicolleen, grynn, samlii, alloy), I'd been unable to craft my mischief (:D). Very nice of you, guys and girls! :)

Last but not least, thank you to all of you who complimented me on the thread. An special mention to Reever, who even entered on my behalf. :) Thank you very much, mate! :) As I said in another thread, it's heartwarming to feel so much friendship here... and pretty embarrassing, too (after all, I'm a Vulcan). Thanks! :)

Momo1991: Thespian*, chief mischief maker can rightly say "Mischief managed!". I truly hope this settles the score you think we have ;-p ~Vulcan arm-twisting~
Don't be so sure, I love being mischievous. :D

(and Human arm-twisting can't compare to Vulcan's, so...) :P
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Thespian*
I'm in.
Tough to pick a game but I've narrowed it to Wizardry 8 or Avadon 2. Should I be lucky enough to win, feel free to surprise me :).
Good luck everyone and thank you very much Oh Anonymous One! Never got to know you thru this account of yours but at least your alter ego will still be around.

I'd like to also nominate akhliber. He's a very gentle soul and kindhearted individual on these forums. I saw where he recently got scammed in a trade and still made a giveaway afterwards showing his spirit remains intact.
Post edited May 09, 2014 by ww_gog
I'm in for Beyond Good & Evil. I've held off getting this game due to criticism of the controls and camera movement but all the high praise has me convinced that I simply must experience it first-hand.

I'm also in for because I really enjoyed how his/her [url=]recent giveaway spurred creativity thus resulting in lots of fun entries combined with the fact that he/she commented on every single one of them!

Thanks for the giveaway AnonymousGiftBot (+1). :)
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Lemon_Curry
Assuming our generous gifting bot can complie C code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf("Thank you very much AnonymousGiftBot!\n");
return 0;
Not in for myself, I would like to enter for IAmSinistar: a gentle and polite user, useful and active in the community and a generous gifter too!
Post edited May 09, 2014 by dr.schliemann
I'm in for Papers Please. The reviews sound good. I think it sounds different and as silly as it might sound playing a detective like game of passport checking, there are times I feel I'm in the mood for that sort of game. Why do I not own it? Waiting for the right sale. It's now the top of my hitlist, wishlist when the price is right. I previous top was Hitman: Contracts which I was kindly gifted by the Sigil. That game is excellent, by the way.

Doh, almost forgot, I vote for Foxworks. Hard to vote for one out of so many great people Momo, Thespian, Sachys, etc.
I've seen Foxworks give away so much. In my case, there was the promo which Gog featured a game for every year. I missed Zork Anthology and as part of my post said something about hoping it would come back so I could buy it and Foxworks just sent it to me out of the blue.
Post edited May 09, 2014 by RWarehall
Thanks a lot for this amazingly generous giveaway AnonymousGiftBot, although I haven't been here long but I have indeed seen your contributions in making this forum such a wonderful place. Since you've explained your reasons for retiring the account I will just say that I respect your decision and wish you all the best in future endeavors. Since this giveaway seems like its aimed more towards deserving folks of the GOG community I am not gonna be in as I have hardly done anything worthwhile so far. :)

But since a lot of nice folks have already been mentioned by others like RWarehall above I wanted to be in for one of the unsung heroes of this community foxworks. I have always seen him giving away to others and hardly ever receiving or asking for anything, since I have joined during the insomnia sale promo I have not only experienced foxworks astonishing generosity firsthand but also on countless occasions observed others being gifted games without even asking because they either missed or were short on funds at the time. So, please reward foxworks as well like you have already to other genuinely worthy people like Momo1991 and Thespian*, many thanks again as hopefully this doesn't cost you an arm and a leg since there are just so many great members here. :)
Best of luck in retirement!! I would like to be in for Amerzone, please and thank you. My hope for you in the future is that you have more Hyde moments than Jekyl!!
high rated
Dear GiftBot,

You are undoubtedly all too well aware of all the good you've done and the happiness you've spread around. My memory is a bit muddled, and momo was somewhat oblique on the matter, but I do believe I myself owe you a hefty debt of gratitude. So, for that, and for so much more, thank you! Your departure is a very sad occasion, more so for all that you represented, rather than anything you could have further accomplished. I am sure any amount of thanks pales in comparison to the satisfaction you've gained from finding a forlorn Goglodyte, a friend perhaps, and making their day so suddenly and unexpectedly brighter. You are not alone in this undertaking, yet through your anonymity, you went out of your way to demonstrate to people the virtue and satisfaction of selfless generosity. I will add my voice to the others asking that you stick around on your main account. Curmudgeonly or not, it's people, more than anything else, that make this forum great and each other happy. We'd all rather have a bunch of hotheads butting said appendages, than have a bunch of silent, transient ghosts.

This seems to be a special giveaway, one of those where we all have a chance to recognise and reward the people who make our forum better. Not merely the gifters, but the kind, friendly, and considerate souls who, like yourself, draw satisfaction in merely making others' day better. I am, as usual, somewhat late to the party, so I see that some of the most deserving have already been duly rewarded; another chance to put in a vote for momo or Thespian missed. Drat! On the other hand, there's so many more that need a small share of that recognition: Dischord, Tarnicus, Sinistar, Ian, NameGoo, Schnuff, akhliber, GoJays... It just seems downright unfair to have to pick, even to pick who to list and who gets ellipsised. Of course, if I hadn't already made a pick, I'd still be fretting over it, rather than writing this out, so that choice, at least, has been made: Please, I'd like to be in for Sachys (and I hope he ends up making up his chimpy mind)! Put simply, rather than being merely generous, Sachys is extremely thoughtful and considerate towards people, never greedy, ever mindful of others' inclinations and desires, however obscure these may be. Beneath one's gruff exterior or reckless generosity, it is surely these traits that make one deserving of recognition in the utmost. Hail to the chimp!

I hope this succinctly covers my obligations under the terms of your giveaway (alas, I am rather better at writing at length, than I am at reading :P), and I also hope you take every part of it to heart. I am sad not to be one of those aware of your main account, and a little ashamed for never having made the sleuthing effort towards finding it out. All the same, it has undoubtedly been a privilege knowing it without knowing it. You're a bot, you can make sense of this :P

Happy Trails!
Thank you for this and the kind words! :)
A thousand thank-you's to AnonymousGiftBot for gifting me FRACT OSC! I truly appreciate your generosity! I'm sorry to see you go, but I really appreciate your gesture, and admire your kind farewell to the forums.
Thank you as well to oasis789, Accatone, and ww_gog for your kind words and support, and to rong44 and Spinorial for your kind words. You all made me smile. And thanks to the rest of you just for being so damn awesome. I really appreciate the kindness folks show each other around here. :)