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Kids are real dealbreakers sometimes, like Seven in Married with Children, or that incredibly frustrating son in The Strain.
A little curve for the conversation if I may...

What's worse, remaking classic movies or remaking movies that were seemingly just made?

Yes I know Point Break is over 20 years old now but that just seemed really really weird. And then of course Total Recall and Robo Cop. Oh, and a new Spider-Man every ten minutes. XD

Say what you want about Ben-Hur, but at least they gave it some time before they did it. :D
Get off my lawn Hollywood!
tinyE: Oh, and a new Spider-Man every ten minutes. XD
I'll let that one slide, because that's pretty much the same frequency with which they reboot the comics...
tinyE: A little curve for the conversation if I may...

What's worse, remaking classic movies or remaking movies that were seemingly just made?

Yes I know Point Break is over 20 years old now but that just seemed really really weird. And then of course Total Recall and Robo Cop. Oh, and a new Spider-Man every ten minutes. XD

Say what you want about Ben-Hur, but at least they gave it some time before they did it. :D
It's been over 20 years with Total recall and almost 30 for RoboCop, so it's not exactly "just made". Still, that new Total Recall piece of shit perfectly illustrates my point- it's been just a couple of years, and it's almost totally forgotten (pun not intended). The original stands strong and undiminished as one of the best action/sf movies ever made.

What really bugs me are the almost instant remakes of movies and tv shows for the US audience. Like british Broadchurch remade as Gracepoint just a year later. With the same actor in the leading role even, repeating some scenes shot for shot. What's the point? It's even in the same bloody language. What's the point?
tinyE: Oh, and a new Spider-Man every ten minutes. XD
InfraSuperman: I'll let that one slide, because that's pretty much the same frequency with which they reboot the comics...
The movies still haven't gave us Peter Parker making a deal with the devil, having his body taken over by Dr Octopus or becoming a multi-billionare putting Tony Stark out of business. They could at least go balls crazy and mess up their Spider-Man before rebooting him.
Post edited March 23, 2016 by Breja
tinyE: Oh, and a new Spider-Man every ten minutes. XD
InfraSuperman: I'll let that one slide, because that's pretty much the same frequency with which they reboot the comics...
Really? Well then I guess I should remove myself from the conversation because I'm an idiot about that.
Breja: The movies still haven't gave us Peter Parker making a deal with the devil, having his body taken over by Dr Octopus or becoming a multi-billionare putting Tony Stark out of business. They could at least go balls crazy and mess up their Spider-Man before rebooting him.
I wonder why they'd even try. After all, the Spider-Man they filmed about forty years ago can't possibly be topped...
InfraSuperman: I'll let that one slide, because that's pretty much the same frequency with which they reboot the comics...
tinyE: Really? Well then I guess I should remove myself from the conversation because I'm an idiot about that.
I was exaggerating, of course, but Marvel and DC tend to do pretty stupid shit in their comics, followed by them either extensively retconning or outright rebooting those universes. I don't follow that stuff all that much anymore, but apparently, the whole Marvel universe was restarted in 2015:
"It was announced in February 2015 by Marvel that following the "Secret Wars" storyline, a new universe would be established by combining the 616 Universe and 1610 Ultimate Universe."

On a related note, there are some weird things going on in comics, like the cancellation of the Fantastic Four series, which likely happened because Marvel wanted to spite 20th Century Fox for holding onto the movie rights of that franchise.
Post edited March 23, 2016 by InfraSuperman
Elmofongo: And the Trailer is already revealed:

Wow so hollywood finally caved and started rebooting and remaking old school classic academy award winning movies like Ben-Hur.

Now I worry about the Godfather, and Lawrance of Arabia, and Citizen Kane.
Hollywood is dying : remakes , sequels and comics crap .
Post edited March 23, 2016 by Painted_Doll
Elmofongo: And the Trailer is already revealed:

Wow so hollywood finally caved and started rebooting and remaking old school classic academy award winning movies like Ben-Hur.

Now I worry about the Godfather, and Lawrance of Arabia, and Citizen Kane.
Painted_Doll: Hollywood is dying : remakes , sequels and comics crap .
Deadpool was good.
tinyE: Deadpool was good.
Eh. I prefer Magnum Force.

(Joking aside, yeah, it was really good.)
tinyE: Deadpool was good.
InfraSuperman: Eh. I prefer Magnum Force.

(Joking aside, yeah, it was really good.)
Nice Dirty Harry reference! Point goes to InfraSuperman!
Without having watched the trailer, I must say that I'm on the fence about this.

I'm not generally against what is usually classified as "remakes". There's some pretty spectacular remakes out there, like for example John Carpenter's The Thing, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers from 1978. And Ben Hur is a movie adaptation with I don't know how many iterations. So why not another one?

The main point is that you have to bring something new and exciting to the table, be it an entirely new spin on the source material, a wildly different direction style, a new commentary on society,... Just literally "re-making" an iconic movie with better technology and nothing else, on the other hand, is bad, bad, bad, bad.
darthspudius: Ben Hur is untouchable. They can remake it all they want but nothing will ever beat the original.
It pains me to say that I have never seen Sidney Olcotts 12-minute epic from it really the definitive Ben Hur adaptation?
Post edited March 23, 2016 by Randalator
Elmofongo: snip
Breja: Don't. Even if they do make remakes, they will be forgotten faster than I was by every woman I ever met.
LOL That makes two of us.

But yes, this is the movie along with Ghostbusters remake that I won't spend any money or time watching.
tinyE: Deadpool was good.
InfraSuperman: Eh. I prefer Magnum Force.
Funny because when I heard "Deadpool" being mentioned here and there in passing I was really confused for a while because I hadn't heard of any of the other Dirty Harry movies being remade and figured they decided to remake that one for some reason. I don't know/follow comic stuff, so had no idea that was what it was until there was some image of it somewhere online.
Randalator: Without having watched the trailer, I must say that I'm on the fence about this.

I'm not generally against what is usually classified as "remakes". There's some pretty spectacular remakes out there, like for example John Carpenter's The Thing, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers from 1978. And Ben Hur is a movie adaptation with I don't know how many iterations. So why not another one?

The main point is that you have to bring something new and exciting to the table, be it an entirely new spin on the source material, a wildly different direction style, a new commentary on society,... Just literally "re-making" an iconic movie with better technology and nothing else, on the other hand, is bad, bad, bad, bad.
darthspudius: Ben Hur is untouchable. They can remake it all they want but nothing will ever beat the original.
Randalator: It pains me to say that I have never seen Sidney Olcotts 12-minute epic from it really the definitive Ben Hur adaptation?
Youtube it. I was referring to this one [url=]1925[/url] As far as I'm aware this is the first feature length Ben Hur. A 15 minute short doesn't count.