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Banned by the book and the mug!
Banned in the name of the author, the sun and the holy toast.
^ banned for using my wife's image as your avatar
Banned for violating your oath of celibacy.
Banned for violating your oath of inebriation.
banned for being insouciant
Not banned for being incontinent, but banned for forcing us all to call you splatter boy.
Banned, because of a bureaucratic error.
banned for lacking an efficient administration
banned cause you were trying to turn things around by running in a circle
Banned because you were trying to turn yourself around by putting your right foot in and putting your right foot out.
Banned, for blindly dismissing circular logic without even thinking it through to the end.
banned for giving Hokey Pokey lessons in the banning thread
Banned for putting on and being the only contestant of the wet robe contest.
banned for soaking that robe in Icy Hot gel first