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stg83: Another pertinent question is how many people can actually run The Witcher 3 on their systems when it comes out on May 19th. The GTA V port is really well done and scalable on a variety of system configurations. So in terms of more people actually being able to play the game, GTA V wins i.e. ofcourse if they don't have a problem with Rockstar Social Club DRM. ;)
I think Witcher 3 would run on most system fine. It probably won't look it's best but it should run. To be frank I plan on getting a titan X with a 5K monitor and I still don't think it will run too well.
Magmarock: Words
Ha! Well, to expand a bit on my previous answer,, I probably spent a good hundred hours each on GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas while barely touching the main story of each (although I finally got around to completing the story of III and Vice City). Keep in mind GTA V has more to do (as you said) than any of the previous games ever did, and a much larger map than any of the previous ones.

To be fair to The Witcher 3, it's also probably going to be jammed packed with things to do, along with having branching paths, so if you want to try and get at least two unique playthroughs then you can at least double your playtime. Plus i doubt you're going to be just running from quest to quest with nothing to do in between.

Hm, maybe this is tougher than I thought.

Edit: Geez it took me about ten minutes and five different attempts at posting this reply for it to finally go through.
Post edited April 17, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
Magmarock: I think Witcher 3 would run on most system fine. It probably won't look it's best but it should run. To be frank I plan on getting a titan X with a 5K monitor and I still don't think it will run too well.
I doubt that it will run fine on most systems as the minimum requirements for Witcher 3 are equivalent to the recommended for GTA V. Its just a high entry point and I think anything with less then those required specs will have issues running the game properly. Ofcourse it also depends on how well the game is optimized which only time will tell after its release.
Witcher 3 all the way, baby :)
Although, I already own GTA5 on console :) I hate DRM on PC!!!
* I've played GTA V @ PS3,
* I've played GTA V @ PS4,
* I've played GTA V @ PC


Now - W3 is my target for next few months... :)
frodziarz: Well..
* I've played GTA V @ PS3,
* I've played GTA V @ PS4,
* I've played GTA V @ PC
Looks like you missed the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of GTA V, but there is still time until the release of Witcher 3. :P
Post edited April 17, 2015 by stg83
Rockstar Social Club = No money from me... So TW3 if you ask me...
The Witcher 3 for me. The PC version of GTA V looks good too though, minimal issues. May grab it a couple of months down the line.
Magmarock: This true it's just speculation for fun really. But that is an interesting point you have. What makes you want to replay Witcher more then GTA?
I felt Witcher 2 had a high replay value and everyone should play it at least twice to get to know all characters and their motivations, so if Witcher 3 does branching storylines like Witcher 2 then it has a high replay value. Also the factor that limits GTA V re-playability is linearity in my case. (Which I'm basing on GTA IV but I could be wrong here)
Witcher 3 for me of course since I'm a fantasy / medieval RPG magnet but that's just me. Never been a huge fan of GTA series despite the fact they're great open world games. DRM is also a factor for me, I wouldn't buy GTA even if I liked it.
frodziarz: Well..
* I've played GTA V @ PS3,
* I've played GTA V @ PS4,
* I've played GTA V @ PC
stg83: Looks like you missed the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of GTA V, but there is still time until the release of Witcher 3. :P
True :)
I'd take W3 anytime over the other game you mentioned ;)
The Witcher 2 because Steam stole my lunch money and it's bad! >_<
In all honesty Witcher 3 doesn't really interest me that much anymore. I recently played W2 through for the second time and I can't really say I enjoyed it that much as I did the first time.

What comes to GTA5, well in my honest opinion, none of the sequals have been as good as Vice City is. It has its own technical difficulties and some clunky design, but as far GTA series go, that is still the best what Rockstar has made.
tomimt: In all honesty Witcher 3 doesn't really interest me that much anymore. I recently played W2 through for the second time and I can't really say I enjoyed it that much as I did the first time.

What comes to GTA5, well in my honest opinion, none of the sequals have been as good as Vice City is. It has its own technical difficulties and some clunky design, but as far GTA series go, that is still the best what Rockstar has made.
I can understand why people prefer Morrowind over Oblivion and Skyrim.

But I still don't know why people still thinks Vice City is the best game in the series despite how much improvement the later games achieved. I remember characters in GTA San Andreas, 4, and 5. Vice City just felt like an cheap knock off of other crime movies like Scarface and Carlito's Way.

And I have beaten Vice City here is my review:
Post edited April 17, 2015 by Elmofongo