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Banned because your're beautiful, even when ya try to be ugly.
banned because you're ugly, even when you try to be beautiful (not really, you're kind of okay, man)
banned for supporting ugly ones...
Banned, because beauty is in the eye of ... ughh ... uhm ... ugh ... you know the thing ....
banned for not having clarification on what to say... hahah (fun)
banned because he meant, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Banned because he meant, beholders hold beautiful eyes.
banned because he meant bee holders hold beautiful hives
Banned because bee holders get stung.
Banned because bee's only sting evil bee holders who harm them and not every bee holder.
Banned, because sneetches get steetches.
Banned because Horton may hear a Who, but he don't play no punk $#!+.
Self-banned, because I was too slow :-(
Post edited July 12, 2021 by morolf
banned for leaving nobody for me to ban

Banned for failing to ban Morolf before he was able to ban himself, because he was too slow.