Ceht: Yeah, it's nice to get another shot at something, but do we really need
that many shots at it when there are other games that could use a little spotlight love?
I don't, you don't, but I bet plenty of people will kick themselves after the sale for missing on some "frequent" flash deal.
Ceht: I think the flash sales need to be shuffled better so people like me don't feel like they're in Groundhog Day as the same games keep popping up each time. 227 games over two weeks or more shouldn't leave me feeling like I'm mostly seeing the same 50 games over and over, ya know?
Well, bad news. With the 30 games at a time we have right now you'll see plenty of games more often today :)
At least we are starting to see the few remaining games that jMich had unearthed that were MIA until now (including the teased flash freebies) so that should make you happy :).