Avatar the Last Airbender: Katara, Aang, Momo and Sokka before the PTSD set in.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Found it outside my door and immediately adopted it, as with all 8 cats i owned before. Ugly thing that scars me is that all of them died on me, for various reasons, most of them natural and unexpected, or unpredictable. This time round i don't take my chances, though, i keep it mostly indoors but i also let it play with his feral GF when she strolls in my gardens.
We both can't sleep at night, unless we cuddle under the blanket, headbutt and nosebump. It is the cutest, sweetest little familiar i have ever bonded with, hedgehogs, owl and bats aside. Feline seems to have a natural affinity for me, too, because even though all cats in the area are feral, yet for some reason, especially when i "loose" one i keep, they themselves show up out of thin air in my doorstep, as if they are seeking me.
I feel the worst, as if i am cursed or something, or a life leeching demon, something of shorts. It pains me that all the things i love die on me, just like that and they are gone.
Sorry to hear that. But you're making their lives better, if they keep coming back. It's sad that so much of life is so temporary. :( Have you tried keeping a journal so that you can remember the good parts and not focus so much on the loss?