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^ The person above me should be banned for not knowing about this
Person above me should be banned from life, not for life.
Banned for wishing someone dead.
Banned for not believing in un-death
Banned for being a necromancer.
Banned for being a necromancer's creation.
Banned for being created by Moving Artillery.
banned cause you need a real box for out of the box thinking
^ banned for slipping the GOG bear a mickey
Banned for slipping Mickey Mouse a teddy.
Banned for giving Detective Mickey the slip. He'll catch you eventually.
^ banned, Inspector Gadget for doing so
Banned because the latest gadget I got are AMT tweeters, but I don't know what to do with them.
banned cause you need only one gadget and that is a continuum transfunctioner
banned, because you still didn't inspect er gadget