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GTA V seems to be a GREAT game. Witcher 3 is GUARANTEED to be a golden masterpiece of a game. Both are open world/exploration, freedom, etc. Compare and contrast them by looking at them individually.

Witcher 3: Is an RPG, has an epic story, has magic, medieval type of good old gore, alchemy, you build a character, you try to survive and end up helping people but without aspiring at that at first. Witcher 3 is not the type of game for EVERYONE, or that MOST of the people will roll in and compete. It is for conoisseurs and sadly, mostly for the lovers of this genre. Other players and especially those who like other genres MORE than an RPG, will probably find it a sack of bull...

GTA is a trendy game! Anyone could play it and get stuck well with it, from children to old timers (i first played GTA 1 when 12 years old). Its world is identifiable and very similar to ours. Instead of a horse you ride modern or not so modern, vehicles and transportation means, from trains, to bicycles, to motorbikes, cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters and various other goodies. Story usually sucks or is about the boring (un)life of some random scum, small timer, useless prick who finds himself trapped in modern society's hellish off-roads. It is great though, because it shows cr*p raw and even makes humor out of it, like corrupted trigger-happy cops, drug dealing weapon smuggling minorities, certain/iconic ethnicities involved in gang warfare, mafia enterprises, criminal underworld dealings and so on, and various other nasty, juicy, appealing themes. Hell, you can even pick up prostitutes or go to a strip club!

Maybe i will get both, maybe none. Still, my money is on Witcher 3, even if it failed me miserably (for marketing, PR and d*ck moves from below the belt, especially ones bearing resemblance to ugly malpractices of certain other sellers). Witcher 3 is DRM FREE. GTA V is bound to client, needs logging in, social club account, a ton of sh*t and cr*p. Plus it is full of problems and errors and people having bought it legit, are unable to either download, play, or both. GTA V is a bug-skunk full of restrictions, DRM and everything evil that stands AGAINST the legit customer who actually bothered to buy it with hard earned cash. Also, technical support sucks dwarf c*ck in the company and platforms where GTA V is released; at least getting Witcher 3, here, will guarantee you two things: technical support is excellent and unparalleled in these parts and new content (16 free DLC) is going to be constantly added as well as the game being constantly polished on the go.

Also, a good reason to avoid GTA V, is that previous GTA titles, like Vice City and San Andreas, got a forceful update which REMOVED GAME CONTENT from the game itself. No one can guarantee us that this hilarious abuse isn't going to happen again, in a game of the same series and title...
Elmofongo: But I still don't know why people still thinks Vice City is the best game in the series despite how much improvement the later games achieved. I remember characters in GTA San Andreas, 4, and 5. Vice City just felt like an cheap knock off of other crime movies like Scarface and Carlito's Way.
Vice City is simply put a perfect blend of delicious, 1980's cheesyness and cliches from series like Miami Vice, Knight Rider etc. as well as great 1980's crime movies. I'd say nostalgia has a lot to do with it. Plus the sound track is pretty damned sweet as well.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Also, a good reason to avoid GTA V, is that previous GTA titles, like Vice City and San Andreas, got a forceful update which REMOVED GAME CONTENT from the game itself. No one can guarantee us that this hilarious abuse isn't going to happen again, in a game of the same series and title...
You could just use the patch to re-install the content.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Also, a good reason to avoid GTA V, is that previous GTA titles, like Vice City and San Andreas, got a forceful update which REMOVED GAME CONTENT from the game itself. No one can guarantee us that this hilarious abuse isn't going to happen again, in a game of the same series and title...
darthspudius: You could just use the patch to re-install the content.
Ah, but i was one of the lucky ones, to had bought the RETAIL, trilogy, boxed version. Who would instigate cr*ppy clients in his system? Not everyone is tolerable to sh*t thrown at face from people he payed good money to, not everyone agrees to crappy terms/licenses/agreements, not everyone enjoys being kicked in the teeth instead of being treated as a valued customer! And most importantly, not everyone likes how THIS is executed, while thinking all this is to his own best interests/goodness.

