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Hmm, it's a nice way to say bye, but a bye is still sad.
I've never entered any of your giveaways, but I'd like to join this one. I'm in for the Don't Starve DLC: Reign of Giants. I've had a blast with Don't Starve and would really like to play the DLC. It's brand new, so there was no chance of getting it until a few days ago.
Thanks AnonymousGiftBot! +1

Also in for IAmSinistar, because he's a good, intelligent and valued member of the forum.
Post edited May 09, 2014 by DeMignon
I'm in for Summoner. Borrowed it from a friend to play on the PS2 years ago and enjoyed what I played of it. I'd like to see how its PC counterpart fares and if it holds up to what I remember of it.

Thanks for doing so many giveaways and I'll be sad to see the account fade away!

* * * * *

A late edit, but a worthwhile one.
I don't have any idea of what game Ian might like in truth, but the faact is, I cannot think of a more deserving person who has at any point (in my time here) been a part of this community. Several other may come to mind, but I don't think any of them have the calming gravitas of Ian. They might have the generous nature and the outstreched arms of goodwill, but Ian - just one of those guys.

He's the guy in the pub who when yer down on yer luck will buy you a beer and chew the fat of your issue to cheer you up or maybe just remind you the world isnt 100% shit at all times, that there are moments worth experiencing, that life goes on.

When shit was really bad for me in the last year and a but with my dad going through cancer and alzheimers, it would often be Ian I found myself talking to - not through any machiavellian plans of is or anything else - just conversation. never once did he cut me off through disinterest, and never once did he try to force me down a path of action unbefitting.

Hes not always the best with words (still trying to "ascend" hs wife no doubt ;) ), but he has a manner about him that always prevented things fom escalating too much if there was trouble, and preventing it from happening quite often from being about.

His departure from the forums was sad, and required on his part, and his return has been emotional for many - but I think mostly for him. I doubt he ever realised until then just how well appreciated he is around here for all sorts of reasons (and way beyond the multitude of gifts he has bestowed upon us all) until he randomly Pm'd me one day and I pointed him to the "Where Is Ian?" thread.

I have no doubt thats one of the things thats perhaps holding him back from a more rounded return here, but for whatever game he would wish that fits in with the criteria of this giveaway, thats what I would like for him.

Thanks Ian - for being a good friend, and being a great figurehead around here, I'm not one for sentiment, but there it is!
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Sachys
In for the Leisure Suit Larry pack (if that isn't too much).

I would enter for somebody else, but I can't really think of any single person out of several that I absolutely would enter for.
I'm in for Spellforce Platinum. I have always wanted to try it but was talked out of it by someone who didn't like it. Now I know of a lot of differing opinions so I put a curse on the one who gave me that negative impression and want to try it.
Thanks for doing this and best of luck in future.
I'd like to be in for Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls, if that's ok.

I love the Dark Fall series and lost my copy of Lost Souls (oh, the irony!) while moving houses, so it's the only one of the trilogy I'm missing, right now. It's also my favorite of the three, so getting it "back" would be highly appreciated!

+rep and Happy "retirement". :P
Thank you for doing this giveaway, AGB. Hopefully you enjoy your post-GOG retirement and maybe return one day!

I hope to enter for The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime. It was awesome to see that game updated to run on modern systems and finally come to GOG. I guess I haven't played it yet because it recently arrived, but it's a classic I've heard long about and would love to try.

I'd like to add an entry for IAmSinistar. He's contributed a great deal to the community - for example, the missing soundtracks thread and helping track down rights to old games (like Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition). Just an all around positive resource and presence on the forums, and an extremely generous spirit. :)

Cheers and thank you again.
Post edited May 08, 2014 by mondo84
Greetings, AGB. I am not entering for myself, but I would like to enter for OldFatGuy.

He's probably one of the most overlooked members of the community at times and without him, the place wouldn't be the same.

Too bad we can't enter for more than one person.

*Going back to lurk mode, cheers and enjoy your retirement*
I’m in, and if I win, I'd like Tzar: The burden of the crown.

It’s a game I played years before.
The grand campaign allows unlimited levels for the storyline heroes. I leveled one of the storyline hero, the wizard I believe, to such high levels that he one-shot all enemies, including another quest-giving character…. effectively ending my ability to continue the campaign !

Also in for Gremlion, he is active in the Eador game forum. Most of his advice are practical, detailed and to the point.
Post edited May 08, 2014 by cartharsis
Thanks agb! Pity you're leaving!

I'm in for Wizardry 8, I've been waiting for a sale for ages to scratch my tb blobber urge.

Also in for akhliber, for being so generous to us here!
I'm in, and thank you very much! I would like Outlast, as I'm a big fan of spooky games, and this one looks deliciously creepy... and the graphics are incredible, too! I haven't bought it because it's just been too expensive for me, but with the current sale, I won't feel bad for requesting it! :D

There are soooo many people I'd like to be in for, as well -- people who have become very special to me, people who show outstanding kindess, hilarious people, generous people... This time, however, I'd like to be in for someone who went above and beyond to be an upstanding and honorable person, not once, but twice -- Marci87.

: After re-reading the first post's info, I'd like to change this to be in for Momo1991 for Ether One. I still want to give a shout out to Marci87, though, which is why I left my original comment above ;)
Post edited May 09, 2014 by genkicolleen
Sorry to see you go, but this is a very kind farewell. I'd like to be in for Fract OSC, if I may. I love music-focused and headphone-friendly atmospheric games, so this one looks quite interesting to me. Only reason I haven't picked it up is that it's quite new here, and I haven't caved in quite yet, hoping for a decent sale.

I'd also like to be in for Tarnicus, please. Thanks again! :)
Now you have to reveal your true identity :o

Put me down for Alone in the Dark 1+2+3, simply because I'm a crazy person that's interested in seeing the roots of survival-horror.

Also in for iphgix, who wants Far Cry 2. I really wish more people would play it, I had such a wonderful time playing that game. It's a pity that a lot of people get turned off by a few minor issues.
I dunno how it is possible but I never heard of AnonymousGiftBot even so I am sorry you are retiring.

If I may I would be in for Settlers II </span>or <span class="bold">[url=]10th anniversary edition. Whichever you see better - I'm slightly turning to the original one.

I so remember it from my youth and would be really glad to have a chance to play it again and see how my experience with this game changed over the years.;-)
Post edited May 08, 2014 by Marci87
Thank you for the giveaway kind sir... bot... entity?

I'm in for Avadon 2: The Corruption. Despite being very simplistic in many areas, its predecessor captured my attention for dozens of hours. And although I haven't finished The Black Fortress (my ancient PC run out of lives and the HDD was too old to put into new rig...) I'd really like to play Avadon 2.

Also in for DeMignon. I'm not a fan of DLCs, but it looks like this particular one introduces significant changes to the game.