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banned because, "tag, you're it!"
Banned for tagging someone named Thurman Merman.
Banned because the voices told me to do it!
Banned for not seeking any psychiatric help for your mental illness.
Banned for not celebrating mental illness as a totally valid lifestyle.
^ banned for not recognizing mental illness as a disease that should be treated, not a "lifestyle"
Banned for entering a valley filled with silicone.
Banned because those are just breasts not a valley.
Banned because breasts are likened to mountains, cleavage is the valley.
Banned for cleavage of the rocks in the mountain.
Banned for likening geysers to nipples and forests to body-hair.
Banned for enjoying the scenery of shaking and trembling twin mountains rich with silicon.
banned, because those Weebles wobble but they don't fall down
Banned because bobbleheads bobble until I knock them down for annoying me.
Banned for adhering to the collector's mentality.