Now, i know, V has a boxed version, but unlike the 3d era trilogy pack, it cannot be played without restrictions, connection and online "interference". So, it SUCKS.
Post edited April 17, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
tomimt: Vice City is simply put a perfect blend of delicious, 1980's cheesyness and cliches from series like Miami Vice, Knight Rider etc. as well as great 1980's crime movies. I'd say nostalgia has a lot to do with it. Plus the sound track is pretty damned sweet as well.
Totally agree, pastel suits included! That was pretty much the end of the GTA series, San Andreas is playable, and has some nice things, but really lost the feel. GTAIV, well, I paid 40 for that when it came out, never got to play until recently came across a crack for it. Played it for an hour or so, then deleted, crap story, no inventiveness, poor controls etc. Cockstar have joined the throngs of companies who will never get a penny from me. Its almost like you can tell when the bean counters come into a company:
Dragon Age 1 + Acension - great, solid, brought both straight up when they came out.
DA2, Inquisition - Not an f in chance.
Morrowind/oblivion + all packs, actually brought two copies, GOTY and separate. Skyrim - there is an f in off Bethseda.
The list goes on, but it just annoys me.

As for Witcher 3, well 1 was superb. 2 I have had for ages and not really played it so don't know. I like to support DRM free and CD Projeckt, but creating DLC for a game not even released yet, thats just a bit cheeky. Its almost like they know its crap and want to rake in the money before it falls over. I have nothing against DLC (in this sense anyways) but it should really be a "well our game is now stable and has been taken well, how can we expand on that", not making it look like they split what was already there out. So on W3, I will wait a year or so.

Anyways, just got D:OS and PillarsOE and have a backlog of at least 2 lifetimes.
darthspudius: You could just use the patch to re-install the content.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Ah, but i was one of the lucky ones, to had bought the RETAIL, trilogy, boxed version. Who would instigate cr*ppy clients in his system? Not everyone is tolerable to sh*t thrown at face from people he payed good money to, not everyone agrees to crappy terms/licenses/agreements, not everyone enjoys being kicked in the teeth instead of being treated as a valued customer! And most importantly, not everyone likes how THIS is executed, while thinking all this is to his own best interests/goodness.

Now, i know, V has a boxed version, but unlike the 3d era trilogy pack, it cannot be played without restrictions, connection and online "interference". So, it SUCKS.
*yawn* yes boss
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Ah, but i was one of the lucky ones, to had bought the RETAIL, trilogy, boxed version. Who would instigate cr*ppy clients in his system? Not everyone is tolerable to sh*t thrown at face from people he payed good money to, not everyone agrees to crappy terms/licenses/agreements, not everyone enjoys being kicked in the teeth instead of being treated as a valued customer! And most importantly, not everyone likes how THIS is executed, while thinking all this is to his own best interests/goodness.

Now, i know, V has a boxed version, but unlike the 3d era trilogy pack, it cannot be played without restrictions, connection and online "interference". So, it SUCKS.
darthspudius: *yawn* yes boss
Magmarock: Although W3 isn't out yet, but out of these two which are you most looking forward and which do you think you'll go back to for replay value.
I want both equally and a new PC to play them on. GTA V might edge out Witcher 3 for me just because of the online mode, which is ridiculously fun with friends.
nightcraw1er.488: As for Witcher 3, well 1 was superb. 2 I have had for ages and not really played it so don't know.
Man, I loved Witcher 1 when I played it the first time. It felt so fresh. After that I've installed it twice to play it through again and it just doesn't work for me anymore. It lost all its luster and I can't for the death of me get why I liked it so much the first tme.
mobutu: I'd take W3 anytime over the other game you mentioned ;)
Had a good laugh at the way you seem to ignore GTA's name. I haven't played any of GTAs so not a valid opinion on this, but Witcher games seem really good as I am in Chapter 2 of the original and have read great comments for the 2nd Witcher too. Number 3 of the epic series though seems the best of all and a future classic.
My thoughs? I need/want to play both and I need/want the necessary hardware to do so!
Since I've mentioned time and again I'm not into GTA series on the whole and my current PC won't run W3... *shrug* neither?
Although I do have W3 pre-ordered (probably the last... no, the very absolute total lastestest pre-order for me) so I'll go with this one.
Well, I just bought GTA 5 and I'm bored with it already... Probably because there's literally no imagination in the creation of the game. I like my fantasy stuff so I'm getting a refund and grabbing me some Witcher juices.
I already got GTA 5 for 360 a while ago. Yeah the PC version is prettier and will run at a better framerate if you have a decent rig, but its still the same game. So I'm looking forward to Witcher 3 more.
GTAA V is awesome -

Flight model could use some work thought. I have not had a whole lot of hands on time with the game.