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Banned for creating paper mache pawns.
Banned because i understood that reference.
Banned for understanding a reference.
HeresMyAccount: Banned for understanding a reference.
Banned for not using the cool spelling of Undastand.
Banned for posting songs from D-Fens's play list.
banned for getting caught defenseless in barbed wire
Banned for making think of how a krogan would just bum-rush barbed wire and laugh as it makes him more deadly.
^ Banned for not wanting both Mass Effect Trilogy (with all DLC's) and Mass Effect: Legendary on GOG.
Banned for wanting to play games in which you can't do everything in a single play through.
^ Banned for not wanting games w/ replay-ability and not wanting to talk w/ other players in person and/or online to find out how differently each playthrough can turn out.
^ banned for actually expecting HeresMyAccount to be reasonable, much less affable and gregarious
^ banned for actually making good points that I should've thought of...
^ Banned because suck my balls (note: I'm only trying to prove Hooyaah right, so that I can claim that he attempted to make a baseless allegation in the wrong place, and even failed to do it properly, since the allegation would actually be true).
^ banned for leaving your testicles inside your mother's womb at birth
Banned for not being tolerant of wayward tentacles

MysterD: ^ Banned for not wanting games w/ replay-ability and not wanting to talk w/ other players in person and/or online to find out how differently each playthrough can turn out.
Banned because your choices didn't matter and it ended more or less the same no matter what you did.