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Banned for turning robots into robosexual slaves while forcing them to make sammiches and tea.
Banned because a robot can do all those things at the same time, where as a human can not.
Banned because people will want robots to have rights in the future, even though they are soulless automatons.
banned because AI will be more intelligent than all people in the world combined and "it" will redefine the definition of what life is... before, or just after, they end or enslave yours
"It" is an offensive way to refer to them, and should only be reserved towards peoples I don't like.
Banned because I wonder whether there's the tiniest bit of possibility of AI ever coming to a point where they would just tell themselves,"You know what, I think I'm just overthinking things." and decided to finally stop in their attempt to eliminate us humans.

EDIT: Dang it.. I got ninja'ed. This is what happens when you don't reload the site.. (I mean it must be embarrassing to be ninja'ed with a 21 minutes difference).

Banned because I have just written quite a long ban just now, but apparently GOG didn't register it when I posted it. F*ck.

EDIT: Apparently GOG was late in putting my post in this thread.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by MovingArtillery
Banned because the problem with kissing a perfect 10 is my lips get cold when they touch the mirror.
Banned because the mirror is a minor and therefore can't consent.
Banned for not suggesting a pool of water, instead of mirror, just like what Narcissus did. Water is natural and older than the humanity itself and fresh!
Banned for not suggesting a pool of blood as mentioned in your demonology text book.
Banned for not declaring the 5 liters of blood in your body when you went through Airport Security, that's definitely more than the allowed 100 ml.
Banned for being unreasonably scientific.
^ banned for trying to be reasonable in an irrational banning thread
^ banned for revealing to me I can ban irrational numbers of people.

Additionally the previous π posters are banned for being overly round.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by Mortius1
^ banned for not knowing that King Arthur's largest knight was Sir Cumference and that he got that way by eating Pi