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^ ban-jo... can't play foggy mountain breakdown!
banned for not giving a proper end to a visual novel that i just completed(secret)
Banned for robbing the right of the visual novel's developer to earn profit. There may be people in this forum who are interested in whatever visual novel you're currently keeping secret.
Banned for trying to interfere with his privacy, and for cutting the bracelet in half in the first place - why did you do that?
Banned because this bracelet contained a destructive power that attracted many monstrous morbid creatures to it, and therefore it had to be destroyed (hence being cut in half). I had to do it. The reason why I keep those halves with me is to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Post edited July 22, 2021 by Vingry
Banned for not putting the two halves in concrete and burying them under the ocean on opposite sides of the world.
^ banned, for not having suggested one half be dropped into the active volcano, Amon Amarth
Banned for wanting things dropped in volcanoes when that's never solved anything.
banned for being a problem and then dropped into a volcano... Problem solved.
Banned because Amon Amarth is good, but I prefer Hatebreed and Fear Factory.
Banned for not letting me know what you think of Cannibal Corpse.
Banned for not calling it what it is: a zombie.
Banned because they ate my neighbours.
Banned for letting that happen when you could have defended your neighbors by filling their lawn with battle-plants.
Banned because my preferred method of getting rid of monsters is having them fight aliens.